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Enchanted Empath

Author: Charlene Murphy

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Wayne Dyer so wisely said, "You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside. You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be." I couldn't agree more! Since everything is energy and emanates a mood, it is vital that empaths and highly sensitive people learn how to mitigate the energy around them by managing their energy mindfully and purposely. The difference between someone who minds their energy and one who doesn't can be determined by their health and wellbeing. Once you embrace and cultivate your empathic self, you become an Enchanted Empath who uses her sensitivity as her healing superpower!

Join me every Thursday at noon, pacific time, to learn powerful practices that will help you raise your vibe and manage your energy to radically improve the quality of your life in every area! Feel free to visit my website to get a glimpse into my work:

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Empaths are here to heal the world but first, we must heal ourselves.
54 Episodes
Let's dive deep into the importance of aligning our spiritual path with our higher selves and finding a supportive community.
One of the biggest pitfalls we encounter on our journey towards self-realization is the tendency to seek external validation and guidance at every turn.
Today, we're diving deep into the wondrous realm of abundance, creation, and the beauty that surrounds us every single day.
Intuition is a superpower we all possess. It's that gut feeling, that inner knowing that whispers to us in moments of doubt, nudging us in the right direction.
It's crucial to understand the profound influence our minds have over our reality. Just like the Magician in the Tarot, we are fully equipped to do just that!
Welcome to Day 1 of your Spring Psychic Cleanse journey! 🌺 Today marks the beginning of something wonderful, and I’m thrilled you’ve decided to embark on this adventure with me!
Secret Weapon Manifesting Tool. I bet you think I’m talking about creating a vision board. I’m not. Yes, it’s one visual tool to keep your dreams and intentions in plain site, but I’m talking about something fundamentally more powerful and that is YOU and your all-powerful, limitless, all-creative IMAGINATION.
The new year is traditionally the time to set new intentions and goals. Winter gives us the time to reflect and rest while the longer days increase our appetites. It's the perfect time to unlock the magic within and begin manifesting miracles. Well-being is the nature of the Universe. If all healing at the levels of mind, body, and spirit is self-healing, how come some people heal while others don't? Are you blocking the inner wisdom of your body to heal itself? Are you taking responsibility for your own healing or are you giving your power away? If you look to nature, you can see for yourself that well-being permeates the planet. It's apparent in plants, animals, the cosmos... and people. There's an intelligence flowing through everything that causes its growth and expansion. It's protective and beautiful All healing is self-healing. Healing cannot take place without your consent, collaboration, or at the very least, your cooperation. At some level, there must be a buy-in to your healing or it won't happen. Why's that? Because all healing is self-healing. Healing comes from within. It's not an external thing that happens to you. It's an internal thing that happens because of you. Somewhere deep inside, you have a belief that healing is possible - and so it is. On the contrary, if you believe that healing is impossible then it is and healing won't happen. Are you starting to see where the healing power stems from? Disclaimer Just because all healing is self-healing doesn't mean that you can or must heal everything that goes wrong. Some things are out of your control. We have environmental toxins, contagious viruses, trauma, and the law of momentum. For the sake of this conversation, I'm focusing on the things you can control - or manage to a great degree. And believe me when I say there are many variables that are within your control. Some of you will hate what I have to say, but I'm going to say it anyway. I'm not here to placate illness and disease. I'm here to promote your natural state of health and wellbeing. I'm not about avoiding death, that's inevitable for all of us. What I am advocating for is Quality of Life. And it's available to all of us. This article covers the larger ways we block ourselves from healing - and solutions, so we can turn the momentum around and affect our own healing processes. Placebo Effect Thoughts are things. Whatever you believe, it is. If you believe you have an incurable disease, you will not heal. Your brain is listening. If you believe your illness is a blip in the matrix and can be healed, your healing increases. The placebo effect has been tested over decades and is defined as "a beneficial effect produced by a placebo drug or treatment, which cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment." Nobody is coming to save you. Being passive in your healing is giving your power away. Doctors are the first people to tell you that they don't know everything and they have an experimental approach to much of healing. And that's as it should be. No two people are alike so there is no one-size-fits-all type of healing. This is one big experiment and there is no one answer. Get curious about yourself. Get curious about a cure or discover something that works for you because it could help someone else too. Silencing your symptom. When you're sick, your amazing and efficient body is sending you signals that something is out of whack. What's the first thing we typically do when we have one? Kill it. Cover it up. Take a pill to stop the symptom. What if instead we listened to the signal and got curious about what might be causing it. If we asked and listened, tap into our intuitions, we would receive information that could alleviate the problem at its core. Good health is something random or for the lucky few. It's clear that we can't control everything, but it is our responsibility to manage our wellbeing. Tap into the belief that everything is happening for you... not to you. Your body is your greatest ally but many people treat it like it's wo... Does your environment matter when you're manifesting? Absolutely, it does! And get this... you're manifesting right now! The question is, "What are you manifesting, and are you happy with it?" If not, change it! Neglecting your environment in the manifestation process is a big problem! I'll show you how to use Feng Shui for manifesting anything! Leveraging feng shui is an absolute must for conscious creation. Your space is a reflection of you and what's going on inside of you. And it's the inside that is doing the broadcasting to the Universe. That is the stuff that is magnetizing similar situations and things back to you. So how do you help your insides? How do you quiet those fears and anxieties? How do you find peace and calm inside your body and brain? You cultivate it! Yes, you have to create peace... it's not coming to find you - you have to find it. There are a thousand and one ways to do this, but for now, we'll focus on creating clarity and peace by leveraging the art and science of feng shui. In other words, you can literally become a clear and peaceful channel for all the things that you desire simply by moving the stuff in your house around! "You could pray for 1,000 nights, visualize for 1,000 days, and give thanks for 1,000 things, but it's when you physically prepare the way that 1,000 miracles will find you." mike dooley - notes from the universe Preparing the way is always the first step in manifesting anything and everything. This is why feng shui is a big part of my manifesting toolbox and should be a part of yours too. What is Feng Shui? Feng shui is an ancient Chinese system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy or "qi" (pronounced chee). It literally translates to "wind & water." I see feng shui as the art of manifesting on the physical plane by clearing energy and creating space or channels for energy to flow at its optimum, healthy level. This flow makes manifesting easier and more graceful. When your physical space is cleared and open for energy to travel, so are YOU. Conversely, when your physical space is cluttered, messy, and disorganized so are YOU and there is no room for energy or manifestations to flow. You become blocked to your dreams and desires. There's a CURE for that! In feng shui, the solutions to blocked or disorganized energy are called "cures" and there is a cure for everything, so don't worry! It's all fixable. Cures consist of creating energetic balance by incorporating elements of the earth in your living spaces. Those elements include wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. When you are in harmony with the earth, you're grounded, and being grounded leads to calm, peaceful energy. There are traditional feng shui cures and more modern ones - and they all include simple fixes using light, sound, living things, weighted objects color, things that move, electricity, symbolic objects, and empty space. A traditional feng shui cure would be incorporating a red front door on your home to attract good luck and monetary fortune. Another example would be installing a mirror in your business across from your cash register to double the money and call in even more cash. Modern feng shui cures include anything that speaks to your soul and raises your vibration to make you an inspired attractor to the things you want to manifest. For example, you want to attract a new romantic partner. You could move your bed so that it's accessible to two people, include two pillows, two nightstands - keeping one empty for their stuff - and keeping two candles lit in the kitchen to inspire coupling. Modern feng shui cures are dependent upon how you see the world. What lights you up? What sparks love, money or health to YOU? You can decorate your spaces to inspire those desires and whenever you sense them, you are calibrated to your desires again - making yo... I'm sure you can relate to this: It's a new year and you have new inspired dreams, desires, and goals! You feel big changes bubbling up inside and think to yourself, "This is MY year! I'm gonna rock it this time." Three weeks later, your dreams are dashed and the wind is knocked from your sails. Nothing happened and you're back to square one! History is bound to repeat itself. Oh, no! In this article, we'll explore what is messing up your manifestations and what to do about it! I'm sure you know of people who manifest amazing things in their lives and you wonder just what is their secret sauce. You doubt your own abilities and ask the debilitating question, "Why can't I do that?" Well, I'm here to tell you that you can do that! You are equipped with the same resources to manifest as everybody else. You literally can be, do and have whatever your heart desires. But first, you have to understand a few things, like the principles of manifesting and certain Universal Laws... but most of all, you have to get out of your own way! Let's back up a bit and cover the 4 Steps to Manifest Anything: AskAlignAllowTake Aligned Action From what I've observed over the years is that most people get tripped up on Step #2: Align. It's the step that throws most people off course and consequently messes up their manifestations. What is Alignment? Energetic Alignment is Step 2 in the Manifestation Process. It's not a one-and-done step! Alignment takes self-awareness and daily practice. Let's explore what Alignment is and how to maintain it. Alignment means becoming a vibrational match to the things you're wanting. Since everything is energy, including you - your body, mind, and spirit are constantly broadcasting certain frequencies or vibrations out into the atmosphere. Your vibration or "vibe" is attracting back to you people, places, and situations that match your vibe much like a magnet - 100% of the time whether you are aware of it or not. We live in a Responsive Universe Let's use an example. Let's say you tell your spouse, your couples counselor, and anyone interested that you want your marriage to work and that you're willing to do what it takes to improve it. But in your heart, you feel depleted, lost, and resentful towards your husband and in the deep spaces of your mind, you equate marriage to prison and yearn for a change. Well, you cannot fake alignment! Your inner broadcast always overrides lip service. Energy never lies and the Universe is always responding to your inner broadcast. So, you might as well come clean and own your deep desires instead of squashing them and manifesting even more misery - which often leads to illness and disease, which is the ultimate misalignment and assault to your very spirit. (Another topic altogether. I digress.) How to get into energetic alignment with your dreams & desires Getting into alignment and maintaining alignment requires self-awareness and daily practice. It doesn't have to be a difficult task and should be treated with a gentle and compassionate approach. Once you gain momentum with this, it becomes easier and easier as you replace old habits with new ones that truly serve you. Clear Your Energy The first part of getting into alignment is to clear your energy. Think, "Out with the old and in with the new!" Check yourself. Does your desire feel realistic to you? Do you believe you can really lose that weight, for example. How's your sense of worthiness? Do you feel you deserve what you're asking for? If not, you're starting the manifestation process uphill and it will be difficult if not impossible unless you do the inner work necessary.Clean up debilitating limited beliefs. Your beliefs are just thoughts you keep thinking. They are subjective and mutable. Don't get so attached to them and allow them to dictate your story. You can change your thoughts and beliefs anytime - and it's imperative to...
Manifesting Step 3: ALLOW

Manifesting Step 3: ALLOW

2022-01-0601:00:06 Manifesting anything requires receptivity or allowing on your part. How can a manifestation come through if you don't allow it? You may think you're receptive, but are you really? There's a high probability that you're unconsciously blocking the very things you want. Just how receptive are you? Take my Receptivity Quiz to find out. Receptivity is also necessary for Step 4, Aligned Action, to happen. Aligned Action is rooted in intuition. Intuition is impossible without receptivity. Are you starting to see the importance of Allowing and how all of the steps are connected? (By the way, I use the terms allowing and receiving interchangeably.) Manifestation Blocks Let's take a minute to explore the things that block manifestations before diving into the solutions. Personal baggage. This is the #1 manifestation block, bar none. Baggage is bondage, and it can include but is not limited to holding onto blame, judgment, resentment, and looking for occasions to be offended. This type of baggage keeps a person in the victim cycle where not much good can enter. This is where I lovingly coach my students to check themselves. We are evolutionary beings - works in progress - that require constant maintenance and lots of love. Micromanaging the manifestations. Control freaks beware! Manifesting is a collaboration with the laws of the Universe not an exercise of personal will and ego. Just as if you are planting a new wildflower garden, you don't dig up the seeds every day to see how the plants are growing - disrupting their process - or stand over them yelling at them to hurry up. No, you prepare the soil, fertilize it, plant the seeds, water, and occasionally weed the area to allow space for the flowers to grow. Manifesting follows the same process! Impatience. The art of manifesting includes working with the many laws of the Universe, not just the law of attraction. When manifesting, it's helpful to keep the law of gestation or divine timing in mind. Everything has a process and most of the moving parts are unseen. It takes patience and faith when it comes to manifesting. Let's revisit the wildflowers. We plant the seeds in faith that flowers will be the end result. We don't know for sure, but we know enough to proceed. That's huge in manifesting and takes a degree of humility. And then we experience the unfoldment in due time! Unclear ask. You may have gone too general in your desire. Perhaps you want to manifest more money. How much more? Will a dollar do? To help the process along, get specific in your desires. They don't have to be perfect so don't sabotage yourself with paralysis. You can always pivot, go back to the drawing board and fill in the details as you experience contrast that redirects your desires. Flexibility is your friend in the manifesting process. The more you know, the more details you can include in your ask to make them more specific. But at the same time, don't pigeonhole yourself. Here's how. Let's take the more money example and tweak it: I am so grateful now that I receive a monthly income of $10,000 or more! It's specific and there's room to be gifted with more. There's no room. This is when we leverage what I call the vacuum law. The Universe abhors a vacuum and will always fill it. But if it's already full, there is no room for the manifestation to land. It's as if you don't really believe that it will manifest, so you hold on to what you've got. This is a double block! The simple solution to this is to make room for the things you want. Make room for the new lover. Clear out your old clothes to make room for your new ones. Create the vacuum so the Universe can fill it up. It wants to. Otherwise, you'll get passed over just because you don't have the capacity. Limiting beliefs. The lack of faith will stop you in your tracks. You probably won't even get the plane off the ground without an initial belief that you can. What is Alignment? Alignment is everything when it comes to manifesting. In Step 1 of the Manifesting Process, you asked for what you wanted. You wrote down your dreams, desires, and goals for 2022. You got clear on your WHYs and started to imagine or visualize how your life will be once your desires become realized. Now the real adventure begins! Your journey moving forward is about managing your energy with awareness, intention, and focus so that you become an energetic match to the things you're wanting to bring into form. We've already clarified that everything is energy, right? You are an energetic being always transmitting certain frequencies by way of your mood, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. In other words, you are always broadcasting an energetic vibration or "vibe." That vibe that you're broadcasting, whether you're conscious of it or not, is like a magnet drawing back to you much of the same vibe. So, if you're in a foul, grumpy mood, for example, you're going to attract more situations that match and feed your current energy. Like attracts like. If you're in a kind and generous mood, you'll attract more of that. So doesn't it make good sense to manage your energy more consciously? When you are manifesting deliberately, managing your energy isn't just good sense, it's absolutely necessary! You must be energetically aligned or a vibrational match to the things you want to manifest. It's the only way they will. Alignment is not a one-and-done task to be checked off your list. Energetic alignment takes awareness and daily practice - not efforting, but practice. I liken energetic hygiene to personal hygiene or physical fitness. It's something you address daily and make choices that support or sabotage it throughout the day. The choice is always yours. Alignment and Empaths Energetic Alignment for the sensitives and empaths can be challenging for the unpracticed. Most empaths, including myself, tend to take things personally and can become emotionally reactive to external circumstances. We feel emotionally hijacked because we have lost our alignment and have given our power away. As a result, we manifest poorly from a place of powerlessness. The good news is, we can flip this script and become powerful manifestors as we leverage our sensitivity proactively. When we realize our power and train ourselves to take nothing personally, to become observers of other people's energy (OPE), we can sit firmly in the director chair of our lives and manage our energy beautifully and align ourselves with our deepest desires. It just takes practice like anything else. This is why awareness and daily practice are essential in manifesting - simply because you're human and life throws curveballs. Practicing energetic alignment keeps us flexible and adaptable so we can pivot when necessary and not break. Energy Management Tips How do you keep your vibe healthy and high? How do you clean up those occasional messy vibes? How do you align your energy to match your manifestations? Here are a few ideas that you probably already do. Now you can do them deliberately as part of your energy management system. Ground yourself. Get yourself in nature. Walk barefoot, jump in the lake, feel the earth, take a hike. Meditate. Sleep is the highest form of meditation, according to the Dalai Lama, so don't worry if you don't sit in the lotus position to meditate. There are many ways to meditate. The intention is to slow your mind and body. Breathe. Breathing deeply is the quickest way to re-direct or re-set your energy. Visualize. Imagine your life as if you've manifested your desires. Play in your head. It's the birthplace for all manifestations. Speak or write affirmations and mantras. Create your own short, sweet phrase that can put you back into the now and back into your power. Play music. Music is an instant energy changer and something we a... One thing I know for sure is this: We live in a Responsive Universe. The Universe is always listening and responding to our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs by delivering to us people, places, and situations that match them. Your thoughts and feelings are like magnets drawing back to you (the sender) energetic matches - 24/7. So, if you don't like what you see in your environment you can change it by first changing your own energy, and then you can attract something better. Most people are not aware of their magnetism and end up manifesting by default. They attract more of 'what is' - not comprehending their amazing ability to co-create with the Universe. This kind of complacency and unawareness leads to depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and feelings of powerlessness. But not you. You know better. You sense there's something bigger and more magical going on, or you wouldn't be here reading this. You are wired for success. You are wired to manifest or bring into physical form all of your dreams, desires, and goals. It all starts in your imagination. You are the only creature on the planet with an imagination which signifies you are here to create. Why else would you have one? Your imagination is the incubator for all things manifested. You have an inspired thought that sparks a desire and your imagination keeps it alive. Every time you dream or allow the inspired thought to play itself out, you are in the creation process. Isn't that amazing when you stop to think about it?! No other creature on the planet has this ability. So imagine if you used your imagination intentionally to manifest your dreams, desires, and goals? What if you become a deliberate creator of your reality? 4 Steps to Manifesting Ask – Get clear on your goals, dreams, desires. Wish big! Get clear on your WHYs.Align – Clear the way to make room for your desires. Check your thoughts and habits.Allow – Dig in and see what’s blocked you in the past and become an amazing receiver.Aligned Action – Leverage your intuition for higher guidance that is aligned with YOU. Manifesting Step 1: Ask Today's training covers the ASK. We've already determined that we live in a Responsive Universe and that we're always asking by our desires and through our contrasting situations, but for the Manifest 2022 Challenge, we are going to ask with intention and purpose. Get out your journal and thoughtfully answer the following questions. Don't edit your responses or stop writing because you don't know HOW you'll manifest the things you want. This is a light, easy exercise! Let yourself dream and imagine with child-like wonder! What is your one BIG desire, dream or goal for 2022? What have you been thinking about? What has been getting your attention the most? Why do you want this? What will change? How will you feel?What changes would you like to make in your relationships - family, friends, social life, love life? Why?What changes would you like to make in your physical health and wellbeing? Be specific. Why?What changes would you like to see in your finances - career, job, income, business? Why?What about your personal development? How would you like to see yourself grow? What would you like to learn or improve?What would you like to experience in your spiritual life? As you write about your dreams, goals, and desires, feel about them too! Remember to write down your WHYs for each of them. How will having your dreams manifest make you feel? What will change? How will you change? Download this handly Printable Vision Board to map out your 2022 top dreams, goals and desires. And that's it for today! Dare to dream big, think unlimited, and have fun with this! I'll see you tomorrow for Step 2: ALIGN. Like my t-shirt? Get your 11:11 Make a Wish! t-shirt as a reminder that the Universe is always listening! The new year traditionally symbolizes a new chapter opening in the book that is your life. And after the last two years, some of us may want to simply write an entirely new book instead! But while so many people aspire to achieve ambitious goals, only 12% of you will ever experience the taste of victory. Sound discouraging? It is. 156 million people (that’s 156,000,000) will probably give up on their resolution before you can say “pop the cork.” Why New Year Resolutions Fail 1. You’re treating a marathon like a sprint. Creating or manifesting anything new or worthwhile takes time. Creation is a process, not a race. Our insta society wants everything NOW. It's imperative to slow your roll and allow the Law of Gestation to happen. There are moving parts behind the scenes that are setting the stage for you. Get a longer, wider perspective and practice a little patience. 2. You don’t believe in yourself. Many of you are letting the past dictate your future - either consciously or unconsciously. Old thoughts and habits are choreographing your next steps. See your old thoughts, beliefs, and habits as mutable. You can change them! This starts with awareness of self and putting yourself in check. Question everything - especially your own thinking. Where did those thoughts and beliefs come from? Are they true or relevant? 3. Too much thinking, not enough allowing. I love a good intellect, don't get me wrong. The mind is a beautiful thing, but if it's your only processor you're missing out on experiencing grace and ease. Trying to figure everything out and how you will achieve your goals and dreams can be exhausting when you don't have to. Most times it's better to get out of your head and into your heart. This is where you can relinquish control, trust the manifesting process, paddle downstream instead of upstream, and allow all the goodness you desire to come your way. Take it easy. 4. You don’t enjoy the process. Likely because you're trying somebody else's process. This means your directions are not coming from an intuitive place. Perhaps you're doing what you think you “should” do, according to popular opinion. When you operate at this level inspiration is hard to come by. Your process is going to be different from everyone elses' because one size does not fit all! It's important to leverage your intuition to receive guidance from a higher source and not the average, boring information out there. 5. You’re trying too hard. Efforting = Resistance. This ties in with #3. You are trying to control the outcome and not allowing the benevolence of the Universe to unfold organically in its own time. Nobody likes a micromanager so it would benefit you to stop doing it and trust the process. Yes, you are a powerful creator and that's awesome! But that's only part of the equation. Your desire is being responded to energetically by the magic of the Universe too! This is a collaboration, not a one-man show. 6. You don’t track your progress. Keep a journal to track your progress, your successes, and hiccups. When you do, you'll see patterns emerge and then you can pivot when necessary. When you see your successes on paper, it lifts your energy, creates momentum for more success, and feeds your confidence to continue. When you take the time to read your past journal entries, you'll more than likely impress yourself! You'll see how you rose above certain situations, survived a few others and how you've beautifully evolved. It's quite insightful. 7. You have no social support or accountability. John Donne reminds us that "No man is an island." In other words, no one is truly self-sufficient. Everyone must rely on the company and comfort of others in order to thrive. Isolation is a killer and we've all experienced what isolation feels like over the last couple of years. Working on a goal or dream within a group of supportive people is a game-change... There's a lot to love about smartphones. Smartphone technology makes life super easy and convenient, no doubt! But there's a dark side to cell phones that empaths truly hate. Empaths are naturally sensitive. Let's face it. Phones can be loud, invasive, and disruptive. Getting calls, robocalls, emails, notifications of every kind, and text messages all day long can be maddening to the empath. Typically, empaths are quiet and independent. We rely more on intuition for guidance, so we need quiet to tune in, and process our thoughts and emotions. Phone stimulation can be overwhelming for the empath, especially one who does not enjoy multitasking. Cell phone addiction Cell phones have dominated our attention and we've become addicted to them. According to a global tech company, Asurion, "Americans check their phones 96 times a day - that's once every 10 minutes on average." That number is up 20% from two years ago, indicating the problem is only growing. As a culture, we have become dopamine addicts. We want a quick hit of pleasure and smartphones fit the bill - for 10 minutes or so, and then we need another hit. Dopamine is a slippery neurotransmitter that feeds the brain gratification and leaves it wanting more - and more, creating anxiety and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Serotonin on the other hand is also a pleasure-producing neurotransmitter that creates lasting satisfaction and even joy. We create serotonin when we're in nature, in love, and experiencing the beauty of the world. An easy way to remember the difference between dopamine and serotonin is this: Dopamine will cost you. You have to pay for the high and it won't last long, whereas, serotonin is free and readily available, but it takes a little effort on your part to activate it. Empaths hate being controlled. I've never met an empath who wasn't naturally rebellious. Empaths are hypersensitive to the controlling energy of others and don't tolerate it well. That's why most of us avoid crowds and have a strong dislike for herd marketing and dodge places like Disneyland and Las Vegas. Having a smartphone is like having Vegas in your pocket. It can be sensory overload leaving the empath feeling like their brain, mind, money, and attention are being hijacked. The good news is we can mitigate that! Smartphone Tips for Empaths Turn your ringer off. This is the easiest way to avoid all the noise. When you must have the ringer on, choose a ringtone that is soothing and doesn't startle you. Turn your phone over. Like I said earlier, smartphone technology is amazing and vital for business, so most of us need it nearby when we're working. To avoid the notification popups, and screen noise, flip your phone over face down. You can check the phone on your time. Select which notifications are important to you and turn the rest off. Do you really need to know that Peggy just posted her lunch on Facebook? No, but you might want to know when you get a gig on Fiverr. Schedule no screen time. Put the phone down. Far away. Especially at night so you can get a good night's sleep and avoid developing Tech Neck. Save your spine! Get dopamine aware and manage it. Where else are you buying the quick hits that leave you chasing them mindlessly? Go on a dopamine cleanse and focus on your serotonin uptakes. It will increase the joy in your life. Inform your friends, family, and clients about your phone availability. Set up your clients so they can easily schedule their own appointments. They will understand. Just keep in mind, "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." (unknown source) Ferris Bueller said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Skip the selfie and get serotonin-wasted instead. Resources Are you an Empath? Take my quiz to find out: Day 1: Follow Your Gut video is trapped in my private Facebook Group. You can access it here: Our focus on Day 2 will be on how we use the Heart Brain and the heart chakra to access our intuition. How many times have you heard the phrase, "Use your head?" Learn how your Head Brain has 3 levels of mind and works with your Intuition. Your Intuition is Your Best Guide. You’ve already got the most amazing internal guidance system that money can’t buy! It’s already there just waiting to be of service to you. All you need is a little help connecting to it and TRUSTING it. So, for five days, you’re invited to my FREE 5-Day Intuition Challenge to put this to the test. What have you got to lose besides fear, confusion and feeling stuck in your decisions? Want to take a deeper dive into your Intuition? Join Enchanted Empath Coaching: Get started with a 14-day FREE trial. Our focus on Day 3 will be on how we use the Head Brain, the 3rd eye chakra and the crown chakra to access our intuition. How many times have you heard the phrase, "Use your head?" Learn how your Head Brain has 3 levels of mind and works with your Intuition. Your Intuition is Your Best Guide. You’ve already got the most amazing internal guidance system that money can’t buy! It’s already there just waiting to be of service to you. All you need is a little help connecting to it and TRUSTING it. So, for five days, you’re invited to my FREE 5-Day Intuition Challenge to put this to the test. What have you got to lose besides fear, confusion and feeling stuck in your decisions? Want to take a deeper dive into your Intuition? Join Enchanted Empath Coaching: Get started with a 14-day FREE trial. Our focus on Day 4 will be on how Intuition communicates with us through our senses. Your Intuition is Your Best Guide. You’ve already got the most amazing internal guidance system that money can’t buy! It’s already there just waiting to be of service to you. All you need is a little help connecting to it and TRUSTING it. So, for five days, you’re invited to my FREE 5-Day Intuition Challenge to put this to the test. What have you got to lose besides fear, confusion and feeling stuck in your decisions? Take the Intuition Test here: Want your own Love Is The Cure t-shirt? Get yours here: Want to take a deeper dive into your Intuition? Join Enchanted Empath Coaching for weekly workshops, meditations and special occasions: Get started with a 14-day FREE trial. Our focus on Day 5 will be about using our intuitions to connect with the Spiritual realm. Your Intuition is Your Best Guide. You’ve already got the most amazing internal guidance system that money can’t buy! It’s already there just waiting to be of service to you. All you need is a little help connecting to it and TRUSTING it. So, for five days, you’re invited to my FREE 5-Day Intuition Challenge to put this to the test. What have you got to lose besides fear, confusion and feeling stuck in your decisions? Want to take a deeper dive into your Intuition? Join Enchanted Empath Coaching: Get started with a 14-day FREE trial.
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