What's Best for Children's Nationality Podcast #6 Reflecting on what’s best for children’s nationality
The concluding episode reflects on the challenges, successes and cases presented throughout the series, and offers some conclusions while also setting a possible agenda to increase positive change.
The Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion has partnered with UNICEF to produce this six-part podcast series, ‘What’s Best for Children’s Nationality’. The series aims to build knowledge around childhood statelessness and the right of every child to a nationality by exploring good practices in the field with examples, challenges and successes from real-life settings. You can share your questions and reflections on the issues raised using the hashtags #NationalityForChildren and/or #ForInclusiveSocieties and find us through our twitter handle @institute_si. You can also send an email to info@institutesi.org.
Narrator and partner in production is Andy Clark from Podcast4u. Music comes from Blue Dot Sessions and Podington Bear under Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution License.