What Does the Text Say, Kyle? (RHOBH Full Recap)
What's up Bros? Things are getting messy in RHOBH. We pick up in the Viper Room and Kyle and Dorit are still going at each other. Sutton and Garcelle seem to be team Kyle while at the Viper Room, but their stance shifts as we progress through this episode. Boz goes to bat for Dorit implying maybe she had things to get off her chest. Sutton, Garcelle and Kyle get together for a country club day at Suttons. While discussing Dorit, questions about the contents of the texts arise. Things get a little crazier when Sutton implies infidelity and not the instagram issues we've heard about previously. Boz has fibroid surgery and while on the mend, Kyle goes over to "get to know her" aka to do damage control. Sutton, Kyle and Garcelle once again get together to surprise Erika with a pizza party finally at Charles Entertainment Cheese (Chuck E Cheese) and while sharing a slice, Garcelle proclaims if Kyle wants to be a lesbian, be a lesbian. But then Kyle reveals the contents of a text with PK and the text itself alludes to them discussing way more than just memes. Dorit wants to know what is in the texts and the more Kyle defends herself, the shadier it looks. Garcelle goes to check in on Boz and they discuss Dorit some more. The episode ends with Garcelle revealing what Kyle's text said confirming that Kyle lied to Boz's face...
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