What to do when you're feeling unmotivated or in a rut!(やる気が出ないときの対処法)
Hi guys!
In this week's podcast, Misa talks about her experience of feeling unmotivated and how to get out of a rut. It's a sign from your body that you're doing a very good job :) Make sure to rest when you can~
Cheers to you and hope you have a great week!
Misa & Yuka
Hi! This is Misa and Yuka and welcome to our PODCAST video!
This is something we do together as sisters!
We will be talking about different things every Monday.
Some topics include, mindset, what we've been going through,,, just about anything!
Hope you subscribe!
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■Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3yc3YLGVEs5PzmJt0u6bHq?si=dbb7ba263ad94582
■Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d04d7375-933e-4aee-9b0d-63e44d8af258/misa-yuka-podcast?ref=dm_sh_3KqwycR2RNAv20tWHj0m3VnSM
■Apple Music: https://podcasts.apple.com/jp/podcast/misa-yuka-podcast/id1721102800?l=en-US
・YouTube: @Misamosa_co
・ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misamosa.co/
・ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@misamosa.co
・YouTube: @yukes.
【Sister Account】
・ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misa.and.yuka/
・ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@misaandyuka
Q: Where are we based?
A: Tokyo, Japan
Q: How many languages can you speak fluently?
A: Two! English & Japanese