Vol.12 | Confidence is a choice

Vol.12 | Confidence is a choice

Update: 2021-12-15



What’s up guys! Welcome back to my podcast YWN. If you like what you are hearing right now plz subscribe share comment ,anything helps and enjoy your episode.

Main Transaction:

Recently here in Ningbo,there are some BI#. Some of the people got BI#.I think It’s  like a town in the north part of Ningbo it’s not in the city center but still the BI#.And my school is closed ,too. We can’t go out.I feel like everyone is kinda nervous about it this time.The number keeps going up. People are wearing BI# again.And all those public places we need to keep one meter BI#. I just hope everything will be fine soon. Cuz you know the winter holiday is coming i gotta go back home.And i don’t want to when i go back home i need to BI# in a hotel room. Damn that’s just terrible i don’t wanna do that.So let’s pray. Let’s pray everything will be fine. And i heard about that BI# came back from Shanghai.And they BI# and stuff. After that it’s kinda like a BI#. After i woke up that day i was checking my Wechat moments and everyone was reposting that BI#. I was like omg really? here? And people are really nervous about it.The last time people are really nervous about it.It’s probably last year. Cuz you know even though there are always some BI# showing up but here it’s the first time after almost two years. So while living here, i almost didn’t feel the BI# going on here. But guys no matter if your cities have it or not. Don’t forget to do all those protections like wearing a mask when you are around people in public, washing your hands before you touch your face and all that. They are really necessary especially like right now it’s really easy to get the flu in winter. Now i’m actually outside. I don’t know where is it. Like i’m in a teaching building now. It’s a corner of my campus. I don’t know where is it. And you know we can’t go out so my roommates are in my dorm and they play games or talking it’s kinda noisy. So i can’t record there.  I just went out and find a quiet place. And finish this episode cuz It’s been a long time since last episode.  Actually the weather here is cloudy. And the sky is kinda gray. I feel like it’s gonna be rainy but it’s not. And it’s cold and winter cloudy depression weather.And i just feel really lazy in this kind of weather.I don’t wanna do anything. For me you know it’s perfect to be lazy at home stay in your cozy bed watching some movies just chill at home. That’s exactly how i felt these days. I don’t have any motivation to do anything . So i decided to rest for a couple days now I’m back,i feel fresh and excited to talk with you guys again!! And today i wanna talk about confidence. You know what It’s kinda funny cuz i don’t think i am a confident person, maybe sometimes when i’m hyped i will be really brave and bold.But most of the time i am not a quote-unquote confident person. I do care about people around me,  i will be thinking like omg if i do this what they will think they might think it’s weird it’s stupid. I’m trying to be a carefree person, but there’s still a long way for me to go.  Ok but why i wanna talk about this topic and i am not even confident hmm it’s a good question and i can genuinely tell you i don’t know i don’t fucking know .Sometimes i’m weird i don’t really know myself, i don’t know what the is going on in my mind,i just feel like wow confidence,people are not confident and this topic sounds cool right? Yeah i’m not confident ,too.Let’s talk about it figure it out right? Maybe we can find a solution just share my opinions. And then here we are we have this episode about confidence.Anyway guys i just feel like confidence is a really important thing for everyone and meanwhile it’s also a problem because a lot of people is lack of it. Confidence is not only to simply be confident . It related to a lot of things like anxiety ,self-esteem,self-love,self-care ,etc. Like all those things. So i wanna share my opinions about how we can be more confident and where dose this confidence come from i  mean it’s just my personal opinions i might be wrong so let’s figure it out today. I always really admire or you can say a little envy those who are super confident inside out, when you are around those people you will feel like they don’t care about anything they don’t give a fuck. And it’s from their personality or maybe not ,we don’t know but some of them they were born like that i feel like. Their self-confidence will radiate on you and affect you. This is really important here’s a quote i’m not sure if you guys heard about it before. It said you will become more and more like who you surround yourself with,because those people are a reflection of you,at the same time you are also a reflection of who you hang out with. Which simply means that if you are around confident people you will be more confident. I can’t say you will be just like them but i’m sure they will affect you to be more confident. But this doesn’t work in any situation. Sometimes it will even make you feel worse if you don’t choose the right people. When i was in high school there’s a guy in my class, i hung out with him really often in the first year of my high school ,he’s like confident and handsome guy. But i feel like he’s not really caring and supportive as a friend so i usually felt kinda bad around him i felt even more insecure i don’t mean that he’s not a good person he’s mean just i don’t feel comfortable in that situation, it’s kinda hard to explain it. If you are in this kind of situation it’s not right,but if your friend is confident and he or she understands your situation like you are not sociable you have insecurities or even inferiority complex.And they understand you and encourage you. Then it will probably work.Cuz it’s a positive influence. So this brings down the first point 1. Choose who you wanna hang out with,if you wanna be this kind of person so hang out with this kind of person.  now im trying to stay with positive people who spread good energy around. Usually they will make you more positive and a good energy guy. They are really cheering they cheer you up whenever you feel down i feel really good around those people. The people around you let’s call it environment. The environment is important it can affect you but it’s not enough to make you confident inside out. Yourself is the root of this confidence system. You need to accept yourself as a imperfect individual,accept your flaws and build your self-love. Truly love yourself,you know one of the reasons of my lack of confidence is that i have so many insecurities. I’m not a tall guy i’m insecure about my height i will be thinking what if they think i’m too short they will not like me or make friends with me, and i am insecure about my face my skin i have some pimples on my face this can cause that im always trying to avoid to look at people’s face while im talking with them because i don’t want them to see my face either. and i am insecure about my teeth ,they are not pretty  and that’s why i don’t usually smile cuz i don’t want people to see my ugly teeth, and i don’t like my body-image blabla...  all those things in my head are stopping me to be confident even be myself. Ok i know i’m in a really bad situation so what should i do,should i just die i have so many problems im so short im so ugly im so this and that , NO,escape from what im going thru now it means i give up i lose .i think i have two choices one is being negative hate myself, dislike all my imperfection.Obviously it’s not my choice,i chose to accept them embrace them and change them. I have skin problems so i went to dermatologist,i don’t like my teeth so i take care of them i went dentist btw guys take care of your teeth it’s soo important and it’s freaking expensive to go to dentist i just planted one tooth i didn’t know that it cost that much money it’s like 13000 yuan i thought at most 5 thousand before since then i started to be really careful about my teeth, oh here i wanna recommend you guys a thing-water flosser It’s such a game changer!!! Omg it’s just soo good ever since i tried it i can’t stop. You know when you are brushing your teeth it’s really hard clean everywhere like some corner or the gaps the brush can’t get those places. So those places after a long time it will be really dirty and then you will cavities in those places.That’s why you feel like i’m brushing my teeth even three times a day i cleaned everywhere but you still get cavities. It’s not your fault it’s just because some of the places is untouchable. But if you are using water flosser,when you direct the water from the flosser tip at your gumline and between your teeth.It’s just perfect after you brush your teeth and use the water flosser to clean gap between your teeth. But careful if it’s your first time to use it adjust the pressure make sure it’s not too harsh for your gumline. Usually i will use the water flosser after i eat something to make sure my teeth is always clean. And it’s not that expensive mine is less than 200 yuan. I think it’s a reasonable price and it works well so far i love it i will not say this brand’s name cuz i don’t want you guys think it’s a sponsored episode. it’s not a promotion im not sponsored by anyone so don’t get me wrong. And here are a lot of brands tho ju









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Vol.12 | Confidence is a choice

Vol.12 | Confidence is a choice