You Are Never Upset For the Reason YOU Think | ✨ A Course in Miracles
"I am never upset for the reason I think." – A Course in Miracles Workbook, Lesson 5
What if the source of your frustration, anger, or fear isn’t what you think it is?
In this episode of Love & Learn, we continue our journey through A Course in Miracles Workbook with Lesson 5. This lesson invites us to question the surface reasons we believe are causing our emotional reactions and go deeper. It challenges the assumption that external situations are the source of our upset and encourages us to look within for the true cause.
By recognizing that the source of our upset is never what it appears to be, we begin to peel back the layers of fear and conditioning that keep us stuck in old patterns.
Key Insights on Lesson 5
- Peeling Back the Layers of Emotion: This lesson encourages us to dig deeper beneath the surface of our emotions. While we might think our upset is caused by a person, situation, or event, A Course in Miracles teaches us that the real cause often lies within—rooted in fear or past conditioning. This shift in perspective opens the door to deeper healing.
- The Illusion of Different Emotions: Anger, fear, jealousy, sadness—while these emotions may feel different, they all stem from the same underlying sense of separation from love. Recognizing this can help us see through the illusion of separation and move toward unity, peace, and love.
- Claiming Responsibility for Your Experience: By practicing this lesson, we take responsibility for our emotional responses. This doesn’t mean ignoring or denying emotions, but rather seeing them as opportunities to explore what’s really happening beneath the surface. This practice empowers us to choose love over fear and liberates us from automatic reactions.
As you practice Lesson 5 this week, remember to apply it to any moment of upset, no matter how big or small. The lesson to repeat is:
“I am never upset for the reason I think.”
“I am not angry at ________ for the reason I think.”
“I am not afraid of ________ for the reason I think.”
Take this opportunity to look beyond the surface and explore what’s really driving your emotional reactions. This practice can help you reclaim your peace, release old patterns, and move through life with greater clarity and openness to love.