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The Bridge Church Sermons

Author: The Bridge Church

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We exist to be like Jesus and become like Him for the sake of the world. Check out the latest sermons, updated weekly, and be a part of what God is doing at The Bridge Church!
372 Episodes
He Knows Your Name

He Knows Your Name


Jesus says, “I am the gate…” This name of Jesus is so profound in its implications of assurance for us as believers. Because of the safety and protection that only Jesus provides, we can run freely.Join us as guest teacher, Curtis Zackery, unpacks what Jesus meant in John 10 when he said, “I am the gate." the Show.
Whoever You Are

Whoever You Are


In John 8, Jesus says, “I am the light of the world.” Many of us are familiar with this language, yet, the meaning and implications are often lost on us.This week, Pastor Cory unpacks three aspects of light that Jesus brings to bear on our lives. Not only do we experience the light of Christ, but with the Holy Spirit in us, we get to carry his light into difficult situations and dark seasons. And Jesus makes this invitation to whoever believes.Listen to “Whoever You Are,” at
What must we do to know God? We start by knowing his name. In his own words, Jesus tells us, “I am the Bread of Life.”In John 6, as people ask him for food, he shifts the conversation from a temporal, physical need to eternal, spiritual sustenance. Jesus gives true seekers the way to this eternal bread, and it’s not something that can be bought. Check out “You Can’t Buy Bread” at To support this ministry and help us continue our God given mission, click here: http...
Making God Visible

Making God Visible


Nothing you’re doing for Jesus, big or small, is a waste of time. In John 13, Jesus washed his disciples' feet, including Judas who was moments away from betraying him. Loving and serving like Jesus has nothing to do with whether or not the other person is worthy. For, it was when we were unworthy that Christ loved and served us and made us worthy. When we serve, we make the God who is love visible. Listen to this week’s sermon, “Making God Visible,” at support this minis...
Obedience can often be thought of as blind compliance, simply following the rules because we’re supposed to follow them. In turn, we can find ourselves almost following God’s commands. But moral obligation is the antithesis of why we follow God in obedience.In Acts 5, we watch as the disciples fill the city with the name and gospel of Jesus. Not because they’re supposed to, but because they are compelled by the working of the Holy Spirit and because they, themselves, have been transformed by ...
We Are Still Here

We Are Still Here


Many of us approach life like some kind of balancing act, like trying to balance out the scales. And we often carry this balancing act into our relationship with God. But there is no place for scales in God’s Kingdom–His grace knocks them down.It is this grace that Paul and Silas extend to a jailer in Acts 16. It is this grace that causes the jailer to ask, “What must I do to be saved?” It is this grace that saves him.Listen to this week’s sermon, “We Are Still Here,” at
Living Open-Handed

Living Open-Handed


The early church was characterized in several ways, not the least of which was by their generosity. These early Christians were mirroring the generosity of Jesus–the one who so loved the world that he gave his life.This week, in Acts 2, we learn how the first century church practiced generosity spiritually, physically, and missionally. Visit to watch or listen to, “Living Open-Handed.”To support this ministry and help us continue our God given mission, click here: http://bit...
We’re all leaving a legacy whether we realize it or not. The question is, what kind of legacy do you want to leave? In Acts 20, Paul instills a legacy on the Ephesian elders. Following in the footsteps of Jesus, he left a legacy of service with a life poured out for others.What might it look like to live for the days you won’t see?Listen to this week’s sermon, “Living a Life Poured Out,” at support this ministry and help us continue our God given mission, click here: http...
In Acts, Jesus entrusts the early church with a mission–to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth. That mission is the same for believers today. But with a charge like this, we can often find ourselves asking, “How?”Listen to this week’s sermon on living as everyday missionaries and bringing the gospel to every table.To support this ministry and help us continue our God given mission, click here: Support the Show.
We Had Hoped

We Had Hoped


The road to Emmaus is the gap between crushed expectations and deep longing. In Luke 24, we find two men walking this very road, and they find a stranger walking with them–or so they think. A stranger who listens to their pain and walks alongside them in their grief.Just when they thought it was over, the resurrected Christ was in their very midst. Easter means that nothing is impossible with God. Even in the most dire of circumstances, Jesus shows up. Suffering does not have the last word.Li...
Prior to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, the cross was a symbol of terror and intimidation. So, on this Good Friday, as we remember the excruciating death of Jesus, how can we call today good? Because death did not have the final say. Listen to this Good Friday sermon on how we linger in the ache because there is no resurrection without a crucifixion.To support this ministry and help us continue our God given mission, click here: Support the Show.
What does the King do when he comes to town? Well, Jesus kicked off Holy Week with a destructive miracle followed by flipping temple tables. God’s house had become a place of exclusion and presumption which is the antithesis of God’s kingdom. While cursing an unassuming fig tree and driving people out of the temple may seem strange, Jesus wasn’t angry without reason. In Mark 11, Jesus rejects the religious system to begin ushering in a new covenant. Listen to this week’s sermon on Palm Sunday...
The Table of Jesus

The Table of Jesus


There are few words more powerful to hear than this – “the body of Christ broken for you, the blood of Christ shed for you.” In this message, Pastor Ian explains the meaning and significance of communion. It reaches into the history of God and His people, reminds us of its significance in the present, and points to the future hope we have in Jesus. Communion is so much more than a tradition we observe on Sundays. It unites us all — past, present, and future — as God’s people. Listen...
Restoring Our Identity

Restoring Our Identity


Jesus meets Peter for breakfast. But for Jesus, a meal is never just a meal. He is not content just to feed us physically.Peter denied Jesus three times, but in John 21, we see Jesus love and restore Peter. Yes, Jesus, loves us, and he also restores us.What shame are you carrying around? Listen to this week’s sermon on how Jesus restores our identity. To support this ministry and help us continue our God given mission, click here: Support the Show.
Sink Water

Sink Water


Miracles often happen on the other side of ordinary obedience. In John 2, Jesus performed his first miracle at a party. He took dirty water and turned it into wine—and he did it through the hands of servants. This means he can take whatever you’ve got too. Listen to this week’s sermon on how God wants to bring hope and healing through your hands. To support this ministry and help us continue our God given mission, click here: Support the Show.
See and Be Seen

See and Be Seen


Jesus chose to eat with a man who repressed God’s chosen people by stealing their wellbeing and subjecting them to poverty. Blessed are the poor in spirit. There was no one more impoverished than Zaccheus. He was a hated and rejected man. Yet, Jesus saw him, called him by name, and shared a meal with him. The gospel is for everyone. The ministry of Jesus was one of eating and drinking. He sees people no one else cares to see, and he shares a table with people no one else dares to come ne...
Redeemed Runaways

Redeemed Runaways


Take a second to imagine the most important person in your life. If they had been far off or absent for some time, and each day and night, you had watched and waited for them to come home… how would that day feel when they finally returned? This is the way the Father feels for you. He is filled with compassion, and he waits for every one of his children to come over the horizon after they’ve been far off. He doesn’t wait with crossed arms or a hard stance. Like the father in the story of...
Conflict Stewards

Conflict Stewards


Jesus got into fights. While dining in the home of a Pharisee, Jesus confronts the teachers of the law about their hypocrisy, greed, and awful treatment of others. Sometimes faithfully following Jesus will include difficult table talk. What does it look like for us to confront like Jesus?Listen to this week's sermon on how Jesus, in perfect loving kindness, engages in conflict and confrontation.To support this ministry and help us continue our God given mission, click here:
The more undeserving of grace you feel, the better place you’re in to receive it. In Luke 14, Jesus upends what it is to be invited to the table. Rather than a place for looking good, the table is a place for doing good. It’s not for the worthy, but the hungry. What does it look like for you to accept the invite to the table of Jesus?Listen to this week’s sermon on humility and the grace that He extends to us. To support this ministry and help us continue our God given mission, clic...
Presence at the Table

Presence at the Table


Often we wear our busyness like a badge, proclaiming our worth by how much we accomplish. But as we see in Luke 10, Jesus calls us to take time to be present so we don't miss what really matters. He calls us to "be with Him" before we "do for him".To support this ministry and help us continue our God given mission, click here: Support the Show.
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