Robert and Toby continue to delve into the topic of AI and in this episode, we start to examine how AI is or will impact each of the typical M&A processes. As the duo walk through the process from Deal Sourcing to Due Diligence and then into Legal Contracts and Valuation it becomes clear that AI is already playing a strong role in some aspects of M&A. But equally, there are other areas where AI might play a supporting role, where the need for human intervention is still prominent in what Toby refers to as 'the art of M&A'
There's also our long-standing view that the current 'narrow' AI is simply another tool that can be harnessed to significantly advance the quality and efficiency of M&A transactions BUT like all tools, it is the quality of input that determines the quality of output. GIGO (Garbage In = Garbage Out.
We've still got more to unpack on the topic of AI in Mergers and Acquisitions, and we hope our thoughts and viewpoints stimulate your own thought processes.
What do you think? Are you in agreement with Robert and Toby, or do you have a different viewpoint? We'd love to hear what others have to say.