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The Arsenio Buck Perspective

Author: Arsenio Buck

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Born and raised in Las Vegas and have been living in Thailand for over 7 years. Aside from being a teacher, I'm now a trainer, soon-to-be life/transformation coach, podcaster, speaker, writer and influencer. This podcast is about all things personal development with me reviewing a variety of books -- on top of bringing interviewees on to share their powerful message. Tune in and be sure to follow me in the links down below!

1507 Episodes
We're back and we're diving further into high-performance coaching! As of today, though, I'll be introducing an amazing mini-series that will be debuting on the weekend. Lots of amazing content coming from a book that I will debut, so stay tuned for that! Nonetheless, let's dive into the power of intent!
From top to bottom, this podcast has it all. I’m absolutely grateful to have met an amazing soul in Carla Trigo a couple of years ago — and I’m continuing to see the beautiful benefits that the relationship has brought, including the wondrous Suzanne. Born in Ireland, she has a story…a hell of a story of being a pharmacist…now turned holistic coach. Her story will blend with so many of yours out there from dealing with stress and anxiety, environmental factors, and even overall health a...
As of yesterday, I blocked all news websites from my phone and Macbook. I've restricted Social Media access, too, so I have to use it wisely throughout the day. Putting these restrictions has lead to less comparison, more freedom, and aliveness. I'm not saying social media is bad, but the billion-dollar companies and engineers whose goal is to make you CONSUME and COMPARE is an insidious agenda. Are you in control? In today's podcast, we dive in and ways you can get your life back.
Your identity, service to others, and coming up with a plan are absolutely vital to attaining your goals. Again, I'll mention toggl, which is an app that monitors my time used on different sites. Here the rundown and prepare to take some notes!
Ok, we're on the big one now! So, now that we have our CDFs and goal-setting, here are questions that you need to ask yourself for the have/experience/do, etc. This is going to be one of the best podcasts you've ever heard, so get your pen and paper because there's a lot that needs to be written down!
This needed to be uploaded ASAP because goal-setting is tomorrow. I've finally gotten around to how you set goals around your Core Desired Feelings and then we'll be breaking down the "to do" aspect a bit further in tomorrow's podcast. "Go through each of the life areas and ask yourself what you want to do/experience + have/give in each area. But you’re going to do it from a fresh mindset—with your Core Desired Feelings guiding you, which is the opposite of how we’ve been socially traine...
I've brought him back! Benjamin, a life coach born in Colombia and now living in Norway, comes on with a prayer in the beginning and then a full podcast on the subconscious mind. There's so much fire in this podcast, so get your notepad and get ready!
Creating a poem or description of each of your CDFs will provide you with clarity and understanding in terms of what you want to feel every day. This is a CRITICAL exercise that will help you in so many ways. Hear what I have to say about sacred feminine, connection, ease, and others. Patreon: - on iTunes - -
Seriously, ask yourself....a year ago today, where were you? Stress and anxiety levels? Financially? Mentally?Now, fast-forward to the present day. Please, I hope that you're able to see the growth within you. Are you in control of your environment? Your mind? Finance? Or are you just WAITING for someone to save you?
Welcome back to another personal development podcast! Here's the good one today! Now that we have our words, it's time to bless them. For each CDF (Core Desired Feeling), we have to bless them, put some energy on them, live by them and go forward in life with them. Now that we know our feelings, it's going to be easy to center our activities and lives around things that bring out our CDFs. This is in podcast form down below, so make sure you hear the activity, brought to you by Danielle LaPor...
We're back and it's time for the declaration of your core desired feelings! I'm not exactly sure if this should've gone before or after, but understand that word blessings will be this Friday, so declaring them now is ok, and remember that you can always add and subtract if needed because more exercises will be comingBuzzsprout Affiliate Link: -
There are three types of people in this world. Those who are willing to put themselves out there; to show the world who they truly are. There are those who DO show the world, but then they quit because of criticism. Then, there are the losers who are unwilling to even take the shot because they’re the despicables OF the world. Which one are you?Recently, a player had received death threats from online trolls for missing two critical free throws in the Elite 8 of the NCAA T...
Looking for an out there to fully satisfy you is completely impossible. That means that you're constantly looking for something that will make you whole. However, little do you know that you're divine, gifted, and have a massive inner abundance within you already. In today's podcast, we break down both of them. Buzzsprout Affiliate Link: -
This is the critical exercise that ended up changing my life as of last year. Our Inner Child is basically the deeply sensitive part of us. This stems from childhood. If you're unable to have difficult conversations, don't have values, and people often walk all over's because your inner child doesn't have a choice. I actually gave an example of this last year by talking about my inner child being tucked away in a corner, crying, in a fetus position. This is how I had been for ...
There are a number of things we're going to be doing in the coming weeks, but to help narrow down the CDF list (Core Desired Feelings), we need to figure out the words that really spark when you say them. In this podcast, I go through all the lifestyle areas while picking and choosing the words that I want to feel in each of them. remember, the words are now available on my blog at Affiliate Link: https:...
Often times we get so caught up in our feelings and attached to something that was rather than accepting what's trying to emerge. In today's podcast, I discuss how we can accept the end of purposeful relationships.
First, if you go back to all my blogs from years ago in regards to the Wheel of Life, there have been only a few times that I had felt that I was riding extremely high. At this juncture of my life, and after having such an amazing trip while saving money and bringing in clients, I truly believe that this is the most financially secure and mentally healthy I've felt in my life. Buzzsprout Affiliate Link:
It's time to start the process of figuring out your Core Desired Feelings."Core Desired Feelings are qualities of the heart. Let’s root into this: Core Desired Feelings are your most preferred states of being. They are life- affirming, positive, expansive feelings. They are the various expressions of love and vitality. Core Desired Feelings are qualities of the heart, they pull you in the direction of your Highest Self, into gratitude, compassion, inclusivity, and generosity—your joy and...
Recall some moments, events, happenings in your life where you felt not so great—IN THE PAST and PRESENTLY. Weighed down, stuck, at a loss. Of course, there are spectrums of what “negative” feelings mean for each of us. That can range from getting a nasty comment on social media to your divorce, or from having your car towed to physical and emotional trauma—from slightly painful to serious impact. It’s up to you what you want to identify as “negative.” You don’t need to drill to the depths of...
This is like a weather report, you're just stating the facts like an observer while possessing that observer-mindset. What’s not working/needs to change . . . because . . . We have to get real about the negatives in our lives so we can make a plan to transform them, or at least to consciously not pay attention to them (in which case, some of our so-called problems often tend to disappear). Next to each thing that you note that isn’t working, consider “WHY that issue is cau...
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