jka Podcasts

Best jka podcasts available (Last Updated May 2024)



AWR Sinhalese / Sinhala / සිංහල:Adventist World Radio

AWR Sinhalese / Sinhala / සිංහල

n,dfmdfrd;a;=fõ yË wdOHd;añl Ôú;fha Wkak;sh iy wdYs¾jdoh Wfoid mj;ajd f.k hk .=jka úÿ,s fiajhls'


AWR - බලාපොරොත්තුවේ හඬ:Adventist World Radio

AWR - බලාපොරොත්තුවේ හඬ

n,dfmdfrd;a;=fõ yË wdOHd;añl Ôú;fha Wkak;sh iy wdYs¾jdoh Wfoid mj;ajd f.k hk .=jka úÿ,s fiajhls'






Talk-Talk with JK:swanky jka

Talk-Talk with JK

Hi, let's talk Inter Human and Relationships. Harnessing the Beauty of Who you really are. Helping you see the world through your Right Pair Of Eyes or rather Ears.


③ Trójka żąda debiutów:Tomasz Żąda

③ Trójka żąda debiutów

Tytuł mówi sam za siebie. Zapraszamy młodych wykonawców do przesyłania nam swoich nagrań.


Shotokan JKA Academy:Adan Jampa

Shotokan JKA Academy

Shotokan JKA Academy It's hard to find a woman who hasn't been bullied while walking down the street. With that there is always a bad touch or hint. Besides, I want to protect myself if someone comes to me unjustly. If you are in a helpless situation on the road and the door is locked, it will not work. It is good to have some preparation to avoid such unpleasant incidents. For self-defense, martial arts or physical techniques like karate, judo, taekwondo can be a powerful tool for women's protection. Enthusiasm for karate training among girls is increasing day by day. Women of any age can learn karate starting from four year old child. Learning karate increases immunity as the overall lifestyle of a person changes. This sport of diverse techniques makes a woman confident and courageous. Originally called for self-defense, karate is also known as a sport, exercise and even a means of recreation. Karate is also a medium of art like song-dance, painting, story-poetry. That's why karate can be a true friend by reducing addiction to technology. What is karate? The word ‘karate’ is Japanese; It means "empty hand". Karate is a form of empty-handed "martial art" or wrestling - an Indian Buddhist monk having a direct role in the origin of wrestling ... In the middle of the twentieth century karate spread around the world and became incredibly popular due to its diverse techniques. Although the origin of karate or its past history is not very clear, it is certain that karate originated more than a thousand years ago and its father is a Buddhist who is now known as 'Daruma'. In about 50 BC, this Indian Buddhist monk introduced the first systematic exercise in a small shrine in China. Invented for the purpose of strengthening the body and mind, this art has evolved in different places over time and acquired the present form of ‘Karate’. Benifit of Karate. There are many benefits to learning karate. Karate is basically a strategy of self-defense with empty hands. Karate is 50% hand work and 50% foot work. It's more about self-defense. I think my morale has increased a lot and more than others. Courage has increased, I can easily defend myself if someone attacks me. I can attack if necessary, although it is not necessary to do so yet. Many people think that karate means fighting. But this is just a misconception. It is an art. If you practice that the body is fine. Where we need to exercise every day, we can also learn karate. When you practice karate, your blood circulation is good. The mind stays good. Physical growth is rapid. If there is excess fat, it is cut. Neither frustration nor negative feelings are created. As a result, it will keep away from drugs. Where to learn Shotokan JKA karate utilizes both sides of the body & upper and the lower body to produce powerful, fast punches, kicks , strikes, blocks and throws. It also develops a balanced & even development of the body & mind through its practice of basics,forms, and sparring drills in practice. ( Kihon, Kata & Kumite ) Practitioners employ powerfully delivered, direct punches & strikes, using the hips, designed to quickly stop an attacker in a self-defence or competition situation. Many other martial arts were derived from the Shotokan JKA system.such as taekwondo, kyokushinkai karate, wadoryu karate ..and many others... Master the dynamic martial art of original Japan Karate Association karate as taught at the Japan Karate Association (JKA) by the original JKA karate masters with Sham Aktar Sensei. Consolation If you are a student, learn karate as well as study. And if you are a parent, encourage your child to learn karate. One thing to keep in mind is that karate never harms learning but rather increases concentration. Although learning karate may seem like an easy task, it takes a lot of hard work and effort to master its techniques. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. So let's learn a few basic things about karate! The Dynamic <a href="https://www.shotokankaratejka.com/">Shotokan JKA Academy</a> style is grounded upon the fighting traditions of the once noble samurai( legionnaire class) & their battles & gospel through particular combats & conflicts of developing their body, mind, & spirit through floundering to achieve peace and harmony in their surroundings, and eventually the world. They had to be prepared against all odds and eventualities palpable and impalpable in order to survive. There's no better feeling than being fit both physically and mentally; and that's what our training is each about and what we will essay to inseminate in you, through training. That's our ultimate thing. In order to achieve that we train the physical body first, developing effective ways of keeping balance, moving & footwork in stations combined with punches, strikes, blocks, kicks, and throws in a correct way. We concentrate on the correct form, & balance of each fashion which requires trouble and attention


高校化學事:吉米 師


🎙高校化學事🎙 是一個能帶給你高中校園新鮮事、教育時事 以及化學課程新觀點與科普小知識的播客頻道 📻目前每週四會有固定的更新內容! 📻不定期會有來賓訪談的節目播出喔! 喜歡我的節目的朋友,記得一定要訂閱喔! 才不會錯過每次精彩的節目內容👍 可以的話 分享給你的朋友們🙏 讓大家知道優質節目與你們在空中相會👂 #臉書粉絲團 https://reurl.cc/yQ2qdy #IG粉絲專頁 https://reurl.cc/OpdOOr #各大上架平台 Google Podcasts https://reurl.cc/xOojl1 Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/Vj7vL5 KKBOX https://reurl.cc/rQoj6O Spotify https://reurl.cc/jkaZ7n SoundOn https://reurl.cc/Npnd6x 期待與你們空中相會喔!😁 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


③ Za, a nawet przeciw:Kuba Strzyczkowski

③ Za, a nawet przeciw

Audycja publicystyczna z udziałem słuchaczy. Za, a nawet przeciw wymyślił Lech Wałęsa. My podchwyciliśmy, bo wiele spraw ważnych budzi kontrowersje. Dlatego szukając ciekawych tematów, gości dobieramy - za i przeciw. Kto ma lepsze argumenty, ten zdobywa poparcie naszych słuchaczy, którzy dzwonią piszą i głosują podczas audycji.


That Kpop Talk:That Kpop Talk

That Kpop Talk

Commentary on the latest news and music of Korean popular music. You can also keep up with the latest music releases by following my APPLE PLAYLIST at https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/that-kpop-talk-playlist/pl.u-EdAVklrIapJL3WK and my SPOTIFY PLAYLIST at https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6p1yfFQFrwRwHYggda2nS9?si=n7ZdrEmATka3Jka3pCN16w&pi=u-qYee5IBWRRuP Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thatkpoptalk/support


③ Lista Przebojów Programu Trzeciego:Marek Niedźwiecki, Piotr Baron

③ Lista Przebojów Programu Trzeciego

Lista Przebojów Programu Trzeciego jest dla wielu z nas audycją, która była „zawsze”. Od momentu, kiedy po raz pierwszy usłyszeliśmy głos Marka Niedźwieckiego, z wypiekami na twarzy czekaliśmy na kolejne notowania, by odnaleźć w nich swoje ulubione piosenki.


③ Program alternatywny:Agnieszka Szydłowska

③ Program alternatywny

Muzyka może być dobra lub zła. To jedyny istotny podział. Muzyka wzbudza emocje - bez wątpienia silne. Nawet Pink Floyd kiedyś debiutowali i nawet oni mieli wrogów. Dlatego w tym programie stawiamy na nowości i artystów, którzy nie zawsze są znani. Nikt nie wie teraz co zostanie uznane za ważne kiedyś. A teraz przynosi tak wiele!


③ Aksamit:Anna Gacek

③ Aksamit

Aksamit, bo Aksamitne Podziemie. Aksamit, bo Aksamitne Poranki. Aksamit, bo to słowo, które niczego nie narzuca, czy raczej - nie stawia ograniczeń.


③ Siesta:Marcin Kydryński

③ Siesta

„Zapraszam na dwie godziny niezobowiązującej, niczym nie skrępowanej muzyki przyjaznej człowiekowi…” - mówi od trzech lat Marcin Kydryński w każdą trójkową niedzielę. Siesta to zestawienie pozornie nieprzystających do siebie utworów, pomieszanie gatunków, żonglerka konwencją. Od Van Halen po Wolfganga Amadeusa Mozarta, od Duke`a Ellingtona po Johna Zorna, od muzyki filmowej najwyższej próby po ludowych artystów z odległych krajów.


③ Radiowy dom kultury:Agnieszka Obszańska, Agnieszka Szydłowska

③ Radiowy dom kultury

Audycja o kulturze szeroko pojętej: festiwale, wystawy, koncerty, a także zapowiedzi mających nastąpić wydarzeń kulturalnych.


③ Teraz Polskie:Mariusz Owczarek

③ Teraz Polskie

Teraz polskie


③ Koncert w Trójce:Trójka

③ Koncert w Trójce

Studio znajduje się w gmachu Polskiego Radia przy ul. Myśliwieckiej 3/5/7. Tu Program 3 tworzy i stąd nadaje swoje audycje.


③ Manniak po ciemku:Wojciech Mann

③ Manniak po ciemku

Audycja muzyczna Wojciecha Manna. Muzyka bluesowa najnowsza i trochę starsza.


③ Poranki Piotra Metza:Piotr Metz

③ Poranki Piotra Metza

Piotr Metz i jego muzyczni goście opowiadają o najważniejszych piosenkach w historii muzyki polskiej i światowej.


③ Myśliwiecka 3-5-7:Piotr Stelmach

③ Myśliwiecka 3-5-7

Myśliwiecka 3/5/7 to od wielu lat najbardziej znany i rozpoznawalny radiowy adres w Polsce.


③ Ciemna Strona Mocy:Aleksandra Kaczkowska

③ Ciemna Strona Mocy

Zapraszam serdecznie na spotkanie po Ciemnej Stronie Mocy, od godz 2 do 4 nad ranem.

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