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Carolina Conference Camp Meeting
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Carolina Conference Camp Meeting

Author: Carolina Conference

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Welcome to The Carolina Conference Camp Meeting podcast, a gateway to a  religious gathering in the Blue Ridge Mountains. 

Join us as we delve into the core values and teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church through engaging sermons, enlightening discussions, and inspiring testimonies. Discover the rich traditions and customs that make the Carolina Conference Camp Meeting a cherished experience for believers from all walks of life.

Come, journey with us as we uncover the beauty and significance of the Carolina Conference Camp Meeting, where faith, nature, and community intertwine in a remarkable tapestry of spiritual rejuvenation.

502 Episodes
Elder Leslie D. Louis was born to missionary parents from India on the island of Ceylon (today known as Sri Lanka) where he spent most of his boyhood days. He holds a B.A. degree in religion from Southern Missionary College (1973), along with an M.A. in education from Andrews University (1982). He has served in five conferences in North America including Florida, Ohio, Kentucky-Tennessee, Gulf States, and Carolina. The past fifty years of his service for the Seventh-day Adventist church inclu...
As a child, Kathy wanted to be a nurse. She completed her first year of nursing classes at Columbia Union College, while also taking voice lessons. By the end of that year, she felt called to be a music teacher.Kathy sang her first solo when she was five years old for Adult Sabbath School. Thanks to her parents, music education was an important part of her life as she began piano lessons in 2nd grade, sang solos and with choirs, played flute during her elementary and academy years, took harp ...
Glenward Alexander (Alex) Bryant, inspired to ministry soon after joining the Seventh-day Adventist Church, solidified his calling through evangelism and teaching in Japan as a student missionary. With a BA in Theology and Business from Oakwood College, an M.Div from Andrews University, and a D.Min from Fuller Theological Seminary, he has served in various leadership roles within the Adventist Church. Currently, he is the North American Division president and enjoys nature, construction...
Adult Sabbath SchoolWelcome and Opening Prayer — David WrightMount Pisgah and Fletcher Academies' Mission — Academy RepresentativesSpecial Music — Choirs from Mount Pisgah & Fletcher AcademiesMission Report — Jimmy ShweMission Offering/Special Music — Jacqueline & Janae WalshLesson — Eric WalshClosing Prayer — David Wright
Glenward Alexander (Alex) Bryant, inspired to ministry soon after joining the Seventh-day Adventist Church, solidified his calling through evangelism and teaching in Japan as a student missionary. With a BA in Theology and Business from Oakwood College, an M.Div from Andrews University, and a D.Min from Fuller Theological Seminary, he has served in various leadership roles within the Adventist Church. Currently, he is the North American Division president and enjoys nature, construction...
Glenward Alexander (Alex) Bryant, inspired to ministry soon after joining the Seventh-day Adventist Church, solidified his calling through evangelism and teaching in Japan as a student missionary. With a BA in Theology and Business from Oakwood College, an M.Div from Andrews University, and a D.Min from Fuller Theological Seminary, he has served in various leadership roles within the Adventist Church. Currently, he is the North American Division president and enjoys nature, construction...
Stephen (Steve) Bauer has been with the School ofReligion since 1999, bringing extensive pastoral experiencefrom suburban and inner-city settings. Inspired byhis parents' faith, Steve is passionate about teachingrighteousness by faith in Christ, emphasizing the urgencyof living by faith as the end times approach. His Ph.D.focused on Darwinian evolution's impact on ethics.Throughout his many years of ministry, he has served as a pastor, Bibleworker, and certified flight instructor. Steve, marr...
Michael Anthony Harpe, director of StewardshipMinistries at the North American Division, has devoted 32years to ministry, including pastoral roles, education, anddepartmental leadership. With degrees in theology, biblicallanguages, mathematics, and a master's in homileticsand church growth, he has contributed significantlyacross various capacities. Married for 40 years to SelitaAtchley, Harpe emphasizes the revolutionary and relational aspects of God'sgenerosity in mission funding.
Sandra Finley Doran, Ed.D., enjoys presentingRevelation’s grace-filled messages to children of allages. She has served as an educator, administrator, andwriter for more than thirty-five years. She is well-knownthroughout the Southern Union for her work as AssociateSuperintendent of Education for the Florida Conference,where she trained educators throughout the Union ininnovative teaching methods. Dr. Doran is the author of a dozen books,including the new Pacific Press release, UpDraft. She an...
Ron E. M. Clouzet has served in various leadership roleswithin the Adventist Church, including pastor at East RidgeChurch in Tennessee, ministerial secretary in the NorthernAsia-Pacific Division, and director of the North AmericanDivision Evangelism Institute. With a rich educationalbackground from La Sierra University, Andrews University,and Fuller Theological Seminary, he has significantlycontributed to theological education and evangelism globally. An esteemedauthor and speaker, Dr. Clouze...
Ricardo Palacios currently serves as the HispanicMinistries and Church Planting Coordinator for the CarolinaConference of Seventh-day Adventists. Originally fromEcuador, Ricardo has ministered over the past 30 yearsin various responsibilities, serving both South and NorthAmerica, Southeast Asia, and West Africa. He is grateful toshare life with his wife, Alicia, and their two young adult sons, Gabriel andDaniel. Ricardo’s greatest joy is to see people transformed by the power ofGod and respon...
Bill Knott serves as the associate director of the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department, overseeing the Church's relations with U.S. and international authorities. With over 25 years of experience in the D.C. area and holding a Ph.D. in History from George Washington University, he possesses extensive expertise in networking with leaders and communities. Previously, Knott made signifi cant contributions to church communications and pastoral work as editor and executive publisher fo...
Elder Rudy Salazar and his wife, Janet, met at UnionCollege in Lincoln, Nebraska. They have survived 38 yearsof marriage and raised two boys. It's only by God's helpthat each year has been better than the last. As a result,they have practical advice on the challenges that couplesface throughout their married life. Rudy has a doctorate inpastoral ministry from Andrews University and Janet has aMaster of Arts in Teaching from La Sierra University. Rudy currently servesas associate director of S...
David Sedlacek, a senior research professor at AndrewsUniversity, specializes in family ministry and discipleship.With a Ph.D. in social work from Case Western ReserveUniversity, he has experience in various roles, includingclinician, researcher, and pastor, focusing on trauma inpastors. Alongside his wife, Beverly, a soon-to-retirecounseling therapist with a doctorate in nursing, theyco-authored "Cleansing the Sanctuary of the Heart" and its workbook,contributing to emotional healing and fam...
David Klinedinst, serving as the Evangelism and ChurchGrowth Director for the Chesapeake Conference anda speaker on Hope Channel and 3ABN, has impactedaudiences globally across five continents. His focus lies inempowering lay members through seminars, aiming for amission-driven, lay-led church. His vibrant speaking stylehas captivated diverse, multicultural audiences.Marquita Klinedinst, married to David for 28 years and a registerednurse, passionately shares God's goodness. She has spoken at...
Carolina Pastors
Andy Nash, an influential Adventist author, pastor, and professor at Southern Adventist University, is known for his insightful book "Saved: The Story of God & Us," which explores the biblical narrative from Genesis to Revelation. Annually, he organizes impactful trips to Israel, guiding participants of all ages through Jesus' historical paths, deepening their understanding and connection to their faith.
Sandra Finley Doran, Ed.D., enjoys presentingRevelation’s grace-filled messages to children of allages. She has served as an educator, administrator, andwriter for more than thirty-five years. She is well-knownthroughout the Southern Union for her work as AssociateSuperintendent of Education for the Florida Conference,where she trained educators throughout the Union ininnovative teaching methods. Dr. Doran is the author of a dozen books,including the new Pacific Press release, UpDraft. She an...
Stephen (Steve) Bauer has been with the School ofReligion since 1999, bringing extensive pastoral experiencefrom suburban and inner-city settings. Inspired byhis parents' faith, Steve is passionate about teachingrighteousness by faith in Christ, emphasizing the urgencyof living by faith as the end times approach. His Ph.D.focused on Darwinian evolution's impact on ethics.Throughout his many years of ministry, he has served as a pastor, Bibleworker, and certified flight instructor. Steve, marr...
Michael Anthony Harpe, director of StewardshipMinistries at the North American Division, has devoted 32years to ministry, including pastoral roles, education, anddepartmental leadership. With degrees in theology, biblicallanguages, mathematics, and a master's in homileticsand church growth, he has contributed significantlyacross various capacities. Married for 40 years to SelitaAtchley, Harpe emphasizes the revolutionary and relational aspects of God'sgenerosity in mission funding.