We're All Just People, with special guest Zac Hall
The guys welcome Zac Hall to the show, and get a little more personal and philosophical than usual.
Links discussed:
Federico Viticci's "Second Life" essay
Sinéad Burke's TED talk, "Why design should include everyone"
99% Invisible's "Curb Cuts" episode
Simon Sinek's TED talk, "How great leaders inspire action"
Michael Steeber's 9to5Mac article, "Made on iPad"
On Purpose with Jay Shetty's interview with Dr. Laurie Santos
Dr. Laurie Santos' podcast, The Happiness Lab
Jeff Bridges' song, "Maybe I Missed the Point"
Zac's 9to5Mac article on Apple Watch Series 3 vs Fitbit
Zac's 9to5Mac article on Apple Watch Series 5 battery life issues
Zac's 9to5Mac article on HomeKit and hyperlocal weather
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