DiscoverPower Englishwelcome to the next lesson. This is AJ from Let's start our next lesson the "Attractor Factor."
welcome to the next lesson. This is AJ from Let's start our next lesson the "Attractor Factor."

welcome to the next lesson. This is AJ from Let's start our next lesson the "Attractor Factor."

Update: 2021-10-161


Attractor Factor Main Text

Hello, welcome to the next lesson. This is AJ from Let's

start our next lesson the "Attractor Factor."

The Attractor Factor is the name of a book by Joe Vitale. Joe Vitale is an interesting

man. He is an Internet marketer and businessman. He's kind of a marketing expert,

especially for Internet marketing. But, he also writes about very general topics,

how to achieve your goals and how to reach your dreams in life.


He's a very positive man. He has a lot of energy, a very interesting and creative guy.

I really like him. I use some of his information and skills that he teaches. Tuse it for

my own business, for my own Internet marketing.

He wrote this book The Attractor Factor as a more general book to help everybody get

what they want in life, to help everybody achieve their dreams. The Attractor Factor is

a quite simple book, a very simple idea and yet it's very powerful. Joe believes that

we attract things to our life. And how do we do that? With our thinking and our


So for example, if we always think very positive thoughts and we always have very

strong positive emotions, he believes we will attract positive things and positive people

into our life. On the other hand, if we think about negative things, problems all the

time, and we're always feeling negative, frustrated, angry, sad or depressed, than we

will attract more negative stuff into our life. It's the basic idea of The Attractor Factor.

And so, he states very strongly and clearly that we have to be careful what we focus

on, what we think about and which feelings we feel during every day. Because of

course, we want to attract, bring, positive things into our life, things and people and

events. So, I'm going to read a little bit from The Attractor Factor and then l'll talk

more about it. Here we go.

Most people I talk to every day know what they don't want. 1 don't want this

backache. T don't want this headache. T don't want these bills. I don't want to

struggle in my business.' You know the list. You have one of your own.

Unfortunately, that's where most of us stop.

The nature of our conversations, the nature of our newspaper reporting, the

nature of our radio and television shows and our talk shows surround us with

ideas of what we don't want.

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welcome to the next lesson. This is AJ from Let's start our next lesson the "Attractor Factor."

welcome to the next lesson. This is AJ from Let's start our next lesson the "Attractor Factor."

Power English