Who Are We To Bless
Welcome to The Ultimate Potential Coach! Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is immersed daily in life-transformation and spiritual awakening, as an unconventional life/relationship coach, shamanic healer, and "wayshower" in Sedona, Arizona (a mecca for healing and self-realization).
In several ways, I'm being reminded that it is good, really good, to bless...EVERYTHING.
To bless the food we eat is an easy one. We can become unconscious blessers. Not really realizing that we DO bless the thing that we are "blessing", when we do it CONSCIOUSLY. What about the water that we drink, bathe in, and wash the dishes with? What about the medicines that go into our body? What about coyote or javelina or mountain lion or rattlesnake? What about sycamore or pine? What about the narcissist?
I know. We'd like to "Bless that MF. Now leave!" with a wave of our one-fingered hand. We even sometimes say things like "It's just his journey". Who are WE to be blessin' the water, the angry ones, or the spiritual egos in our life? Our ability to truly bless comes from our ultimate source as well as our metaphysical (beyond physical) nature. Enjoy!
Find out more about Daniel Posney: