modus operandi Podcasts

Best modus operandi podcasts available (Last Updated Jan 2025)



Modus Operandi:Wondery

Modus Operandi

Podcast de true crime feito por Carol Moreira e Mabê Bonafé.


Modus Operandi:Modus Operandi

Modus Operandi

It was back in 2013 that Ben Bosmans and Jonas Dufrasne decided to join forces and put together their experience and knowledge to become a stronger duo called Modus Operandi. To become stronger they directly took the art of djing very seriously. Ben decided to buy a pioneer dj set and and they started practicing in their bedrooms. They have both started spinning tracks with only virtual DJ at local parties. Jonas learned the tricks of the trade from one of his friends in the youth club. they were each separately known for their own genre. One day, Ben and Jonas have signed up for a dj contest to represent the Landen local team and with succes! from then on the love for house music became real. The pair have attracted a fair amount of attention. Like they say: “Working together added another layer of inspiration to what we’re doing. Laying down what feels god and always suprise each other”. And this is not the end of the story. They are always hungry for more events en they decided to start their own event/party concept called House Made & Houseciënda for the smaller club gigs and venues. To top it of they highly recommend checking out their monthly “Crimineel Goed” mixtapes. In short terms: “A strict diet of house and raving vibes”. WE ARE LOOKING FOR A FEELING WELCOMED AND FREE. AND IF THAT INVOLVES A BOUNCING CASTLE... WELL SO BE IT!


Racconti horror e creepypasta:modus operandi

Racconti horror e creepypasta

Audioracconti horror e creepypasta in italiano.


MODUS OPERANDI | FluxFM PODCAST x STAATSOPER Unter den Linden:FluxFM & Staatsoper Unter den Linden


Ein Opernhaus öffnet seine Türen. Sie ist künstlerisches Zuhause weltberühmter Musiker*innen und Künstler*innen: Die Staatsoper Unter den Linden! In unserem neuen Podcast Modus Operandi lernen wir eine der wichtigsten Kulturinstitutionen der Welt hautnah kennen. Dem Genre Oper nähern wir uns durch Gespräche mit seinen unzähligen Protagonist*innen vor, auf und hinter der Bühne. Vom Tenor bis zur Kostümschneiderei, von der Haustechnik bis zum Intendanten. Wir treffen auf Menschen mit außergewöhnlichen Jobs und tauchen tief in ihren Opern-Alltag ein, um zu erfahren: Woher kommt diese ungeheure Leidenschaft zur klassischen Musik? Was hat sie geprägt, ihren Werdegang bestimmt und an eines der wichtigsten Opernhäuser weltweit geführt? Folgt uns jeden Monat in einer weiteren spannenden Folge auf eine Reise in die Welt der Oper und erlebt, was ihren Zauber ausmacht!


Physiology and Hygiene by Francis M. Walters:Loyal Books

Physiology and Hygiene by Francis M. Walters

Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schoolsby Francis M. Walters, A.M.PREFACE The aim in the preparation of this treatise on the human body has been, first, to set forth in a teachable manner the actual science of physiology; and second, to present the facts of hygiene largely as applied physiology. The view is held that right living consists in the harmonious adjustment of one's habits to the nature and plan of the body, and that the best preparation for such living is a correct understanding of the physical self. It is further held that the emphasizing of physiology augments in no small degree the educative value of the subject, greater opportunity being thus afforded for exercise of the reasoning powers and for drill in the modus operandi of natural forces. In the study of physiology the facts of anatomy have a place.


The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé, by Harry Houdini:Loyal Books

The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé, by Harry Houdini

“A complete exposé of the modus operandi of fire eaters, heat resisters, poison eaters, venomous reptile defiers, sword swallowers, human ostriches, strong men, etc.”, [by Harry Houdini, from the subtitle].


Modus Operandi De Robo A Transeúnte:Paulina Villamar Ortiz

Modus Operandi De Robo A Transeúnte

Modus operandi de robo a transeúnte


Miracle Mongers, an Exposé, The by  Harry Houdini (1874 - 1926):LibriVox

Miracle Mongers, an Exposé, The by Harry Houdini (1874 - 1926)

"A complete exposé of the modus operandi of fire eaters, heat resisters, poison eaters, venomous reptile defiers, sword swallowers, human ostriches, strong men, etc.", [by Harry Houdini, from the subtitle].


KickStart Your Edge: Play to Win Leadership:KickStart Your Edge

KickStart Your Edge: Play to Win Leadership

The KickStart Your Edge Play to Win Leadership Podcast is where we’ve flipped the script with our groundbreaking modus operandi to bring you real, relevant, relatable tactics and techniques to master your Play to Win mindset. Whether you are leading yourself, leading others, or leading the business, your mindset makes or breaks you. Talk about a superpower; it’s time to iron your cape! Welcome to the Edge, where playing not to lose is not an option.


Modus Operandi NGO Environmental Podcast:Modus Operandi NGO

Modus Operandi NGO Environmental Podcast

This is an Environment and Wildlife awareness based podcast where we would like to spread more Awareness on Environment and various issues related to it and some discussions on wildlife and laws and many more topics.


Legado de huesos 2º de Dolores Redondo:Baby Snakes

Legado de huesos 2º de Dolores Redondo

El juicio contra el padrastro de la joven Johana Márquez está a punto de comenzar. A él asiste una embarazada Amaia Salazar, la inspectora de la policía foral que un año atrás había resuelto los crímenes del llamado basajaun, que sembraron de terror el valle del Baztán. Amaia también había reunido las pruebas inculpatorias contra Jasón Medina, que imitando el modus operandi del basajaun había asesinado, violado y mutilado a Johana, la adolescente hija de su mujer. De pronto, el juez anuncia que el juicio debe cancelarse: el acusado acaba de suicidarse en los baños del juzgado. Ante la expectación y el enfado que la noticia provoca entre los asistentes, Amaia es reclamada por la policía: el acusado ha dejado una nota suicida dirigida a la inspectora, una nota que contiene un escueto e inquietante mensaje: «Tarttalo». Con una sola palabra, se destapará una trama sobrecogedora que envuelve a la inspectora hasta un trepidante final. Segunda parte de la Trilogía del Baztán.


Modus Operandi Podcast:Alan Miller

Modus Operandi Podcast

An almost bi-monthly podcast about politics, music, culture, sports, and pets. Described as "Better than anything on the radio" by a friend. Tends to run anywhere from 90 minutes to 3 hours.


Modus Operandi: Flash Fiction:Scott Cumming

Modus Operandi: Flash Fiction

Best Flash Fiction stories from around the Web read to you by some dulcet Scottish tones.


The Modus Operandi Podcast:Cardipelago

The Modus Operandi Podcast

This is the Modus Operandi Podcast presented by Cardipelago and hosted by Spade JM and Kurt Garcia.


Seriales, Modus Operandi:William Díaz

Seriales, Modus Operandi

Los asesinos en serie más sanguinarios de toda la historia. Crímenes, misterios, homicidios, violaciones, trastornos y mucho más. Personas que sembraron el terror en sus países y en el mundo, acabando con la vida de niños, mujeres, jóvenes y adultos. Acompáñanos a conocer sus historias. Descubre sus motivos, sus víctimas y las historias que hay detrás de cada uno de ellos. Este es un podcast original de William Díaz.


Tunes from Turtle Island:Andrew GJ

Tunes from Turtle Island

As far as I know Tunes From Turtle Island is the only European radio show to exclusivity promote the indigenous musicians, bands and sound artists of North America. It is broadcast in Europe by 7 stations in 4 countries every week. Austria, Italy, the UK and USA. I play all genres of music from hip hop, rock, jazz and blues through to traditional, country, folk and more. From the first period of recorded sound, right up to the present day. I often include news articles on environmental destruction, social and human rights issues impacting on the indigenous communities of Turtle Island. Originally inspired by the Standing Rock protests of 2016/17. Whilst watching videos produced in solidarity with those protests, I heard a number of bands and artists that I hadn't heard before and decided to delve further into the indigenous music scene of N. America. I found a treasure trove of music (but also a huge amount of info on one of the most marginalized peoples of North America). I started to put together a show featuring only indigenous artists from North America (Canada, the USA Mexico and Greenland), and so the Tunes From Turtle Island radio show was born. First broadcast on Resonance FM in the UK in 2018 it is now on 4 FM stations in Austria, 1 in Italy and one native owned and run station in Minnesota USA. My primary motive for making Tunes From Turtle Island it to introduce more people in Europe to the amazing music coming out of Turtle Island, as most of the music I play has not been heard here before. I also want to shine a light on the environmental and social challenges that these communities face in everyday life, as that is not mentioned by the press here at all. My modus operandi takes its inspiration from the legendary UK DJ John Peel and I play all genres of music side by side. I'm really happy to be a part of Pantheon - the podcast network for music lovers. Tunes From Turtle Island Site | Facebook | Instagram | Threads


The Modus Operandi Podcast:Modus Operandi

The Modus Operandi Podcast



Modus Operandi | Menschen und Strategien:Daniel Nunzella, My Best Concept

Modus Operandi | Menschen und Strategien

Der Podcast "Modus Operandi" stammt aus der in Bochum im Exzenterhaus ansässigen Performance Marketing Schmiede „My Best Concept“ oder kurz auch "MBC". Es beschäftig sich federführend mit Fragen rund um den Kosmos des strategischen Onlinemarketings und ermöglicht tiefgreifende Einsichten in Vorgehensweisen von etablierten Branchenexperten. „MBC“ ist bekannt für innovative Leadgenerierungs-Kampagnen sowohl im B2B als auch im B2C Bereich. Als Partner Agentur des marktführenden Search-Tool-Anbieters „Searchmetrics“ mit Hauptsitz in Berlin, werden Strategien zum einen für Kunden datenbasiert geplant und zum anderen auch von Ihnen Kanalübergreifend umgesetzt. Ihrer Überzeugung nach ist die Strategie der wichtigste und fundamentalste Teil jeglicher Onlinemarketingaktivitäten. Daniel Nunzella (CMO - My Best Concept) holt sich hier regelmäßig für "MBC" spannende Gesprächspartner aus ganz Deutschland ins Studio, um hinter die Kulissen von erfolgreichen Unternehmern und deren Strategien zu blicken. Die Liebe zum Detail ist es, die extrem gut performende Marketing Kampagnen vom Durchschnitt unterscheidet.


Modus presents Operandi Radio's Podcast:Modus presents Operandi Radio

Modus presents Operandi Radio's Podcast


Trilogía del Baztán 2 de Dolores Redondo:AGB0666

Trilogía del Baztán 2 de Dolores Redondo

El juicio contra el padrastro de la joven Johana Márquez está a punto de comenzar. A él asiste una embarazada Amaia Salazar, la inspectora de la Policía For al que un año atrás había resuelto los crímenes del llamado basajaun, que sembraron de terror el valle del Baztán. Amaia también había reunido las pruebas inculpatorias contra Jasón Medina, que imitando el modus operandi del basajaun había asesinado, violado y mutilado a Johana, la adolescente hija de su mujer. De pronto, el juez anuncia que el juicio debe cancelarse: el acusado acaba de suicidarse en los baños del juzgado. Ante la expectación y el enfado que la noticia provoca entre los asistentes, Amaia es reclamada por la policía: el acusado ha dejado una nota suicida dirigida a la inspectora, una nota que contiene un escueto e inquietante mensaje: «Tarttalo». Esa sola palabra que remite al personaje fabuloso del imaginario popular vasco destapará una trama terrorífica que envuelve a la inspectora hasta un trepidante final