Was J6 a Precursor?

Was J6 a Precursor?

Update: 2024-08-205


This podcast delves into the alarming rise of private militias in the United States, examining their origins, motivations, and the potential dangers they pose to democracy and public safety. The hosts, joined by ProPublica reporter Josh Kaplan, discuss the evolution of the militia movement from its roots in the 1990s to its current resurgence fueled by conspiracy theories, cultural anxieties, and the political climate. They explore the vague and capacious ideology of these groups, often centered around resisting government overreach and restoring a perceived past glory. The podcast highlights the role of Donald Trump's presidency in emboldening these groups and providing them with a sense of legitimacy. The discussion delves into the legal challenges of enforcing laws against private militias, including the difficulty of defining the line between lawful gun ownership and unlawful militia activity. The hosts and Kaplan discuss the tactics and activities of these groups, including their military-style training, vigilante operations, and efforts to infiltrate law enforcement and politics. They emphasize the importance of understanding their methods to counter their threats. The podcast also examines the role of social media in militia activity, particularly Facebook, which has been used for recruitment, communication, and the shift to more secure messaging platforms after the January 6th attack on the Capitol. The hosts express concern about the potential for a resurgence of militia activity in the 2024 election, particularly in relation to ballot drop boxes and voting centers. They highlight the need for forward-looking analysis and proactive measures to prevent future violence.


The Rise of Private Militias in the United States

This podcast explores the alarming rise of private militias in the United States, examining their origins, motivations, and the potential dangers they pose to democracy and public safety. The hosts, joined by ProPublica reporter Josh Kaplan, discuss the evolution of the militia movement from its roots in the 1990s to its current resurgence fueled by conspiracy theories, cultural anxieties, and the political climate.

The Ideology and Tactics of Modern Militias

The podcast delves into the ideology and tactics of modern militias, exploring their vague and capacious goals, often centered around resisting government overreach and restoring a perceived past glory. The hosts and Kaplan discuss the role of conspiracy theories, cultural issues, and the influence of Donald Trump's presidency in shaping their motivations and activities.

The Legal Challenges of Enforcing Laws Against Militias

The discussion turns to the legal challenges of enforcing laws against private militias, highlighting the difficulty of defining the line between lawful gun ownership and unlawful militia activity. The hosts and Kaplan discuss the potential constitutional questions, political backlash, and the fear of sparking further mobilization that hinder law enforcement efforts.

The Tactics and Activities of Militias

The podcast examines the tactics and activities of militias, including their military-style training, vigilante operations, and efforts to build alliances with law enforcement and politicians. The hosts and Kaplan emphasize the importance of understanding their methods to counter their threats.

The Role of Social Media and the Threat to the 2024 Election

The podcast explores the role of social media, particularly Facebook, in militia activity, including recruitment, communication, and the shift to more secure messaging platforms after the January 6th attack on the Capitol. The hosts express concern about the potential for a resurgence of militia activity in the 2024 election, particularly in relation to ballot drop boxes and voting centers.

The Need for Forward-Looking Analysis and Prevention

The podcast concludes by emphasizing the need for forward-looking analysis and proactive measures to prevent future violence from militia groups. The hosts highlight the importance of monitoring their activities, identifying potential threats, and taking decisive action to protect democracy and public safety.



A group of armed civilians organized for military purposes, typically without official government authorization. In the context of the podcast, it refers to unlawful private paramilitary organizations.


A group that is organized and trained like a military force but is not part of the official armed forces of a state. Private militias are considered paramilitary organizations.

Christian Nationalism

A political ideology that seeks to establish a Christian theocracy, often characterized by a belief in the supremacy of Christian values and a rejection of secularism.

Conspiracy Theory

An explanation for an event or situation that is based on speculation, conjecture, or unfounded evidence, often involving secret plots or hidden agendas.

Election Fraud

The illegal or unethical manipulation of an election process to influence the outcome, often involving voter suppression, ballot tampering, or vote buying.

Ballot Drop Box

A secure container where voters can drop off their completed ballots, often used as an alternative to in-person voting.

Voting Center

A location where voters can cast their ballots in person, often used in elections with a high number of voters.

Second Amendment

The amendment to the U.S. Constitution that guarantees the right to bear arms, but it does not protect the right to form private militias.

Anti-Militia Laws

Laws that prohibit the formation of private militias, often based on the principle that only the government has the authority to organize and regulate armed forces.


  • What are the goals and ideology of modern militias, and how have they evolved since the 1990s?

    Modern militias are characterized by a vague and capacious ideology focused on resisting government overreach and restoring America to a perceived past glory. They often draw on conspiracy theories and cultural issues, such as gun control, COVID restrictions, and election fraud, to mobilize their members.

  • How did the election of Donald Trump impact the militia movement, and what role did he play in their resurgence?

    Trump's election provided a sense of legitimacy and permission structure for anti-government groups, who saw him as an ally. His rhetoric and policies, particularly around gun rights and election integrity, further emboldened these groups and fueled their activities.

  • What are the legal challenges in enforcing laws against private militias, and why is it difficult to prosecute them?

    Law enforcement faces challenges in prosecuting private militias due to potential constitutional questions, political backlash, and the fear of sparking further mobilization. The line between lawful gun ownership and assembly and unlawful militia activity can be difficult to define and enforce.

  • What are the tactics and activities of militias, and how do they try to infiltrate law enforcement and politics?

    Militias engage in military-style training, vigilante operations, and efforts to build alliances with law enforcement and politicians. They use a variety of tactics, including marketing schemes, fundraising efforts, and social media platforms, to recruit members and legitimize their activities.

  • What is the potential for militia activity in the 2024 election, and what are the concerns about violence both before and after the election?

    There is a significant concern about a resurgence of militia activity in the 2024 election, particularly in relation to ballot drop boxes and voting centers. The potential for violence both before and after the election is heightened by the spread of conspiracy theories and the possibility of Trump's refusal to accept the results.

  • What are the implications of the FBI's failure to anticipate January 6th, and what needs to change to prevent future violence?

    The FBI's failure to anticipate January 6th highlights the need for a more proactive approach to addressing the threat posed by militias. Law enforcement needs to be more vigilant in monitoring their activities, identifying potential threats, and taking decisive action to prevent violence.

Show Notes

As Donald Trump’s sentencing date approaches, he and his lawyers are throwing all the spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. MSNBC legal analysts Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord break down the former president’s request to adjourn his sentencing until after the election, and the Manhattan DA’s response. Then, ProPublica reporter Joshua Kaplan joins for a deep dive into his reporting on unlawful American militia groups. Andrew and Mary talk with him about the threat these paramilitary groups pose, how they’ve used Trump’s denial of the election results for recruitment and spreading their ideology, as well as the dangers of collaboration with law enforcement.    


Here is Josh Kaplan’s ProPublica investigation: Armed and Underground: Inside the Turbulent, Secret World of an American Militia. (Included is a response from Meta about the use of Facebook as a recruitment tool.)


Also a note: We're expecting a joint filing in the DC case next Tuesday, so we’ll release our episode on Wednesday so Mary and Andrew can detail what's in that filing. 









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Was J6 a Precursor?

Was J6 a Precursor?

Mary McCord, Andrew Weissmann, Joshua Kaplan