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The FPL Draft Zone

Author: Dom Crofts

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Like Fantasy Premier League?  Like Fantasy Draft?  Then you've come to the right place!  
The FPL Draft Zone is a podcast dedicated to the finest of the Fantasy Premier League formats - DRAFT!

With advice on waiver pick ups, trade targets, ones to watch and much, MUCH more, we'll be dishing out match-winning advice on a weekly basis - and doing our best to help you win your draft league.  

So what are you waiting for?  Subscribe to The FPL Draft Zone - your fantasy team's best signing of the season!

20 Episodes
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! On this week's pod we look back at Gameweek 37 with four games left to play, and then it's all about the final Gameweek of the season! Which teams can you trust to perform when so many sides have nothing to play for, and who are the players who can get you over the line in your draft league? Plus there's heroes, villains and much more!Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if you would be so kind) give us a review!We're also on...
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! On this week's pod we look ahead to a make-or-break Gameweek 37, as we reach crunch time in the race for those draft league titles!How big should you go on the double gameweek teams, and what impact will it have on your side's chances in Gameweek 38? Which single gameweek teams would you be foolish to ignore on the waivers, and who are the players that can give you the edge over your rivals?Plus there's a returning Fantasy hero of the w...
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! On this week's pod we look back at all the drama from Gameweek 35, before looking ahead to Gameweek 36. With a double Gameweek right around the corner, who are the assets that can get your team over the line, and which of the single Gameweek sides have the easiest run in?Plus there's a brand new inductee into our Fantasy Hero Hall of Fame, and another villain to induct into our Hall of Shame!Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if ...
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! On this week's pod we look back at a gameweek full of surprises, reveal our winners and losers, and hail our Fantasy Hero of the Week. Then we turn our attention to potentially season defining Gameweek 34. Seven teams double, but how much should we be investing in their assets, and how important is it that we don't overlook those single gameweek teams?Plus there's an apology for Fulham, and a shock stat on Dwight McNeil!Don't forg...
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! On this week's pod we take a look back at all the action from Gameweek 32, laud our Fantasy Hero of the Week and find a few diamonds in the rough for you ahead of this week's waiver deadline.Plus, with Gameweek 34 on the horizon, there's a word of warning about focusing too much on the future and not taking care of the present...(*Ownership stats referenced on the show are taken from Draft FC data*)Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if...
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! With another quick turnaround Gameweek, we rifle through the weekend's fixtures and pick out some players who could make the difference in for your draft team. Plus we crown our Gameweek Hero and Villain, and there's an insane Bournemouth stat to wrap your head around!Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if you would be so kind) give us a review!We're also on Twitter/X and Instagram:
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! With a super quick turnaround for Gameweek 31 we take a look at the upcoming fixtures and recommend a few players who could make the difference in your draft team. Plus there's all the usual nonsense with Fantasy Heroes, Supervillains and much, much more!Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if you would be so kind) give us a review!We're also on Twitter/X and Instagram:
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! On this week's pod we get down and dirty with some XG, XA and XGC stats, and we take a look at the FPL Team of the Week line ups from Gameweeks 24-28 in an attempt to unearth a diamond in the rough. Plus there's waiver suggestions for the week ahead and we assess those double Gameweek 34 fixtures!Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if you would be so kind) give us a review!We're also on Twitter/X and Instagram:https://twitte...
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! In this week's pod we take a look back at a lightweight Gameweek 29 as owners of Fulham assets won big - and we cast a glance at the FA Cup Quarter Finals for any clues as to who we should be targeting on the waivers.Plus we look ahead to the next three Gameweeks by focusing on the five teams with the best fixtures over that period. Are you ready to jump back on the Bournemouth bandwagon?!?Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and ...
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! In this week's pod we break down potential Gameweek 29 assets by position - who are the players that could make or break your gameweek, and how much should you gamble on just four fixtures?Plus we take a slightly more long term view, highlighting some players set to return in the next few weeks who could be the difference between winning and losing your league title. And there's all the other usual nonsense, including winners, losers an...
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! WE ARE BACK!On this week's episode we take a deep dive into the next two Gameweeks - is there a risk of focusing so much on GW29 that we let GW28 slip through our fingers?Ahead of Liverpool's clash with Manchester City we ask if any of the top two's squad players are worth a punt, and there's thoughts on Spurs' attacking options in the absence of Richarlison. Plus there's waiver wants, ones to watch, heroes, villains and more!Don't forg...
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! In this week's pod we gear up for a potentially season-defining double gameweek! There's a raft of waiver suggestions, a potential trade target to consider, we talk Liverpool rotation and we ask if Luton can make up for their Sheffield United disasterclass. Plus is Declan Rice the new David Beckham?!?Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if you would be so kind) give us a review!We're also on Twitter/X and Instagram:https://twi...
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! We take a look back at another incredible week of FPL Draft action, hailing the week's winners, lamenting its losers and inducting another Hero of the Week. Plus there's a look ahead to Gameweek 24, with a host of waiver suggestions that could transform your team, plus a couple of returning internationals who could be available in your league.Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if you would be so kind) give us a review!We're also ...
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! We look back at the story of Gameweek 22 so far, assessing some of the standout performers and inducting our latest Supervillain of the Week. Then it's onto Gameweek 23, where we discuss some excellent waiver options and highlight a potentially game-changing One To Watch! Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if you would be so kind) give us a review!We're also on Twitter/X and Instagram:
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! In the absence of any Premier League football we reveal our FPL Draft Zone Team of the Season So Far - but with a twist! To avoid all the usual suspects, were focusing on those players who have surprised us all with their performances and their points tallies, and who were drafted 60th or later according to the global draft average. A big thanks to Draft FC for the Global Draft Rankings - check them out here:
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! In this week's episode we take a look at Gameweek 21's key performers, run through some under the radar waiver pick ups and assess an Arsenal asset who could finally be about to get a run in the first team. Plus heroes, villains and much more more!Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if you would be so kind) give us a review!We're also on Twitter/X and Instagram:
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! On this week's pod we look back at the first half of Gameweek 21, focusing on some potential defensive assets who might improve your draft team. Plus we reveal our Fantasy Hero of the Week and suggest a low owned player who might be worth a short-term punt. Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if you would be so kind) give us a review!We're also on Twitter/X and Instagram:
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! In this week's episode we take a look back at draft night around the world, assessing the 20 most popular picks based on average draft position, and asking if the players YOU signed have lived up to expectations, or screwed you over BIG TIME!Plus we assess a couple of new signings who should be available on the GW21 waivers...A big thanks to Draft FC for the global draft ranking stats - check them out here:'t f...
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! It's episode one of The FPL Draft Zone! We take a look at Gameweek 20's winners and losers, induct our first Fantasy Supervillain of the Week, talk trade targets, waiver wants and ones to watch - and we ask if it's time to ditch Arsenal attackers...Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if you would be so kind) give us a review!We're also on Twitter/X and Instagram:
Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! Launching in January, The FPL Draft Zone is a brand new podcast dedicated to Draft FPL - the finest of the Fantasy Premier League formats.We're going to be doing our best to help you win your draft league, with recommended waiver pick ups, suggested trade targets, ones to watch and much, MUCH more. So subscribe to The FPL Draft Zone, and we'll see you in the New Year!Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if you would be so kind) giv...
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