《無瑣事事務所》EP 12 - 靜影九龍 之 A Version of Hong Kong in Alexey Marfin's eyes
EP 12 - 靜影九龍 之 A Version of Hong Kong in Alexey Marfin's eyes
《無瑣事事務所》這一集請來了我們節目的第一位嘉賓 Alexey Marfin , 同是我們節目第一次嘗試用英文去做一集 Episode。
Alexey 是我們的一個共同朋友, Ivan 在一次機緣下在網上認識了 Alexey 並變成了網友, 而 Alexey 則是 Melody 在大學裡的一位老師, 後來成為了朋友, 並正在一起合作一個關於香港不同年代的 Reseach/ film project - 暫名為 Memories of Hong Kong。
身於蘇聯的 Alexey 在 90 年代移民到了英國, 之後在倫敦的 Architectural Association 修讀建築, 畢業後曾到 Sundance Aware Winning 的 Filming Studio Factory Fifteen 工作, 其後漸漸專注製作影片及電影之類的工作。其 VR 作品 《Kowloon Forest 靜影九龍》曾在第39屆溫哥華電影節獲得最佳實景VR電影獎。同時, 他亦有在 MIT, UCLA, 城市大學, 清華大學等地方演講或任教。
今集有幸請到了 Alexey 在節目中和我們分享他對建築空間與電影的想汰, 了解他眼中的香港, 也會討論到他的作品和他對未來科技 (包括 Maching Learning, Metaverse等等) 對電影以及建築有何影響的見解。
Let us know what you think !
In this episode, we have invited the first guest to our Podcast Channel, Alexey Marfin.
Alexey is a friend of ours, and we both know him through different means. Ivan came across Alexey and his work on Instagram and thereby they became friends on the internet - very millennial I know; and Alexey was a tutor of Melody at the Institution that she went to for her master's degree, they later on become friends, and are currently collaborating on a research/ film project on old Hong Kong.
Born in USSR, Alexey emigrated to the UK in the 90s, where he then went onto study Architecture at the Architectural Association in London. He has worked at the Sundance Award-winning film studio Factory Fifteen, and he is most notably known for his VR film "Kowloon Forest" which won the 'Best Live Action VR' at the Vancouver Film Festival. Alexey has lectured and taught in a number of institutions, including MIT, UCL, City University of Hong Kong, Tsinghua University, etc., and is also the co-founder of the Fiction & Entertainment Masters Program at SCI-Arc in Los Angeles.
We are delighted to have Alexey on our podcast and have enjoyed the time we discussed his views on Architecture, spaces, and films. In this episode, we will get a better understanding of who he is as a creator, what is his view on Hong Kong as a city, and also his views on the future of Architecture and Film based on the fastly developed techniques that are available in the creative industry these days.
We hereby welcome Alexey Marfin :)
Available on Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast!
Link in Bio 👐🏻👐🏻
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