vtt Podcasts

Best vtt podcasts available (Last Updated May 2024)



VTT:Mailys Pelletier




VTT's Sports Betting:Nick, Joe, Bill, Stacks

VTT's Sports Betting

Send it 7 Bill Pearson, Triggered Joe Bridson and of course the Big Earl bring you the best UFC and NFL betting advice in the world!


La Table Virtuelle:La Table Virtuelle

La Table Virtuelle

Actual play de JDR joués sur VTT et Discord.


Le Lunch Ride par Vojo:Le Lunch Ride

Le Lunch Ride par Vojo

Le Lunch Ride, c'est le podcast par la rédaction de Vojo. On parle de VTT, on échange avec des personnalités passionnées, on rêve de beaux sentiers et on parle de vélos aussi. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.


VTT's Mental Health Warrior:Clifford Bauman

VTT's Mental Health Warrior

VTT Welcomes Clifford Bauman! Clifford is a retired Warrant Officer 4 who shares his stories of struggles and attempted suicide and how he turned it in to strength and resilience!


VT Ground Zero:Vale Tudo Training

VT Ground Zero

The team from VTT chat about training, health, sport, business and general chit chat


Päivystävät dosentit:Yle Areena

Päivystävät dosentit

Päivystävät dosentit levittää oppimisen, tutkimisen ja debatoinnin ilosanomaa. Dosentit VTT Antto Vihma ja FT Miika Tervonen vastaavat podcast-sarjassaan yleisön esittämiin kysymyksiin. Älyllistä ja assosiatiivista dialogia tarjoava sarja on Vihman ja Tervosen vastaus puheisiin "kaiken maailman dosenteista"


VTT's Throat Punch Monday:Len

VTT's Throat Punch Monday

Len Clark has been part of the VTT family almost since the beginning. Navy Veteran, Mother, Wife, and Warrior who helps get her and other warriors messages out!


Vélo Passion:France Bleu

Vélo Passion

Toute l'actu des 2 roues et des idées de randonnées et de balades dans le Gard et la Lozère, en VTT et sur route. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.


Scarred Lands: Myths and Matchmakers:Travis

Scarred Lands: Myths and Matchmakers

Mondays at 2 PM CST on https://www.twitch.tv/plasticageplays A group of adventurers cross the continent of Ghelspad seeking relics, power, and payback. Starring Chaz Callendar as Rem Leeneth Jeremy Hochhalter (@whpubs on twitter) as Monnoch Ayli Katt ( @KittyKuriosity on twitter) as Tork Tric (@TheHeretric) as Biphruuns Fran Stewart (@ronelynvalor on twitter) as Skrib Sarah Stweart (@MoreLikeThis2) as Col. Cisne Dungeon Master: Travis Legge (@travislegge on twitter) Scarred Lands 5th Edition available from Onyx Path Publishing VTT by Astral Table Top https://www.astraltabletop.com/ Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mythsandmatchmakers/support


Veteran Trash Talk Hour:Nick, Dave, Buddy

Veteran Trash Talk Hour

Veteran Trash Talk Hour podcasts are stories of real warriors dealing with demons on the inside. Our guest are brave enough to share them with our brothers, sisters, supporters, and contributors so we can defeat the demons together. Additionally, our podcasts promote veteran-owned businesses and organizations that support veteran causes. Also, there is plenty of trash talk. ABOUT US Veteran Trash Talk, LLC is group of smart and sophisticated veterans who will always pretend to know more than you. We are here to talk trash and support each other in a more proactive way than ever. We are a for-profit apparel company and future media & advertising global icon! VTT chose to operate as a for-profit company so we can provide for our families and help as many veterans as possible at the same time. We are here to help veterans get the beast inside of them out so we can crush it.


Hors Sentiers by Baouw:Baouw

Hors Sentiers by Baouw

Hors Sentiers by Baouw, c’est le podcast qui vous emmène là où vous ne vous y attendez pas. On y parle, certes, de sport santé et de nutrition mais on y partage surtout de belles histoires d’athlètes de l’univers outdoor.Retrouvez 2 mardis par mois, en alternance : un entretien pour découvrir un athlète, qui se livre comme jamais auparavant, dans un environnement naturel qui lui est cher. La nutrition est à l’honneur de notre second format, et nous prenons un malin plaisir à la faire rimer avec convictions et émotions. Alors, qu’attendez-vous pour partir Hors Sentiers avec nous ?Rendez-vous sur https://www.baouw-organic-nutrition.com pour découvrir notre univers, nos conseils nutrition et tous nos produits Baouw. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.


Fabled Dice:Bryce Mousseau

Fabled Dice

Fabled Dice is a Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual-Play Podcast. Four misfit adventures Lost in a realm of Magic, must recover what they lost as children Based on Wild Beyond The Witchlight. Fabled Dice is made possible by: Fantasy Grounds Unity VTT: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/ Sound Effects by Syrinscape: https://syrinscape.com/ Music by RPGMusicMaker: https://www.youtube.com/RPGMusicMaker Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fabled-dice/support


Circular Design:Circular Design Suomi

Circular Design

Circular Design podcast-sarjassa kiertotalouden ja muotoilun asiantuntijat keskustelevat aikamme suurimmasta markkinamurroksesta ja siitä mitä se tarkoittaa yrityksille. Podcastit ovat osa Circular Design – kehityspolku kohti kiertotaloutta valmennusohjelmaa, joka on ympäristöministeriön strategisen Kiertotalousohjelman toimenpide. Ohjelman toteutuksesta vastaavat Design Forum Finland ja Ethica Oy kumppaneinaan VTT, SYKE, Sitra, Frankly Partners, Miltton ja Alice Labs. Lue lisää valmennusohjelmasta: circulardesignsuomi.fi


VTT's Sunday Service:VTT's Facemean and Meg

VTT's Sunday Service

VTT's Faceman and his wife Megan bring the heat with blended military families and any issue they feel like talking about!


The Bard Knock Life:The Bard Knock Life

The Bard Knock Life

A group of ragtag adventurers embark on a quest given to them by a frantic goblin woman, who enjoys saying the name Bramblebashers a lot. Our heroes are played by a group of friends who just love games and Pathfinder and we can't wait to share our table with you guys! Game Master: Jesse Satterwhite Players: Josh Henderson as Tolin Tagrickkin Laura Meister as Bolin Tagrickkin James Cary as Riven Aurum Zach Poynter as Dr. Hendull Goodbarrell Nate Rogers as X3N0 (sometimes) VTT: FoundyVTT Adventure Path: Book 1 - Age of Ashes: Hellknight Hill by Amanda Hamon-Kunz, Distributed by Paizo


The Curiosity Cache:Jeremy Hochhalter

The Curiosity Cache

Live on Fridays at 4:30pm EST on www.twitch.tv/whpublications In Shelzar, the City of Sin, a group of outsiders must learn what it means to be adventurers before the shop they work for closes, leaving them homeless in a city that will swallow them whole. Starring: Catie Griffin as Pratchya John Wilcox as Dhesim Chaz Callendar as Friede Noah Grand as Brakaw Jeremy Hochhalter as the Dungeon Master Scarred Lands 5th Edition available from Onyx Path Publishing VTT by Astral Table Top www.astraltabletop.com Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whpublications/support


location2000:Samir AMZANI


Expert en location de bateaux en Corse et à Sagone pour visiter notre belle côte occidentale mais aussi de voiture, scooter et VTT.


Paluu historiaan:Ennen ja nyt

Paluu historiaan

Paluu historiaan -podcastissa VTT Olli Kleemola haastattelee Ennen ja nyt -lehdessä vähintään viisi vuotta sitten julkaisseita tutkijoita. Kleemola keskustelee heidän kanssaan artikkelin syntyprosessista, sen tulosten vaikutuksista ja myöhemmästä tutkimuksesta. Mitä kirjoittajat nyt ehkä tekisivät toisin? Vai vieläkö tekstiä lukee tyytyväisenä? Podcastin tavoitteena on tuoda vertaisarvioiduille artikkeleille lisäikää, ja se on toteutettu Suomen Tiedekustantajien liiton rahoituksella. Jaksojen musiikki: Pendulum Waltz ja Temptation March. Jason Shaw/Audionautix.com. Jaksot myös Youtubessa!


RPG Coast to Coast:dasmaschine

RPG Coast to Coast

These are live recordings from the Tavern Discord. Folks in the RPG industry come in and have discussions, very much in the style of a panel at a convention. The hosts change every week and talk about things ranging from art, minis, cartography, terrain, vtts, game theory, DMing & Player advice, and anything else that strikes their fancy. Toward the end of the show, we open the show up to audience members for questions. If you would like to be on the show as an audience member or a host please head on over to the Tavern Discord https://discord.gg/GaXW2TX and message Laramie Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rpgcoasttocoast/support

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