What does a just food transition look like?
Change often comes with costs and benefits, and food system transformation is no different - some will win and some will lose out. How can we make sure that everyone equitably shares the benefits and burdens of change? In this episode, I talk with two experts in just food system transitions. Minna Kaljonen and Teea Kortetmäki walk us through the basics of justice and discuss the challenges and opportunities of a just food system transition.
Check out the Just Food Project, led by Miinna and Teea.
-Minna Kaljonen, research professor, food systems and governance, Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE); PI of the Just Food Project
-Teea Kortetmäki, assistant professer in sustainability transitions, University of Jyväkylä; Co-PI of the Just Food Project
Music in this podcast provided by ChezGroove/Pond 5