Waking Up Without Your Children As A Separated Mum - How To Cope When Coparenting And Your Children Aren't With You
In today's episode, Hannah delves into the emotional reality of your children not being with you all of the time when you are co-parenting. As a separated mum, she shares the profound impact of those empty nights and the struggle of adjusting to a reality different from the envisioned one she had of what motherhood would look like. Here is what she covers:
💔 The Deep Emotional Impact Of Her Children Not Being There
🛠️ Constructive Coping Techniques
🌈 Thriving Beyond Motherhood
📚 Free PDF Guide: Explore Hannah's comprehensive guide to the grief process, providing valuable insights and tools to navigate the emotional complexities of co-parenting and loss of time with your children. Link to Guide Here.
If you've ever felt the weight of an empty home during co-parenting, this episode is a compassionate guide to help you navigate the emotions and transform this challenging experience into an opportunity for personal growth. 🌟