DiscoverBibleProjectWhat Forgiveness Is and Isn't (The Lord's Prayer Pt. 4)
What Forgiveness Is and Isn't (The Lord's Prayer Pt. 4)

What Forgiveness Is and Isn't (The Lord's Prayer Pt. 4)

Update: 2024-06-034


This episode of the Bible Project Podcast delves into the significance of forgiveness in the Lord's Prayer. Hosts John Collins and Michelle Jones unpack the prayer's two halves, focusing on the personal request "forgive us." They explore the Hebrew Bible's concept of debt as a metaphor for sin, highlighting the Year of Jubilee as a pivotal moment of release and forgiveness. They then examine Jesus' teachings on forgiveness, emphasizing its central role in his ministry and the arrival of God's kingdom. The episode concludes with a discussion on the practical implications of living a life of radical forgiveness, emphasizing that forgiveness is not about ignoring or condoning wrongdoing but rather a heart posture of releasing the power of the offense. The hosts also address the distinction between forgiveness and reconciliation, highlighting the importance of setting boundaries with those who repeatedly harm us. The episode concludes with a reflection on the profound impact of forgiveness, both for the forgiver and the forgiven, and the importance of seeking wisdom and guidance in navigating complex situations.



This Chapter introduces the Bible Project Podcast and the focus of the episode: reading through the Sermon on the Mount, specifically Jesus' teaching on prayer and the Lord's Prayer.

The Lord's Prayer: Forgiveness

This Chapter dives into the second half of the Lord's Prayer, focusing on the personal request "forgive us." The hosts discuss the significance of forgiveness in the prayer and its connection to the mission of Jesus.

Exploring the Language of Forgiveness

This Chapter delves into the Greek word for "forgive" (afiami) and its connection to the concept of release and emancipation. The hosts explore the word's usage in legal and financial contexts, particularly in the context of the Year of Jubilee in the Hebrew Bible.

Forgiveness in the Hebrew Bible

This Chapter examines the concept of forgiveness in the Hebrew Bible, highlighting its connection to the covenant law code and the story of Israel's release from slavery in Egypt. The hosts discuss how the concept of debt evolved to encompass moral failures and the importance of making things right with both God and other people.

Forgiveness in Jesus' Teachings

This Chapter explores the role of forgiveness in Jesus' teachings and ministry. The hosts discuss how Jesus' announcement of the arrival of God's kingdom was a prophetic declaration of forgiveness and restoration. They also examine how Jesus' healings were seen as acts of release from sin, sickness, and death.

The Reciprocal Nature of Forgiveness

This Chapter explores the reciprocal nature of forgiveness as presented in the Lord's Prayer. The hosts discuss how God's forgiveness of us requires us to extend forgiveness to others, setting them free from their obligations to us. They also discuss the importance of recognizing our own shortcomings and the need to practice forgiveness in our daily lives.

Practical Implications of Forgiveness

This Chapter delves into the practical implications of living a life of radical forgiveness. The hosts examine Jesus' teachings on reconciliation in Matthew 18, highlighting the importance of addressing conflict directly, seeking mediation, and setting boundaries with those who repeatedly harm us. They emphasize that forgiveness is not about ignoring or condoning wrongdoing but rather a heart posture of releasing the power of the offense.


This Chapter concludes the episode with a summary of the key points discussed and a preview of the next episode, which will focus on the final two lines of the Lord's Prayer: "Lead us" and "Deliver us." The hosts also mention the upcoming release of a new song inspired by the Lord's Prayer, composed by Liz Weiss and Brian Hall.


Lord's Prayer

A prayer taught by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. It is a model prayer for Christians, often recited in worship and personal devotion. The prayer is divided into two parts: requests on behalf of God and requests on behalf of those praying. The prayer is known for its simple yet profound language and its emphasis on God's will, provision, forgiveness, and protection.


The act of pardoning someone for a wrong they have committed. It involves releasing resentment, anger, and the desire for revenge. Forgiveness is often seen as a spiritual practice that requires a change of heart and a willingness to let go of the past. It is a key theme in Christianity, particularly in the teachings of Jesus, who emphasized the importance of forgiving others as God has forgiven us.

Hebrew Bible

The collection of sacred texts that Jews consider to be the word of God. It is also known as the Old Testament in Christianity. The Hebrew Bible is divided into three parts: the Torah (Law), the Nevi'im (Prophets), and the Ketuvim (Writings). It contains a rich tapestry of stories, laws, poetry, and wisdom literature that provides insights into God's character, his relationship with humanity, and the history of the Jewish people.

Year of Jubilee

A special year of release and restoration described in the Hebrew Bible (Leviticus 25). It occurred every 50 years and involved the cancellation of debts, the return of land to its original owners, and the freeing of slaves. The Year of Jubilee was a symbol of God's justice and mercy, reminding the Israelites of their dependence on him and the importance of caring for the poor and vulnerable.


The process of restoring a broken relationship. It involves acknowledging wrongdoing, seeking forgiveness, and making amends. Reconciliation requires humility, empathy, and a willingness to work towards healing and restoration. It is a key aspect of Christian faith, as it reflects God's desire to be in right relationship with humanity.

Matthew 18

A chapter in the Gospel of Matthew that contains Jesus' teachings on dealing with conflict within the community of his followers. Jesus outlines a three-step process for addressing wrongdoing: going to the person directly, seeking mediation, and bringing the matter to the wider community. This passage is significant for its emphasis on reconciliation, forgiveness, and the importance of setting boundaries with those who repeatedly harm us.

Nadine Colier

A family member of one of the victims of the 2015 Charleston church shooting. She delivered a powerful and moving statement at the sentencing of the shooter, in which she forgave him on behalf of the church community. Her act of forgiveness has been widely praised as an example of grace and compassion in the face of unimaginable tragedy.


  • What is the significance of forgiveness in the Lord's Prayer?

    Forgiveness is a central theme in the Lord's Prayer, particularly in the personal request "forgive us." It highlights the importance of forgiveness in our relationship with God and with each other. Jesus emphasizes that forgiveness is not simply something we receive but a reality we are called to fully live in.

  • How does the Hebrew Bible inform our understanding of forgiveness?

    The Hebrew Bible, particularly the concept of the Year of Jubilee, provides a rich backdrop for understanding forgiveness. The Year of Jubilee was a time of release from debt, slavery, and land ownership restrictions, symbolizing God's justice and mercy. This concept helps us understand how forgiveness involves setting people free from their obligations and restoring them to a place of wholeness.

  • What is the connection between forgiveness and the arrival of God's kingdom?

    Jesus saw his ministry as a fulfillment of the prophetic promise of God's kingdom, which involved the forgiveness of sins and the restoration of Israel. He announced forgiveness to individuals, healed the sick, and set people free from oppression, all as signs of God's kingdom coming to earth. For Jesus, a community of radical forgiveness is an embodiment of God's kingdom.

  • What are some practical implications of living a life of radical forgiveness?

    Living a life of radical forgiveness involves addressing conflict directly, seeking mediation when necessary, and setting boundaries with those who repeatedly harm us. It means refusing to allow the wrong done to us to define us or have power over us. It also involves having compassion for those who have wronged us, recognizing their humanity, and hoping for their repentance and forgiveness.

  • What is the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation?

    Forgiveness is a heart posture of releasing the power of the offense, while reconciliation involves restoring a broken relationship. Forgiveness can occur without reconciliation, as in situations where a relationship is not safe or healthy. Jesus' teachings on reconciliation emphasize the importance of addressing conflict directly, seeking mediation, and setting boundaries when necessary.

  • How can we navigate complex situations involving forgiveness?

    Navigating complex situations involving forgiveness requires wisdom, guidance, and a willingness to seek counsel from others. It is important to remember that forgiveness is not a formula but a process that requires a change of heart and a willingness to let go of the past. It may involve setting boundaries, seeking justice, and finding compassion for those who have wronged us.

Show Notes

Sermon on the Mount E23 – The second half of the Lord’s prayer contains four requests on behalf of the person praying. The second personal request is for God to forgive us. But forgiveness is not just a transaction between individuals or between God and humans. Forgiveness plays a central role in the arrival of God’s Kingdom. In this episode, Jon, Tim, and Michelle explore what forgiveness is, what it isn't, and what it looks like to set each other free. 

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  • Chapter 1: A Conversation on Release, Repair, and Delivery from Sin (00:00-28:19 )
  • Chapter 2: Forgiveness in the Life and Teachings of Jesus (28:19-36:54 )
  • Chapter 3: Is There a Limit on Forgiveness? (36:54-01:05:38 )

Referenced Resources

  • New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology in Exegesis, Moisés Silva
  • Check out Tim’s library here.
  • You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

Show Music 

  • Original Sermon on the Mount music by Richie Kohen
  • BibleProject theme song by TENTS

Show Credits

Jon Collins is the creative producer for today’s show, and Tim Mackie is the lead scholar. Production of today’s episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer; Cooper Peltz, managing producer; Colin Wilson, producer; Stephanie Tam, consultant and editor. Frank Garza and Aaron Olsen edited today's episode. Aaron Olsen also provided our sound design and mix. Tyler Bailey was supervising engineer. Nina Simone does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Today’s hosts are Jon Collins and Michelle Jones. Special thanks to Brian Hall, Liz Vice, and the BibleProject Scholar Team.

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What Forgiveness Is and Isn't (The Lord's Prayer Pt. 4)

What Forgiveness Is and Isn't (The Lord's Prayer Pt. 4)

Tim Mackie, Jon Collins