iic Podcasts

Best iic podcasts available (Last Updated May 2024)





L'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bogotá è l’organismo ufficiale del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale. L’Istituto promuove e diffonde la lingua e la cultura italiana in Colombia e favorisce la circolazione delle idee, delle arti e delle scienze. El Istituto Italiano di Cultura de Bogotá es el organismo oficial del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y de la Cooperación Internacional italiano. El Istituto promueve y difunde el idioma y la cultura italiana en Colombia e incentiva la circulación de las ideas, las artes y de las ciencias.


IIC Jakarta:IIC Jakarta

IIC Jakarta

The Italian Cultural Institute is the official Italian government agency for the promotion of cultural exchange between Indonesia and Italy. The Institute promotes cooperation between universities, academies and other institutions in the two countries and organizes major Italian cultural events in Indonesia.


Marketing IIc:Maria

Marketing IIc

Strategies that will help you optimize and feed your business knowledge, also we talk about dreams and various topics. You can listen to us 24/7. Comments at info@marketingiic.com


IICS Insiders:Ipeka Integrated Christian School

IICS Insiders

IICS Insiders


とっさのひとこと 場面別英会話:iic shibuya

とっさのひとこと 場面別英会話

IIC Shibuya 渋谷英語クラブ Podcast 場面別英会話


英文エッセイで英語耳:iic shibuya




ぶらり一人旅 すぐに役立つ英会話:iic shibuya

ぶらり一人旅 すぐに役立つ英会話

ぶらり一人旅 すぐに役立つ英会話


Industrial IoT Spotlight:Erik Walenza: CEO, IoT ONE | Chair, IIC Smart Factory Task Group | Director, Startup Grind

Industrial IoT Spotlight

The IIoT Spotlight Podcast shines a light on Industrial IoT solutions that are impacting businesses today. Every week, we interview an expert about IoT markets, technologies, or use cases. Our goal is to provide insight into the planning and implementation of IIoT systems, from new business models to technology architecture selection to data ownership and security. Our host, Erik Walenza, CEO of IoT ONE, has worked in China for 11 years and he is an active member of the Chinese innovation ecosystem. He is passionate about exploring the impact of digitalization in businesses, and through his position as Chair of the Technology and Innovation Committee in China he plays an active role in the exchange of best practices for innovation strategy and tech trends evolution in Asia, but also worldwide. Erik has interviewed over 100 CEOs and venture capitalists while building one of Shanghai’s largest entrepreneur networks. The IIoT Spotlight is produced by IoT ONE. IoT ONE is a specialized consultancy that researches digital landscapes and supports the development and implementation of digital transformation strategies in Asia and beyond. Don't forget to follow us on LinkedIn @iot-one or visit our website at www.iotone.com. You can contact Erik directly at erik.walenza@iotone.com.


GIN - German Italian Network:IIC Stoccarda

GIN - German Italian Network

Ospiti di eccezione, eventi, progetti e attività dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Stoccarda. Tutto questo è GIN - German-Italian Network. Segui le nostre attività e iscriviti alla nostra newsletter qui: https://iicstoccarda.esteri.it/ Jingle by Music by Nullhertz from Pixabay


Composition II C03:Clint Miller

Composition II C03

This is a podcast for a English Class Cover art photo provided by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@timothycdykes


IIC Sermons:IIC Sound

IIC Sermons

All the latest sermons and testimonies from Sunday mornings at Elim Ipswich International Church.




Hablamos de análisis Big Data e Inteligencia Artificial. Os contamos proyectos reales en empresas e instituciones y las últimas tendencias en Machine Learning o Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN), entre otras técnicas. Un podcast del Instituto de Ingeniería del Conocimiento (IIC), centro de innovación que aplica Inteligencia Artificial en diferentes áreas: Banca, Energía, Salud, RR. HH. o Inteligencia de Cliente. Además, puedes encontrarnos en Twitter (@IIConocimiento), en LinkedIn y en nuestra página web www.iic.uam.es


Imago. Eine Wunderkammer aus Papier:IIC Vienna

Imago. Eine Wunderkammer aus Papier

Was ist Imago? Wie sah die italienische Grafiklandschaft in den 1960er Jahren aus? In diesem fünfteiligen Podcast schildern wir anhand von Interviews und Stellungnahmen von Grafikern, Designern, Kritikern sowie Kunst- und Designhistorikern, weshalb Imago heute als eine der revolutionärsten Blüten der italienischen Grafik gilt.


Conservation Stories:Institute for Integrative Conservation (IIC) at William & Mary

Conservation Stories

From William & Mary’s Institute for Integrative Conservation (IIC) in Williamsburg, Virginia, the Conservation Stories podcast expands a traditional understanding of conservation through storytelling that amplifies multiple ways of knowing. The podcast provide listeners with the knowledge and tools to contribute to conservation efforts, while engaging everyone in the local to global conservation dialogue. The Institute for Integrative Conservation (IIC) seeks to connect innovative academic thinking with global conservation priorities to create sustainable solutions where people and nature can thrive. To learn more, please visit us at: www.wm.edu/offices/iic


KAKUMA, fishing in the desert:Laura Sicignano

KAKUMA, fishing in the desert

KAKUMA - FISHING IN THE DESERTby Laura Sicignanoproduced by IIC Nairobi / Teatro Nazionale GenovaEnglish translation © 2023 Alta L. Price The term “Refugee camp” often pops up in public discourse, but who truly knows how a camp works and what living conditions are like on the inside? My name is Laura Sicignano, I’m an Italian theater director, and my work has long dealt with migration. This podcast is about my trip to Kakuma, one of the largest refugee camps in the world, on the border between Kenya and South Sudan. I tell the story of the camp through my own eyes, and those of the aid workers there—ordinary people who’ve made extraordinary life choices.“Kakuma: Fishing in the Desert” is a podcast by Laura Sicignano. It was produced by the Italian Cultural Institute of Nairobi and the Teatro Nazionale di Genova, which also produced the theatrical play upon which this podcast is based. Narration by Leda Kreider. Original music by Uhuru Republic; sound and music production by Filoq. The translation from Italian into English is by Alta Price. Special thanks to the Jesuit Refugee Service.STELLARE


Gestión de Proyectos TI:Mario Droguett Cartagena

Gestión de Proyectos TI

NUEVA VERSIÓN DISPONIBLE - REEMPLAZA A ESTA VERSIÓN Material de Apoyo al Curso IIC3113 Gestión de Proyectos TI






SF: Adesão ao tratamento:@diegolikamess

SF: Adesão ao tratamento

Este podcast é destinado à proposta de intervenção da disciplina de IIC-Saúde da Família II.


Dirección y Gestión de Proyectos TI:Mario Droguett Cartagena

Dirección y Gestión de Proyectos TI

Material complementario para el curso IIC3113 Gestión de Proyectos TI. Se basa en los elementos de Dirección y Gestión de Proyectos de PMBOK v7. Reemplaza la versión anterior del curso (2020).


I Xornada de I+I = C:uvigo-tv

I Xornada de I+I = C

I Xornada de I+I = C. As xornadas de Innovación e Investigación para a mellora da Calidade as organizou o Dpto. de Estatística e Invetigación Operativa dentro das Accións de Mellora da Calidade recoñecidas polo Vicerrectorado de TIC e Calidade. Realizado o 14 de febreiro de 2008 na aula de Informática A da Facultade de Económicas e Empresariales

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