DiscoverThe New Progressives Podcast
The New Progressives Podcast

The New Progressives Podcast

Author: Malika Dickerson and Tricia Smith

Subscribed: 7Played: 28


We talk no shit politics; shaming the devil by telling the truth. We don't pull punches, we don't watch our mouths, and we don't abide dumb shit. This podcast is for everyone who is sick of the right left debate and want to move this country forward. We're progressives. We support progressive candidates and progressive goals for this country AND we are fighting to save our democracy!
36 Episodes
How-To: Voting in 2020

How-To: Voting in 2020


The more you know, the more confident you will be about casting your ballot. Black men have historically been reticent to vote because they feel intimidated and overwhelmed by the process - reasonably so. After watching the Brandon Marshall segment on AM Joy on msnbc a month ago, I felt compelled to help show how easy voting can be in 2020. Brandon Marshall's segment's audio did not record so here is the link: is a good resource but I was trying to get to to find out everything you need to know about every office up for a vote where you live state-to-state!
100% Participation

100% Participation


We have less than 50 days left to turnout the vote for Nov. 8, 2022. In this most crucial midterm election - probably the most crucial of our lifetime - we need 100% of eligible voters to turn out. We here at TNP are going to do our part with our 100% Participation campaign starting this week and leading up to the midterm election. Check out our new midterm election swag at the TNP Swag Shop ( and make sure that you and everyone that you know is registered AND votes this year!
 To sum up my feelings about people arguing against the Student Loan Debt Forgiveness program that Pres. Biden announced - Jimmy crack corn and I don't care. FU and your whiny ass BS about how "unfair" it is that 43 million people are getting a portion of their student loan debt forgiven! You can go pound sand while we cheer Pres. Biden for doing this and doing it now! 
 After a month long hiatus, The New Progressives Podcast is back! We have lots of content coming at you ahead of next month's Jan. 6 Committee Hearings and the Nov. 8 midterm election. Buckle up, we're bringing the fire this season! We have new swag available at that you can buy now to motivate yourself and others to turnout for the midterms in record numbers. Check it out #100%Participation #WeCanandWeWill #TheUnionForever 
 This Thursday, June 9, 2022 will be a day marked in history. The Jan. 6 Committee will hold the first live hearings on the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 and the ongoing coup. Americans who want to continue being democracy need to tune in and stand up. Jenni Lee, Tricia Smith, Christy Orchard in her debut appearance on the TNP Podcast join me to preview the hearings and to make sure EVERYBODY tunes in and takes a stand. 
 We could have gone even further on these dweebie ass little boys preaching about what it means to be a "masculine" man. Don't ever say that while I'm drinking something! You can't be serious. Fucker Carlson thinks he's manly? ROFLMAO!! Enjoy ;) 
 Teaching a child to hate is child abuse. "The Race War," "KKK," and swastikas were just some of the things that were etched in the wooden desks that I sat in all through middle school. These racially motivated shootings happening right now are the result of the signals that those people believe that they are receiving from people in power and on right wing propaganda sites that are encouraging this kind of racial hatred. Tricia Smith and I talk no bullshit politics about the security threat that these elected officials and propagandists pose to the people they are encouraging as well as our democracy as a whole. 
 I am so sick of hearing these words: "What's so frightening," "What is so scary," "Here's what people should be afraid of," etc. etc. Democrats have mastered the art of being afraid of their own shadow. I'm sick of hearing how afraid you are. Fear is a paralyzing emotion. How about get fired up for once! I'm pissed as hell and I need our elected officials to quit being afraid and start governing boldly from a position of righteous anger! You may want to earmuff it for this one lol! 
 Democrats are their best worst enemy. I can't even imagine Democrats governing without fear. But imagine if they did for once. Imagine the kind of progress we could make if they could get out of their own way! This is technically part 2 of "Fear Is Not a Winning Political Strategy" - I hope ya'll listen! 
"The Race War," "KKK," and swastikas were just some of the things that were etched in the wooden desks that I sat in all through middle school. These racially motivated shootings happening right now are the result of the signals that those people believe that they are receiving from people in power and on right wing propaganda sites that are encouraging this kind of racial hatred. Tricia Smith and I talk no bullshit politics about the security threat that these elected officials and propagandists pose to the people they are encouraging as well as our democracy as a whole. Here's a little taste of what's coming at you! 
 Mother's Day weekend 2022, across the country, men and women came out in response to the draft opinion authored by Alito to tell the US Kangaroo Court that WE will not go back. Jenni Lee and I are hostile and fired up in this episode and we have the RIGHT to be hostile! Have something to say - come on Cletus, say it! 
Excellent teaser produced by TNP Podcast co-host and partner Jenni Lee. Check out this quick trailer and then listen to the full episode from Mother's Day Weekend 2022! 
Lie = Murder

Lie = Murder


 Everybody lies - they say. I don't. Ever wonder why lies are on the same list as murder in the 10 commandments? Velda Myles and I discuss how dangerous lies are as is evident in Putin's war, the aftermath of big fat liar chump. If we don't stop this lying and get real with ourselves, we'll keep losing our democracy one lie at a time. 
Today, Jenni Lee and I riffed on a variety of different topics with lots of laughs and some real talk for our TNP followers. It was a lively and fun discussion and we threw out a bunch of stuff so we invite everyone to weigh in on any of these topics! 
No one is above the law. At least, that's what "they" say. I can't tell. Too many people associated with the ongoing trump coup are walking around free as jaybirds while non-violent criminals languish in prisons across America for far less serious crimes. What is Attorney General Merrick Garland doing? Are we looking at another Robert Mueller okey doke? 
There is a place where the right wing fascists in America and Putin's criminal war against Ukraine intersect. It is here and it is why and how republicans have been so off the hook. As the DOJ (if they aren't afraid and if no one really is above the law) tracks down the money going to Putin's war machine, I bet you we're going to find sitting republican congressmen and women roped up in that scandal. Meanwhile, Putin is trying to get people of color to ignore or go against the war by pointing out how there are white right wing fascists in Ukraine and NATO too. I've even heard black people say why should we be fighting for them and they are racists. First of all, so is Putin! Second of all, what do you think we look like to Central Americans and Haitians? Anyway - beware of the divide and conquer strategy Putin is targeting people of color with now that reality is starting to sink in that he overplayed his hand. 
 In one week, things have changed so much that we have to revisit the Ukraine thing with Jenni Lee. Tricia joins us on this podcast where we discuss is it time to institute a no-fly zone even with all of the geopolitical risks? Is it riskier to wait? We invite you to weigh in on this most crucial discussion with TNP! 
 After Day 6 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Jenni Lee and I discuss what this means for Americans. We need to get prepared for price increases, especially at the pump and not bitch and moan about it but graciously accept it as our part in this war for democracy. The New Progressives stand with Ukraine! 
 When asked last year, shortly after the insurrectionists repeatedly tased him to the point where he had a heart attack, Capitol Hill Officer Michael Fanone was asked what he would say to the person who helped him escape the mob. He said, "...thank you for helping me; fuck you for being there." In this episode of the TNP Podcast, I discuss the reaction to the Jan. 6 attack with a former U.S. Marine and how he feels about the legal response so far. 
11,000 Magats

11,000 Magats


 They tried to copy the Million Man March with a Million Magats march...they came up 989,000 short lol! What idiots but it's worse than that. They were marching against democracy and in favor of fascism. This is not a political debate and there is no equal weight to "both sides." This is America, we ARE Anti-Fascist as a nation. It's time to call it what it is and stomp it out! 
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