DiscoverMarzia Prince's Bikini Body Workouts
Marzia Prince's Bikini Body Workouts
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Marzia Prince's Bikini Body Workouts

Author: power music, inc.

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These fitness podcasts are aimed at getting you in perfect Bikini shape! Marzia Prince, the winner of the 2007 Ms Bikini Universe at age 32 takes you “Back to Basics” with tried and true exercises that have been the staple of fitness professionals for decades.  These simple yet effective routines will help you lean out, increase muscle tone, endurance, and energy, while also strengthening joints, helping shed unwanted fat and cellulite, and giving you greater health and an overall sense of well being.  Marzia’s regimen is geared towards women who want to achieve weight loss and get toned (without looking too muscular), while maintaining a nice elegant feminine physique. Don't forget to check out Marzia Prince's Bikini Body Workout Mix album at or iTunes.
3 Episodes
Cable Lat Pulldown, Cable Back Row, Bent Over Barbell Back Row, Dumbbell Bent Over Back Row, Dumbbell Reverse Flys, Supermans,
Walking Lunge, Bench Body Squats, Step Ups with Weights, Dumbbell Dead-lifts, Calf Lifts, Leg Lifts
Dumbbell Bicep Curl, Dumbbell Tricep Kickback, Cable Bicep Curl, Cable Tricep Pulldown, Barbell Bicep Curl, Barbell Tricep Extension