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Sermons @ Shepherd

Author: Shepherd of the Hills UMC, MV & RSM

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Sermons from Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church in MV and RSM, CA
269 Episodes
Today's scripture comes from the book of Exodus, Chapter 14, verses 19 through 31, where we delve into the incredible story of the Israelites' escape from Egypt. As they stood at the shores of the Red Sea, facing seemingly insurmountable odds, God's miraculous intervention became evident. Join us on this journey of faith and discovery. In this sermon, Pastor Rick explores the profound meaning behind the parting of the Red Sea. It's not just a miraculous event but a lesson in trusting God during our own Red Sea moments. We all encounter challenges in life where it feels like there's no way forward, and the enemy is closing in. However, as we learn from this ancient story, when we say "yes" to God's guidance and do not succumb to fear, we open the door to God's provision and salvation. Discover the courage of the Israelites as they step into the unknown, the mud beneath their feet, and the waters parted by God's hand. This powerful narrative reminds us that God's grace is big enough to cover any situation, and He leads us through the difficulties to reach the other side. As you watch this sermon, reflect on your own Red Sea moments. Have you faced challenges that seemed insurmountable? Are you willing to trust and follow God, even when the path forward seems uncertain? Let Pastor Rick's words inspire you to say "yes" to God's guidance and discover how, in the end, God provides. Join us in this transformative message of faith, courage, and God's unwavering love. Don't forget to listen for the special word Pastor Rick has included in the sermon for our youth to find! Listen, reflect, and be inspired.
In this thought-provoking sermon, Pastor Jennifer explores the timeless wisdom of Exodus 12:1-14 and the powerful lessons it holds for our lives today. Pastor Jennifer delves into the story of Moses, the Israelites, and Pharaoh, revealing the struggles of belief, worship, and the all-too-human tendency to waffle between faith and doubt. Through this journey, we discover the profound importance of choice and the challenges that come with it. She reminds us that faith cannot be forced; it must be chosen. We are presented with the question: Do we want to be saved from the darkness and bondage of life's challenges? If so, we must make a public, tangible choice to embrace faith, just as the Israelites did during the Passover. This sermon challenges us to become active bearers of life and good news in our world. It's a call to action, a reminder that our faith should not remain hidden but should transform our lives and the lives of those around us. Join us in this inspiring message as we reflect on the significance of choosing faith over doubt, and the profound impact it can have on our journey. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the ancient wisdom of Exodus and its relevance in our lives today. Watch the full sermon now and discover how you can be a part of a faith-driven transformation in your community and beyond.
In today's sermon, Pastor Jennifer dives into the Book of Exodus, revealing a deeper understanding of the epic story of Moses and the Israelites. It's a tale of slavery, suffering, and ultimate liberation. But there's more to it than meets the eye. Discover how the Israelites' identity crisis and Moses' journey from hiding and fear to purpose and courage parallel our own struggles with identity and community. As Pastor Jennifer eloquently puts it, "Do we know who we are? Do we know what community looks like? Do we know what freedom looks like?" Through thought-provoking insights and relatable anecdotes, Pastor Jennifer challenges us to confront these questions, embrace change, and rediscover our true selves in the context of beloved community. She reminds us that, like Moses, we may have doubts, but with faith and a burning desire for growth, we can say "yes" to God's call to partnership and provision. As you watch this sermon, consider the burning bush moments in your own life and the next steps you can take to grow in your faith and community. God provides, and together, we can move forward with purpose and passion. Don't miss this enlightening sermon that offers guidance on reclaiming your identity, living in holy covenant community, and fulfilling your mission in the world. Join us on this journey of rediscovery and transformation. Listen, reflect, and be inspired.
Keys of the Kingdom

Keys of the Kingdom


Today's sermon takes us on a journey through Matthew 16:13-20, where we explore the profound question of who Jesus is and what the church truly represents. As we reflect on Peter's confession that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God, we're reminded that the church is not just a building; it's a community of called-out believers. It's a community that follows the teachings and ways of Jesus, living out His love and grace in the world. Just as Peter was given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, we too are entrusted with these keys. These keys symbolize our role in opening doors to God's love and salvation for all. Together, as one church family, we can unlock countless opportunities for people to experience the boundless grace of God. To symbolize our unity and commitment, we invite you to sign your name on the key in the comments below. Whether you come join us in person or join us online, you are a keeper of the keys to the Kingdom. Let's continue to unlock doors to God's love together. Welcome to Shepherd of the Hills, a diverse and dynamic community of Jesus in Mission Viejo. Join us as we follow Jesus, grow spiritually, and work towards building His world through concrete action.



In this compelling sermon, Pastor Rick Recusal guides us through a profound exploration of reconciliation based on 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10 and Matthew 5:23-24. Join us on this spiritual journey as we dive deep into the meaning of reconciliation and its significance in our lives. Pastor Rick reminds us of our role as ambassadors for Christ, emphasizing the call to be reconciled to God and each other. He reflects on the challenges of reconciliation, both vertically with God and horizontally with our fellow humans. Drawing from scripture and personal experiences, Pastor Rick unravels the complexities of reconciling with others and with God. The sermon underscores the importance of reconciliation in our divided world, where alienation and division often prevail. As followers of Christ, we are called to bridge the gaps and work toward peace and understanding. Pastor Rick also shares insights from renowned figures like Billy Graham and Thich Nhat Hanh, whose wisdom sheds light on the path of reconciliation. Discover the power of reconciliation as you journey with us through this meaningful sermon. Learn how reconciliation can transform lives, heal wounds, and bring about the peace that our world desperately needs. 
Beginning to Sink

Beginning to Sink


Join us in this powerful sermon as Pastor Rick leads us through a thought-provoking journey based on Matthew 14:22-33. This scripture takes us to the heart of faith, courage, and the challenges we face in our daily lives. In this sermon, Pastor Rick delves into the story of Jesus walking on water, revealing the deeper meaning behind this iconic event. He reminds us of the importance of taking time for self-care, just as Jesus retreated to the mountain to pray. Pastor Rick emphasizes the need to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of life and find solace in prayer, regardless of our roles or professions. He shares personal anecdotes, including the struggles faced by clergy, and underlines the alarming rates of burnout and clergy suicide. Drawing from the story of Peter's brief walk on the water, Pastor Rick highlights the significance of fixing our gaze on Jesus amidst life's storms. He explains how Peter began to sink when he shifted his focus from Jesus to the surrounding challenges, mirroring the struggles we all face. Pastor Rick encourages us to call out to Jesus in times of doubt and fear, reaffirming that Jesus is ever-ready to catch us and bring us back into the boat of safety and peace. This sermon is a powerful reminder that storms are inevitable, but by keeping our eyes on Jesus and nurturing our spiritual well-being, we can navigate through life's challenges with resilience and unwavering faith. Join us in exploring this meaningful scripture and discovering how we can find rest and courage even in the midst of life's fiercest storms. 
Wrestling with God

Wrestling with God


Dive into a thought-provoking sermon this week on Wrestling with God! Pastor Rick delves into Genesis 32, where a captivating wrestling match unfolds between Jacob and an angel. Join us in exploring the intriguing symbolism of this all-night encounter, as Jacob's identity undergoes a transformative shift. Discover the powerful message of self-discovery and spiritual growth that emerges from this ancient tale. Don't miss out – listen now for an enriching perspective on wrestling with God and finding your true self.
In this inspiring sermon based on the scripture from the Book of Numbers, Pastor Jennifer reflects on the Israelites' journey to the Promised Land. She emphasizes the importance of embracing change and trusting in God's power to grow His Kingdom. Pastor Jennifer shares stories of fresh expressions of church, where creativity and openness to experimentation led to transformation in people's lives. She reminds us of the abundance that awaits them outside the church walls, encouraging them to be compassionate and willing to take risks. The sermon concludes with a call to action, urging us to become laborers in God's vineyard, reaching out to the community with the love of Christ. By embracing the vision God has for us and stepping into the Promised Land, we can witness the powerful fruit of their faith and make a lasting impact on the world. Join us on this exciting journey as she reveals the beauty and potential of fresh expressions of church and the fulfillment of God's promises. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of God's transformative work in the world.
Join us for an inspiring sermon by Pastor Jennifer as she navigates the topic of change and its impact on our lives. In this thought-provoking message, she reminds us of the importance of turning to Jesus during times of uncertainty and chaos. Drawing from the biblical story of Jesus calming the storm, Pastor Jennifer shares her personal journey of trust and reliance on God's guidance. Whether you're facing significant life transitions or simply seeking hope amidst daily challenges, this sermon offers comfort, strength, and wisdom to navigate the storms of life. Embrace the new things God has in store for you and find peace in the midst of change. Join us on this journey of faith and discover the beauty of finding calm in the storm. 
Join us as we delve into an inspiring sermon based on Luke 5:1-11, where Jesus calls his first disciples. In this thought-provoking message, we explore the significance of putting out into the deep waters, both in fishing and in our spiritual journey. Discover the courage and faith required to follow Jesus' call, even when faced with uncertainty and risks. Let go of fear and embrace the unknown as we set sail towards the horizon of God's purpose for our lives. May this powerful message encourage you to embark on a transformative journey of faith and fulfillment. Sail with us and be inspired by the message of hope and obedience!
Join us for an insightful sermon that explores the timeless story of the Hebrew people's journey from slavery in Egypt to the promised land. Drawing from Numbers chapter 14, verses 1-5, this sermon delves into the struggles, doubts, and longing for familiarity experienced by the Israelites as they ventured through the wilderness. The sermon reflects on the parallels between the Israelites' journey and the challenges faced by the Church throughout history. With a focus on inclusivity and adapting to change, the message explores the debates and controversies within the Church, urging believers to embrace new ways of worship and ministry, especially in the context of the pandemic and the shift to online services. Through stories and personal anecdotes, the message emphasizes the need to resist the temptation to go back to "Egypt," symbolizing the desire for familiar but limiting ways. Instead, they encourage viewers to trust in God's guidance, embrace the uncertainties of the journey, and move forward with grace and resilience. This sermon offers a timely message for individuals and communities navigating change, offering hope and encouragement to those seeking a deeper understanding of their faith journey. Join us for this thought-provoking reflection that reminds us of God's presence and the promise that Jesus is with us always, guiding us through the wilderness of life.
In this powerful sermon, we dive into the scripture lesson from the Book of Genesis, specifically focusing on the call of Abraham and the concept of salvation. The sermon explores the idea that salvation is not merely a future destination but an ongoing journey that we are currently living. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of John Wesley and the timeless stories of our Judeo-Christian tradition, the message emphasizes the importance of salvation in our present lives. Throughout the sermon, we highlight the notion that salvation involves change and often requires us to leave behind the familiar and step into the unknown. They share engaging anecdotes, including the story of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson on a camping trip, to illustrate that strange and unexpected things can happen on our journey toward salvation. The sermon emphasizes the inclusivity of salvation, reminding listeners that it is not limited to any particular faith or belief system. The story of Abraham, considered the spiritual ancestor of many nations, serves as a powerful reminder of our shared humanity and the need for unity among different faith traditions. Moreover, the sermon challenges the common understanding of salvation as a one-time event and encourages a broader perspective. Salvation is seen as an ongoing process of aligning our lives with God's intentions and living in communion with God in the present moment. By exploring the theme of salvation from various angles, the sermon invites us to reflect on our own journey and consider how we can experience salvation in our daily lives. Join us for this thought-provoking sermon that reminds us that the journey itself is our home, and salvation is not a distant destination but a transformative experience we can embrace in the here and now. Welcome to Shepherd of the Hills, a diverse and dynamic community of Jesus in Rancho Santa Margarita. Join us as we follow Jesus, grow spiritually, and work towards building His world through concrete action.
There is both pain and joy involved in letting knowing the people of SOTH RSM travel the next phase of their journey without me. To a lesser degree, I understand how Moses must have felt that it was a bit cruel when God did not allow him to enter the Promised Land with the people he led for so long.  And I understand the desire to be able to walk the next leg of your journey with you. But God has plans for the church and for me. And that is the great adventure of faith. Thanks be to God!
Join us on this week's Sermon from Shepherd of the Hills, we unpack an often overlooked passage from the Gospel of Matthew. In this powerful message, the speaker explores the profound message behind Jesus' mission and the calling of his disciples. Discover the significance of Jesus' compassion for the crowds and the authority he bestows upon his chosen followers. Through relatable anecdotes and thought-provoking insights, this sermon challenges us to embrace our own authority as followers of Christ and invites us to experience the nearness of the Kingdom of Heaven in our lives. Don't miss this transformative message that reminds us that even the 'least qualified' can be chosen to fulfill God's purpose.
In three intertwined stories Jesus taught the disciples (and us) what is most important in our faith - it is compassion, not religion. We must learn what this means.
Join us for a thought-provoking sermon on Matthew 9:9-13, where Pastor Rick shares an insightful message about making disciples for the transformation of the world. Exploring the significance of Jesus' encounter with Matthew, a tax collector, and his subsequent actions, the sermon delves into the powerful theme of mercy over sacrifice. Discover how Jesus challenges societal norms by extending mercy to those considered outcasts and sinners, reminding us of our mission to empower disciples in transforming the world. Witness the transformative power of faith and mercy through the compelling stories of a desperate father and a woman in need of healing. Prepare to be inspired and encouraged as we delve into the profound message of embracing mercy. Don't miss this opportunity for spiritual growth and reflection. Watch now and be transformed!
When the resurrected Jesus appeared to the disciples he gave them two gifts. He gave them two gifts, a mission, and a promise. And those two things together changed the world. 
Join us for an inspiring sermon on Trinity Sunday as we delve into the profound concept of the Trinity and its significance in our Christian faith. In this thought-provoking message, we explore the final verses of Matthew 28, where Jesus commissions His disciples to make disciples of all nations. The message explores the history and understanding of the Trinity, emphasizing that it is not an easy concept to grasp or define. However, one thing remains clear: God, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is relational and desires a deep connection with us. Through insightful examples and anecdotes, we learn that doubt and faith often coexist and that doubt does not hinder our ability to worship God. The sermon challenges the church's tendency to place barriers and prerequisites on people who seek to follow Jesus, reminding us that Jesus accepts us as we are and invites us to embark on a transformative journey with Him. As we delve into the Great Commission, we discover the inclusive nature of Jesus' call to make disciples of all nations, irrespective of their backgrounds or lifestyles. The sermon highlights the importance of avoiding judgment and instead embracing a welcoming and accepting attitude, reflecting the true essence of Christ's love and grace. Prepare to be inspired and challenged to reevaluate our approach to discipleship and the transformation of the world. Discover how embracing the Trinity and understanding its relational nature can empower us to become agents of change in our communities and beyond. Don't miss this enlightening sermon that encourages us to embrace the Trinity and embark on a journey of making disciples for the transformation of the world. Join us and be inspired to live out the Great Commission with love, acceptance, and inclusivity.
The Holy Spirit is a gift of God's grace to the church. It provides comfort, strength, and guidance. But, the Holy Spirit can also disrupt the quiet routine of our lives, calling us from a place of comfort to a service. When the Spirit comes it means that God is on the move and there is no telling what can happen.
This Sunday we concluded our sermon series "A Savior for Our Days." We looked at what it means to live in relationship with God. Have you ever stopped to consider that question? What kind of a relationship do I have with God? What kind of relationship should I have with God?
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