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Potty Mouth Poopcast

Author: Karla Serrato and Sarah Sofia Serrato

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Potty Mouth Poopcast is dedicated to the discussion of poo and all things taboo. Join the Serrato Sisters as they take you for swhirlywinds of hilarity. It's the shittiest podcast ever!
47 Episodes
Send us a text If you do not menstruate but you care about someone in your life that does, give this episode a listen! We discuss what we think are helpful tips and suggestions for those who don't menstruate, such as holding more space, picking up the slack around the everyday duties of a household, allowing more time for our exhausted bodies to get moving, etc. We also break it down in how to address these needs and awareness with your kids (more and more children are starting their periods ...

S4 E3 Hearts!


Send us a text Which of the following is a sign of heart failure: A. Swollen Feet B. Coughing C. Bloating In this episode we discuss some concerning stats and surprising symptoms of heart failure. Can you guess what state has the highest Heart Disease related Death Rate vs Death Count? Karla guesses wrong on that one! Spoiler Alert: We discuss a scene from Parks and Recreation tv series that birthed the idea for this episode topic! Sarah discusses sending her ashes on a sea turtle and into th...
Send us a text Have you ever been painting an art and OH NOOOO, you’ve run out of paint, so you run out to the jungle and grab some elephant poop to use as paint?? No? Never? Well then perhaps you’ve written a resume on a piece of paper made from elephant poop??? Tampoco?! I guess you’re shit out of luck then. In this episode we talk about the MULTIPLE uses of elephant feces!! If you liked elephants before, get ready to be obsessed! We also discuss one, somewhat, lame fact about donkey ...
Send us a text We’re BACK and just as turdy as ever! We have a new recording set up so bare with us while we get it just right! In this episode, we as scientists, discuss the condition called Tenesmus. When you go poo and then shortly after feel like you have to go again! Just like our need to return to your ear holes! We also have a shorter format; please let us know how you feel about that!?! We are very curious if people will like it or prefer the longer rants of yore! So...
Send us a text Welcome to our last episode of season 3 where we regale you with stories of poopenings that happened during Quarantine and some tips and tricks or hacks, if you will, for your potty times! Please join us for our free WORLD TOILET DAY virtual event on November 19th!! Get your tickets here! If you are able to and would like to donate to our fundraiser the link for your glorious donations is here! Thank you! We appreciate you all so much!!! Have a shitty week! This epi...
Send us a text Hey baby, are you looking for a good time?** Then listen to this episode!! Sex do you feel about it?? Join us as we discuss one of the most taboo topics of all time. Have you ever thought about selling sex? Have you ever thought of buying a sexual experience? What's the line between harm and charm? How do you guarantee that you're not hurting someone's spouse by being the person someone cheats with? What kind of person wants to sell sex for money? Do all sex w...
Send us a text Welcome to our emotions! Trigger Warnings: *Depression *Suicide *Mental Health *Death *Strong opinions about Covid-19 and the Vaccine NOTE: in the beginning of the episode we say we are going to be talking about period products but we obviously took a turn and discussed the following instead.. In this episode, we get vulnerable on our mental state and how the pandemic and life until now has weighed on us. We also discuss the hottest new taboo topic since breastfeeding in pub...
Send us a text Trigger warning: depression, suicide attempt, emotional abuse topics, illegal immigration. “Mexican comes to suburbs”, part of a headline printed for an article featuring our mom! But how did she get to the ‘burbs you may ask? Listen to the tale of how our mom realized her “American Dream”. Find out what drove her to stand up for her dreams of going to school and moving to the United States. Tell us which “mami-ism” is your favorite! If there was ever a time to feel grat...
Send us a text What is Toilet Spray?? Maybe you think it's just air freshener? Join us on this episode and find out all about toilet sprays and how they work and how they will help you poop confidently when you're at your boss's BBQ party or when your in-laws are visiting, or perhaps you don't want to assault the senses of your tinder date just on the other side of the bathroom door! We compared four toilet sprays, braking down the scent options, bottle design, product performance, and price ...
Send us a text Why is gender still a thing in comdey? Let's explore. Pack your indignant-proof pants and your emotional walking stick and let's get to listening! In this episode we discuss our hopes for the comedy landscape, some history, some of our favorite comedians (Mindy Kaling please be our friend), and ask ourselves....are WOMEN EVEN FUNNY??? Article by Lynn Harris Instagram Facebook Twitter This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discre...
Send us a text How do we not censor our youth so that they, as future adults, have a healthier relationship with taboo and difficult to talk about topics, especially when we have been raised to not talk about certain things ourselves? Basically, this is how to be woke-ass-parents.........if you want to. You do you. But also, like try it. :D We have the potential to gift our children with some very powerful emotional, mental, & empathic intelligence. Let us know what you liked about thi...
Send us a text "We gotta get comfortable with being uncomfortable."- Heather D. Horton Grief is not the 5 step process we were taught in school. In this episode, Heather blows our minds as to what grief really is and how learning to manage our emotions around loss and change (even "small" changes) can create a better functioning life experience for ourselves and those around us. This episode is hefty with information and thought provoking subjects. A take-away, for parents/guardians, cry i...
Send us a text Sure you could do a quick Google search about Wombat poop to find out why we chose it as our main topic today, OR you could listen to a 30 plus minute podcast episode about it. We know what we’d choose! Karla and Sarah discuss how to tell the difference between bat droppings and mouse droppings, don’t worry, it doesn’t involve rolling it between your fingers or anything gross like that. NOT!! Are we still doing Not Jokes?? Also, we discover the mystery of where in the hec...
Send us a text Join Karla and Sarah on a little generational timeline. Why are Boomers the way they are? What's a Zellennial? Who really ruined everything?? They say Millennials ruin everything.....but do they really? Listen and let us know what you think! Instagram: @pottymouthpoopcast Facebook: @pottymouthpoopcast Twitter: @poop_cast Send us an E-mail and let us know what you'd like us to talk about or any comments you'd like to share. Tell us what you had for dinner! Thank you for...
Send us a text What A Woman! Only the intro and outro in both Breastfeeding episodes are the same but the point of view in this here episode of interviews is from Females. Remember to listen to the Male perspective episode available now! In this episode we interview some kick-ass women on their experience as breastfeeding mothers. It's not always magical-oneness-with-the-universe-moments between mom and baby. We talk formula vs breast milk, breastfeeding in public, spouse duty, pumping at wor...
Send us a text Man Oh Man! Only the intro and outro in both Breastfeeding episodes are the same but the point of view in this here episode of interviews is from Males. Remember to listen to the Female perspective episode available now! In this episode we hear what a couple of fathers and one single male knows and thinks of breastfeeding & things that they've learned from being closely involved with their spouse's breastfeeding journey. You'll learn a few insights from our single mal...
Send us a text Ever wonder what it's like to be a plumber? We poured ourselves some adult beverages and had a laid back but very fun and informative conversation with our cousin Job Banda, who is a Licensed Plumber! We decided to give you this Bonus episode on Thanksgiving Day in gratitude of all of our plumbers and sanitation professionals. "World Toilet Day is a United Nations Observance that celebrates toilets and raises awareness of the 4.2 billion people living without access to ...
Send us a text We're so happy to be back! We kick off Season 3 with an episode about Marijuana. Illinois (where we live) made recreational use legal at the beginning of 2020; it's almost like they knew what this year would entail. We decided to do a bit of research and see what grand informations we could bestow upon our loyal listeners! In this episode Karla also finds out a not so secret secret about my dad and can not get over it, which Sarah finds hilarious. Follow us on Inst...
Send us a text Instagram Live recap of Podfest 2020! Little did we know how life would be so different after that event. We talk about the Highlights and sprinkle in some Lowlights about this year's podcasting conference that is Podfest. Coming off of a high-energy event is clear as we run things off at break neck speed. Some podcasts we mention in this episode: Pit Lane Parley Love Your Vanlife Weekly Woosah B.S. with Bobby & Sarah The Point of Me Hate To Weight This episode conta...
Send us a text Karla and Sarah discuss challenges faced in season 2, what we learned and what we still love about Potty Mouth Poopcast. We also have an announcement!!! Listen and keep us accountable for our season 3 goals. P.S. tell a friend or a foe about this podcast This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion advised. Support the show
Send us a text We have more animals and their oh so interesting excretion! Karla and Sarah get philosophical and meta about human evolution and the expansion of the Universe. Karla tells us the possible dangers of cat urine, especially around pregnant humans. Sarah tells us the curious way this spider disguises itself by making its web look like bird droppings and the spider itself looks like a bird turd. NEATO! This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audienc...
Send us a text B.S. with Bobby & Sarah is a podcast that Sarah also co-hosts with her long time college friend Bobby. This crossover episode was a shit-ton of fun!! Karla tells us her theory on why women love True Crime podcasts, Bobby tells us how he lost a Puma sock to a poo incident! We talk New Year goals, a Chinchilla as president, a pilot idea for a Chicago based t.v. show, learn some Spanish, and many other shenanigans! And in true B.S. with Bobby & Sarah form, we play a game -...
Send us a text Just in time for all the holiday parties and gatherings, in this episode Karla and Sarah discuss how to provide the best possible potty experience if you're hosting a gathering, and some excellent tips for having a successful bathroom experience as a guest! Avoiding a clogged toilet and emergency unclogging ideas among other brilliant gems! This might be one of our most helpful episodes. Enjoy. Or don't. You do you. Poo, a haiku. This episode contains discussions that may...
Send us a text Karla tells us what she did after realizing there was a kid alone in a car in a parking lot! She also tells us about the two very different reactions she got from her post about it on social media. We want to know what YOU would have done and why?! This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion advised. Support the show
Send us a text In this episode Karla and Sarah go through a list of we found and they are categorized as Embarrassing Products, BUT we mostly agree that these are all useful things to a human person. Why does it have to be categorized as embarrassing??! Well, Karla has a theory! If you haven't found that perfect gift for someone you care about, listen to this episode and you just might be hitting that Amazon search bar tonight!! This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for ...
Send us a text In this episode we talk about what World Toilet Day is, what the World Toilet Organization does, spoiler alert, it cares about where the people of the world do their business. We have a special guest, Carlos Carrion-Crespo, who was able to tell us about his work with UN-Water and how World Toilet Day came to be! This might be one of my favorite episodes in terms of the potential to spread the word for a really great goal for our fellow humans and everyone's right to have a safe...
Send us a text Happy Halloween!!! In this special Live episode recording of Potty Mouth Poopcast, we talk about haunted bathrooms, what paranormal investigators usually accredit spooky happenings to and why is it bathrooms that seem to be one of the most haunted spaces of a building. Karla tells us about having cadaver parts in her mouth and do I really need to say more?? Head on over to our Potty Mouth Poopcast Facebook Page to watch our live recording. I'd say it's worth it for Karla's faci...
Send us a text In Volume 2 of Animals and their Poop, we talk about what exactly is cat poop coffee, how it came to be, how it's produced (some sad news there), why it's so expensive, and whether we think it's worth trying out. Then we delve into some pink penguin shit and a study done by bored German scientists on calculating the pressure of projectile penguin poop!! Amongst our expected shenanigans we remind you to check back in with yourselves and assess whether or not you have been succes...
Send us a text Part 2 of Public Restroom Etiquette brings a jolly good lesson on HOW TO KNOCK! And if anything, listen to find out how Karla created a monster!! We discuss more Etiquette for public restrooms and delve a little bit into Unisex bathrooms and how to best comport oneself if you are in one. Enjoy part 2 and remember to review this podcast on whichever platform lets you do that! Have a shitty week! This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listen...
Send us a text In this first part of Public Restroom Etiquette, Sarah and Karla get easily enraged about what some people believe is proper and not proper in public restrooms. Join us as Sarah educates the masses about crotch crumbs and enjoy the hilarious brief interview with Robert Deason about his personal expectations and experiences regarding public restroom etiquette! This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion advised. Support the s...
Send us a text A tribute episode to Pride Month! We asked the LGBTQ+ Community a few questions and we read their answers. Share this episode with your friends and family, especially if they're allies. There are some incredible insights that most of us can learn from. We discuss how tricky and difficult it can be to be the best ally we can be and how to be a better part of the community. And of course shenanigans ensue. Get out there, sign petitions, speak up, be kind, ask questions, respect, ...
Send us a text In the second episode of the season (and 14th of the podcast) Karla and Sarah pay tribute to Father's Day by interviewing Lee Silverstein of We Have Cancer podcast, who is hopefully getting the news soon that his colon cancer has been eradicated. In the interview we discuss a lot of aspects of his experience with cancer, the inspiration for his podcast, and much more! As heavy as this topic can be, Lee has such a great attitude about his experience and we hope you enjoy the int...
Send us a text We are so excited to be back! You may notice that this episode was recorded in the beginning of this year so just take it as reminder of where you should be with your New Year Resolutions/Goals! In this episode we talk about the most common poop issues that a toddler faces as well as teens. Karla gives Sarah some nose blowing lessons and we also share our personal butt wiping styles! This episode is full of information that no parent can afford to miss. This episode con...
Send us a text In this last episode of Season 1, we had the mega raging pleasure of interviewing Kristen Aviles, an Improvisor/amazing human currently living in Chicago. Kristen teaches the Serrato sisters what D.A.D. poops are and also shares some of the funniest shit we've ever heard/seen. Literally. "I went through so many poop pictures to find that one."-K10 Kristen made this the best possible way to end our first season of Potty Mouth Poopcast! That's "The". This episode...
Send us a text Episode 10! In this episode we talk about Famous Movie Poop Scenes and Quotes! At least the ones we have seen and remember. You will hear some short clips to take you down memory lane with us! And if you haven't seen some of these movies, perhaps you will be inspired to watch them. Editor's Note: Bring snacks for Karla lest she faints from hunger. If you know of any movie scenes or quotes that we should add to our list, email us at Have...
Send us a text Episode 9 comes to you as a BONUS episode!! It is an episode we didn't plan but we are thrilled to share with you! Karla and I won a raffle from our podcast hosting site, Buzzsprout! The tickets we won were for Podfest Multimedia Expo in Orlando and HOly Shart....we still are not over how amazing it was!! At this podfest we came across a fella who's podcast is called....get this...."Juicy Farts"!!!! How great is that!?!! So naturally we collaborated (again, thanks to Buzzsprout...
Send us a text Episode 8 takes us on an adventure with guest Christie Scott! We interview her on her experience with a composting toilet and hear some hilarious stories from her childhood, camping, and her talented dog, Murphy. Enjoy!! This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion advised. Support the show
Send us a text In episode 7, The Future of Pooping, we cover how people use toilets around the world and an intro to composting toilets! We also discuss 'family cloth', which is a form of eco-friendly "toilet paper". Be aware that this episode was recorded in NOVEMBER the section on Reindeer Boobs will be a little less relevant but non the less amazing to listen to. As we sisters do as we do, we banter on for about half the show but fear not as we do indeed discuss o...
Send us a text Welcome to Episode 6 of Potty Mouth Poopcast! In this episode we cover another taboo topic: Hairy pits and legs - Shaving vs Not shaving. We discuss our own opinions and practices in terms of body hair and we also delve into the social aspect and it's heavy influence in such practices. To Shave Or Not To Shave, That Is The Question. This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion advised. Support the show
Send us a text In Part 2 of Animals And Their Poop, we talk about Sloths, Pandas, and Whales! Karla picks at her toes flicking toe skin particles all over the place! This is also the last episode where we have a baby or a dog as co-hosts. Ethan and Duncan will be dearly missed but I think our loyal listeners will be a little less annoyed at the background distractions. So soak up those last adorable coos from Ethan and enjoy Duncan as he imitates a cow in an attempt to convince us to let him ...
Send us a text In Part 1 of Episode 5, Sarah and Karla discuss Animals and their Poop! This episode was ridiiiiickulously long so we are bringing it to you in two parts! Enjoy and please don't be offended by all the...."whispering"... #BoogerRolling #StartOverKarla #BeFreeYourself #ABoogerySidebar This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion advised. Support the show
Send us a text Karla and Sarah discuss Farts; Methods of farting, converting your farts, signature sounds, what causes farts, and a tiny fart more. This is one of the last episodes where we eat and have distractions! We are getting our shit together, people! Thank you for sticking around!!This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion advised. Support the show
Send us a text The Serrato Sisters discuss the Science of poop, conception through birth as well as the do's and don'ts of relieving oneself in the ocean. Some baby poop horror stories.This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion advised. Support the show
Send us a text On this episode of Potty Mouth PoopCast, Karla almost successfully covers the very basics of the digestive journey from food in the mouth to poop in the butt hole.There is also a portion where Karla makes out with the dog and I’m again grateful we aren’t doing video.Enjoy! If you DARE!This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion advised. Support the show

S:1 E:1 So Bad


Send us a text Greetings! Welcome to the podcast that's all about poop. As the Serrato sisters figure out wtf we are doing, we also kind of discuss discussing poop. Why the taboo and what it was like to talk about poop as kids growing up.This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion advised. Support the show
Send us a text Introducing the shittiest podcast ever! Welcome to Potty Mouth Poop Cast where we talk about poo and all things taboo. Hosted by sister duo Sarah Sofia and Karla Serrato. We take you on swirly winds of hilarity and seriously serious conversations about topics that make us seriously uncomfortable. This podcast contains explicit language and discussions for mature audiences. If you wish to cavort with our brilliant minds, you can email us at pottymouthpoopcast@...
Send us a text This special episode of PMP brings you stories from YOU, the listeners! We have concluded our very first season of Potty Mouth Poopcast and boy has it been fun! Before we come at you with Season 2, we felt a nice palate cleanser was in order to prepare you for the rest of the PMP course. Please enjoy these cringe worthy and hilarious stories and if you would like to submit your own or ANOTHER story, send us an email at! This episode con...
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