ykc Podcasts

Best ykc podcasts available (Last Updated May 2024)



The Xtra Talks:YKC Talks

The Xtra Talks

The Xtra Talks Podcast hosted by Yash where you will learn The Xtra Things & Hacks you should know to survive in 21st Century. The Host Yash shares his Experiences & knowledge and also interviews experts from various fields like Technology, Business, travel, Law and Finance. Take This Opportunity To Discover Tips, Tricks and Secrets And Share It With Others.


J's BAR|村上春樹本の話と雑談が聴けるラジオ:ジェイズバーミッキー

J's BAR|村上春樹本の話と雑談が聴けるラジオ

ジェイズバー(J's BAR)のマスターミッキーのゆるい雑談をお届けする、聞き流し寝酒ポッドキャスト。村上主義者のミッキーが村上春樹さんの本について話す回が人気です。#37 #49 #89 シーズン2の#2 #4#9回から聴いていただけると嬉しいです。 お便りはこちら! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10GWc2b9aGmcg_7BI15Ykc12z2eeyye6TSROeYdzrLa8/ ジェイズバーミッキー、各種SNSリンク Twitter https://twitter.com/jsbar_radio Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@Mickey333 Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/jp/podcast/js-bar/id1580673031 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/3lC4U5wwCl6St0Dz3SjD2l?si=DuwIZvzsSwGOcTETJHPgIg


Crufts 2020 - Show Interviews & Podcasts:THE KENNEL CLUB / CRE8MEDIA LTD 2020

Crufts 2020 - Show Interviews & Podcasts

Crufts is one of the largest dog events in the world. No longer purely a dog show, Crufts celebrates every aspect of the role that dogs play in our lives. It has changed in ways that couldn’t possibly have been imagined when the show was set up in Victorian times by the late Charles Cruft. Although it was a very different event in 1891 Charles Cruft was a great showman and would surely have enjoyed the size and scope of the event today, which is an essential date in any dog lover’s calendar. The dog show is still an important part of the event, celebrating the unique relationship that dogs share with their owners. Judges are trained to ensure that only healthy dogs win prizes, which in turn encourages the breeding of healthy dogs. But the event is now about so much more besides. Crufts is ultimately a celebration of all dogs. It celebrates working dogs, which are fit and healthy enough to perform the jobs for which they were originally bred, such as those in the Gamekeeper classes or which line up for the Police Dog Team Operational and Humanitarian Action of the Year award, and it hails hero dogs through the Friends for Life competition. Rescue dogs are celebrated in the rescue dog agility competition and the speed and agility of dogs is celebrated in the ever popular competitions of Flyball and Heelwork to Music. For prospective dog owners and dog lovers, Crufts is a prime opportunity to talk to Kennel Club Assured Breeders, rescue charities and breed experts about how to responsibly buy, train and enjoy life with your dog. And of course, with hundreds of trade stands selling anything and everything for dogs and dog lovers, it is a shopping extravaganza!


Podcast Monseñor Wilfredo Peña:catolico

Podcast Monseñor Wilfredo Peña

Monseñor Wilfredo Peña http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=+Monse%C3%B1or+Wilfredo+Pe%C3%B1a https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbYkcE2SXmXiyaGJPOmIlag

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