ipe Podcasts

Best ipe podcasts available (Last Updated May 2024)



Adventistas Jardim dos Ipês:Adventistas Jardim dos Ipês

Adventistas Jardim dos Ipês

Aqui você acompanha semanalmente as programações da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia Jardim dos Ipês da Associação Paulista Leste (APL).




O podcast da Revista Ipê!


Ipê!:Ipê Reading Club!


This podcast is created by the reading club Ipê, where we will: • discuss relevant topics about reading, • talk about education, • read stories! Join us! #BecauseReadingMustBeFree


IPE 10x10:IU IPE

IPE 10x10

Interprofessional collaboration is a newer idea in healthcare. It is the belief that patients, practitioners, and students work and learn better from, with, and about each other by working as a team. IPE 10x10 is a digestible look into interprofessional practice (IPP) and education (IPE). The goal is to break this large concept down into digestible, bite-sized, info bits. Speaking with those who work in IPP and IPE about what it is, why it works, and how it's implemented.


Isto é IPE:IPE Patos de Minas

Isto é IPE

Mensagens da Capelania IPE para aquecer o seu coração!


Leaders in Investment - IPE:IPE

Leaders in Investment - IPE

Leaders in Investment An IPE and IPE Real Assets podcast In this new podcast series from IPE and IPE Real Assets, members of our editorial team speak to leading figures in the institutional investor community to curate a library of in-depth, focused content. Conversations with chief investment officers and other asset-owner leaders will range across beliefs, objectives, investment philosophy, strategy and outlook. Capturing diversity of thinking towards mainstream and alternative investments, both liquid and illiquid, conversations will dive into investment governance, strategic and tactical asset allocation, implementation, in-house teams, manager hiring and firing, sustainability and how to deal with partners and stakeholders. Engaging with asset owners both in Europe and beyond, this series will provide unique access to the thinking that guides their decisions. The result will be a valuable library of downloadable insights into what motivates both individuals, teams, boards and trustees as they set about achieving their long-term investment goals with a view to improving the retirement outcomes of hundreds of millions of pension holders. Our hosts Liam Kennedy – Editorial Director, IPE Richard Lowe – Editor, IPE Real Assets We would like to thank our partner PGIM


Ipê:Dia Mynhos


Curiosidade sobres os ipês


Ipê Amarelo:Milca Oliveira de Paula

Ipê Amarelo

Ipê amarelo. Curiosidades e características dessa bela árvore.


Energia IPE „Polityka - Gospodarka - Klimat”:Instytut Polityki Energetycznej im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza

Energia IPE „Polityka - Gospodarka - Klimat”

Energia IPE „Polityka - Gospodarka – Klimat” to podcast przygotowany przez Instytut Polityki Energetycznej im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza. Eksperci think tanku, jak i zaproszeni goście będą mówić o najważniejszych sprawach dotyczących sektora energetycznego, komentować bieżące wydarzenia, jak charakteryzować szersze trendy. Szczególnie interesuje nas bezpieczeństwo energetyczne Polski i Europy oraz transformacja energetyczna, ale nie pomijamy żadnego ważnego tematu. Serdecznie zapraszamy!


Casca Do Ipê:Rosani do Carmo de Oliveira Arruda

Casca Do Ipê

Casca do ipê


O Outro Lado Do Ipê:O Outro Lado Do Ipê

O Outro Lado Do Ipê

Conselhos de vida por duas pessoas que não sabem de nada


Avaliando O Pâncreas Exócreno: Pancretite e IPE:Janiele Santana

Avaliando O Pâncreas Exócreno: Pancretite e IPE

Avaliando o pâncreas exócreno pancretite e IPE


Literatura con la IPE:Nathalia Cuevas Robayo

Literatura con la IPE

Lecturas con Amor


Nous, Femmes ÎPÉ:Nous, Femmes IPE

Nous, Femmes ÎPÉ

Être fières de qui nous sommes, femmes, francophones, des femmes inspirantes qui prennent le pouvoir sur leur vie, qui se battent pour leur droits et qui surpassent leurs rêves. Dans chaque épisode, nous partons à la rencontre d'une de ces femmes. À travers son parcours, ses histoires et ses combats, elle s'interroge avec nous sur son féminisme. Ce podcast est enregistré à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard et produit par Actions Femmes ÎPÉ grâce aux financements de Femmes et Égalité des genres Canada et à la Fondation Canadienne des Femmes. CRÉDITS :Animatrice : Clémence VoillotDirection artistique : Actions Femmes ÎPÉMontage audio : Jean-Michel HoudeIdentité sonore : Claudie MackulaIdentité visuelle : Emmanuelle Billaux


PodTudoIpê:Ipê Assessoria


Boa risadas e uma ótima conversa.



Conexão ACISA

Atividades, eventos e informações da Associação Comercial, Industrial, Serviços e Agricultura de Ipê.


A Promessa Cumprida Em Nós:Igreja Batista Regular Parque Ipê

A Promessa Cumprida Em Nós

Mensagens pregadas nos cultos da IBR em Parque Ipe, Butantã


Antes que Chegue o Inverno:Instituto Ipê Roxo

Antes que Chegue o Inverno

Uma quarentena em meditação...esse é o convite. Quarenta meditações e reflexões para que, em tempos de infortúnios, possamos permanecer no nosso caminho, conectados com nossas almas e com o essencial em nossas vidas. Um projeto das consteladoras sistêmicas Sonia Farias e Julia Segatto, do Instituto Ipê Roxo.


Igreja Presbiteriana da Encruzilhada:Igreja Presbiteriana da Encruzilhada

Igreja Presbiteriana da Encruzilhada

A IPE existe para exaltar a Deus, edificar e encorajar uns aos outros, equipar para o serviço e evangelizar fazendo novos discípulos de Cristo.


Ipe Decking Dreams Come True - Elevate Your Florida Lifestyle in Style:williamrichard

Ipe Decking Dreams Come True - Elevate Your Florida Lifestyle in Style

Turn your Ipe decking dreams into reality, elevating your Florida lifestyle in unparalleled style. Embrace the natural allure and durability of Ipe wood, creating a luxurious outdoor haven. Whether hosting gatherings or seeking solitude, redefine your living space with the timeless beauty that Ipe decking brings, turning your aspirations into a stylish retreat and https://ipedecking.bwdepot.com/florida

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