DiscoverTED BusinessWhy the world needs more builders — and less "us vs. them" | Daniel Lubetzky
Why the world needs more builders — and less "us vs. them" | Daniel Lubetzky

Why the world needs more builders — and less "us vs. them" | Daniel Lubetzky

Update: 2024-07-085


Daniel Lubetski, founder and CEO of KindSnacks, delivers a powerful message about the dangers of polarization and the need for a shift in mindset. He argues that our world is increasingly divided into "us versus them" binaries, leading to hate and dehumanization. Lubetski emphasizes that this binary thinking prevents us from addressing real problems and working together on solutions. He proposes a new framework, "all of us versus extremism," where the focus is on uniting against extremist ideologies that hijack the agenda and our lives. Lubetski highlights the importance of recognizing the enemy as a mindset, not a person, and encourages us to replace eternal conflict with practical problem-solving. He emphasizes the need for moderates to actively engage in the political process and counter the influence of extremists. Lubetski shares his personal experience with Peace Works, a project that brought together Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians, Egyptians, and Turks to trade and build relationships, shattering stereotypes and fostering cooperation. He emphasizes the importance of building a human infrastructure to overcome extremism and shares his vision for a global network of "builders" who are committed to constructive dialogue and problem-solving. Lubetski outlines several initiatives, including Builders Media and Citizens Solutions, aimed at countering toxic polarization and promoting common-sense solutions. He stresses the importance of critical thinking, respectful debate, and a builder's mindset characterized by curiosity, compassion, creativity, and courage. Lubetski concludes by sharing a deeply personal story about his father, a Holocaust survivor, and the importance of kindness and positive intent in overcoming hate. He urges listeners to recognize their power to build a better future by embracing a builder's mindset and working together to create a more humane and just world.


The Dangers of Polarization

This Chapter explores the pervasive nature of polarization in our world, highlighting how it creates division and hinders progress. It argues that binary thinking, such as left versus right or Black versus white, prevents us from addressing real problems and working together on solutions. The chapter emphasizes the need to move beyond these divisive categories and embrace a more nuanced understanding of complex issues.

Building a Network of Builders

This Chapter introduces the concept of "builders" as individuals who prioritize problem-solving over division. It proposes a shift from "us versus them" to "all of us versus extremism," where the focus is on uniting against extremist ideologies that hijack the agenda and our lives. The chapter emphasizes the importance of recognizing the enemy as a mindset, not a person, and encourages us to replace eternal conflict with practical problem-solving.

Building a Human Infrastructure

This Chapter explores the importance of building a human infrastructure to overcome extremism. It shares the story of Peace Works, a project that brought together Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians, Egyptians, and Turks to trade and build relationships, shattering stereotypes and fostering cooperation. The chapter emphasizes the need for a global network of "builders" who are committed to constructive dialogue and problem-solving.

Countering Toxic Polarization

This Chapter outlines several initiatives aimed at countering toxic polarization and promoting common-sense solutions. It highlights Builders Media, which produces content in English, Arabic, and Hebrew to strengthen critical thinking and equip individuals with tools to navigate differences. The chapter also introduces Citizens Solutions, a program that brings together diverse groups of citizens to develop constructive proposals for seemingly intractable issues.



Polarization refers to the division of a society or group into opposing factions with increasingly extreme views. It often involves a widening gap between opposing sides, making it difficult to find common ground or compromise. Polarization can manifest in various areas, including politics, social issues, and even personal relationships. It can lead to increased conflict, distrust, and a breakdown in civil discourse.


Extremism refers to ideologies or actions that are considered extreme or radical, often characterized by intolerance, violence, or a rejection of mainstream values. Extremist groups or individuals often hold rigid beliefs and are willing to use extreme measures to achieve their goals. Extremism can manifest in various forms, including political extremism, religious extremism, and ideological extremism. It poses a significant threat to social cohesion, peace, and human rights.


In the context of this podcast, "builders" are individuals who prioritize problem-solving over division. They are committed to constructive dialogue, collaboration, and finding common ground. Builders are characterized by a mindset of curiosity, compassion, creativity, and courage. They actively engage in building bridges, fostering relationships, and creating positive change in their communities and the world.


KindSnacks is a company founded by Daniel Lubetski that produces healthy snacks. The company is known for its commitment to social responsibility and its mission to promote kindness and understanding. KindSnacks is a prime example of a business that seeks to make a positive impact on the world beyond its core product.

Peace Works

Peace Works is a project initiated by Daniel Lubetski that brought together Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians, Egyptians, and Turks to trade and build relationships. The project aimed to shatter stereotypes, cement economic relationships, and help people discover each other's humanity. Peace Works is a testament to the power of collaboration and the potential for building bridges across seemingly insurmountable divides.

Citizens Solutions

Citizens Solutions is an initiative launched by Daniel Lubetski to replace political stagnation with constructive commonsense proposals from engaged citizens. The program brings together diverse groups of citizens to develop solutions for seemingly intractable issues. Citizens Solutions highlights the importance of citizen engagement and the potential for finding common ground through constructive dialogue and collaboration.


The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. It occurred primarily during World War II. The Holocaust is a stark reminder of the dangers of hate, intolerance, and extremism. It serves as a powerful call to action to combat prejudice and promote human rights.

Daniel Lubetski

Daniel Lubetski is the founder and CEO of KindSnacks. He is a passionate advocate for building a more humane and just world. Lubetski is known for his work in promoting dialogue and collaboration across divides. He is a strong believer in the power of kindness and positive intent to overcome hate and extremism.


  • What is the main argument presented by Daniel Lubetski in this podcast?

    Lubetski argues that our increasingly polarized world erodes our sense of humanity and calls for a shift from "us versus them" to "all of us versus extremism" by building a network of "builders" who prioritize problem-solving over division.

  • What are some of the key challenges that Lubetski identifies in addressing polarization?

    Lubetski highlights the challenges of hyperpartisan politicians, special interests, and political parties that prioritize power and scoring points over solving problems. He also acknowledges the difficulty of engaging in a political system that often rewards division and conflict.

  • What are some of the initiatives that Lubetski has launched to counter toxic polarization?

    Lubetski has launched several initiatives, including Builders Media, which produces content to strengthen critical thinking and equip individuals with tools to navigate differences, and Citizens Solutions, a program that brings together diverse groups of citizens to develop constructive proposals for seemingly intractable issues.

  • What is the significance of Lubetski's personal story about his father, a Holocaust survivor?

    Lubetski's personal story highlights the devastating consequences of hate and the importance of kindness and positive intent in overcoming extremism. It serves as a powerful reminder of the need to actively combat prejudice and promote human rights.

  • What is the call to action that Lubetski makes to listeners?

    Lubetski urges listeners to recognize their power to build a better future by embracing a builder's mindset and working together to create a more humane and just world. He encourages listeners to engage in constructive dialogue, find common ground, and actively combat extremism in their communities.

Show Notes

We're programmed to think every issue is binary: "us vs. them." But Daniel Lubetzky, the founder of KIND Snacks, says the real enemy isn't a person but a mindset. He introduces a new initiative that aims to bring together "builders" from around the world to replace extremism with practical problem-solving — and shows how you can join the movement. After the talk, Modupe poses critical questions on what it means to build together. 

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Why the world needs more builders — and less "us vs. them" | Daniel Lubetzky

Why the world needs more builders — and less "us vs. them" | Daniel Lubetzky