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the CRAIG VAN cast

Author: Craig Van

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Welcome to the CRAIG VAN cast where we talk about powerful practices for an impactful and meaningful life. All welcome.

Endless energy, physical and psychological freedom, mastery, wealth, community, love and sex - these are some of the eternal pursuits we will explore together.

vitality | prosperity | connectivity

59 Episodes
Struggling with persistent back pain and can't figure out why? In today’s deep dive, we're shining a light on the silent destroyer of spinal health - our sitting habits. With expert insights and evidence-based solutions, this episode is your guide to understanding and combating the root causes of spinal discomfort.Quick Summary: Discover the hidden reasons behind back pain and how simple (not easy) lifestyle adjustments can lead to significant improvements in your spinal health.What This Epis...
Can you discern the life-changing health habits amidst the avalanche of wellness trends? Let's embark on a quest together, as we navigate the sea of information and pinpoint the choices that genuinely foster healing. This episode strips away the buzzwords and fluff, grounding you in the scientific principles that stand as reliable beacons in the chaos. With special insights from the Kinetic Keystone project, we'll provide you with a blueprint to carve out your very own health roadmap, tailore...
Get ready to unlock the code as we unveil how eating, moving, and thinking are the trifecta for a transformative health journey. We dissect the intricate dance between our genes and these core behaviours, demonstrating how each choice we make at the dinner table, in our workout routine, or even in our thought patterns, can either be a stepping stone or a stumbling block to our well-being.We craft a roadmap for synchronizing your nutrition, exercise, and psychology to create a symphony of heal...
Are you struggling with persistent back pain, despite trying various treatments? Do fears of worsening your condition hold you back from activities you once enjoyed? If you're seeking a breakthrough in managing your back pain, this episode is a must-watch/listen.Join us as we explore a groundbreaking dual strategy that delves into the root causes of back pain and the fundamentals of back strength. Drawing from my personal journey as a mover and exercise clinician, and backed by the comprehens...
In this discussion, we explore five life-changing principles essential for understanding and effectively approaching back pain relief and overall well-being. We address the widespread issue of back pain and the inadequacy of most treatments that focus merely on symptomatic relief rather than tackling the root causes.Throughout this discussion, practical tips and suggestions are offered to help you engage with and implement these principles in your daily life, encouraging a transformative appr...
In this discussion, we cover 10 life-changing lessons to end back pain for good. Back pain is not only the most common injury worldwide but also one of the most depressing and debilitating. By understanding the central role of our spine in all our movements, we uncover the importance of prioritizing spine stability. Discover how sitting contributes to back pain and how addressing this issue can reverse the negative effects of a seated lifestyle.We explore the foundational building block of al...
In this episode, Craig explores the concept of prioritization and the power of focusing on one movement project. He discusses the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, and how it applies to movement and exercise. Most of the harm experienced in movement development comes from sedentary activities, particularly sitting, while the greatest potential lies in prioritizing a select few movement practices. Craig delves into the importance of neutral spine stability, which addresses both h...
In this episode, Craig delves into the principle that governs our entire life and how it relates to overcoming back pain. Through personal experiences and insights, he explains how pain and injury serve as teachers, redirecting us to change our actions and behaviors. By taking responsibility for our actions and understanding the chain of causality, we can access the power to change any situation in our lives. The host emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and self-improvement to overco...
In this episode, we explore the two biggest opportunities to transform your movement experience. The first opportunity lies in mastering the spinal-core and breathing systems, which serve as the foundation for all movement. By coordinating and activating the core muscles and developing precise awareness of the spine's position, we can achieve stability and control in our movement. The second opportunity involves optimizing our breathing, WHILE maintaining the first point. By combining these t...
In this podcast episode, learn how the world's most skilled movement practitioners achieve the impossible by breaking down complex movements into simpler components. Discover the process they use to master each component and integrate them layer by layer, ultimately reaching high levels of performance. Understand why patience, persistence, and a focus on the basics are crucial for true mastery. Join Craig as he explores the journey from simple to complex in movement development and shares pra...
Did you know that sitting is one of the most anti-developmental activities of our time? It's a shocking reality, but we're here to uncover the alarming effects of this destructive force on our bodies and lives. We're revealing how this sedentary behavior, that starts from an early age, is shaping our development in ways we don't even realize. Tune in as we discuss the stark contrast between active, mobile elderly individuals and those who've lost their independence due to excessive sitting. G...
In this episode, we reflect on a recent interview with Professor Stuart McGill on The Ready State podcast, hosted by Dr. Kelly Starrett and his wife Juliet Starrett. Professor McGill, a renowned figure in understanding lower back pain, provides profound insights into spinal health and its critical role in movement and overall well-being. This episode offers a holistic perspective on health, discussing the layers of movement, the mastery of basic components for complex movements, and how...
Have you ever stopped to consider how the simple act of sitting affects your health? What's startling is that this common daily activity shapes our bodies towards inactivity, leading to lower back pain, lumbar flexion, and erosion. We peel back the layers on how sitting is far more harmful than we often realize, with engaging anecdotes and thought-provoking discussions designed to raise your awareness to its detrimental effects.Our exploration doesn't stop there. We delve into the negative im...
What if you could significantly boost your physical strength, intelligence, and self-awareness, all by adjusting your actions, not your beliefs? This episode unpacks the transformative power of action adjustments, as guided by the Kinetic Keystone course. This isn't just another step-by-step guide, it's a journey to mastering beneficial routines and ditching detrimental ones. We delve deep into the core of our brain through the Simon Sinek's Golden Circle concept and discuss how its 'why' and...
What if you could unlock your body's fullest potential and transform the way you move, breathe and live? Join us in a captivating conversation that explores the deep connections between our spinal core, breathing and overall movement performance. We shed light on the often overlooked impacts of our daily habits, especially the effects of prolonged sitting and busy schedules, on our health and mobility. With actionable insights and practical advice, we empower you to reclaim control over your ...
Ever wondered why that nagging back pain just won't leave you alone? Are you tired of compromising your movements because of it? Welcome to our enlightening session where we demystify the cause of your discomfort and introduce you to the Kinetic Keystone protocol. This transformative program not only provides relief for back pain sufferers but serves as a proactive measure for anyone wishing to avoid this common ailment. Our discussion will highlight the adverse effects of prolonged sitting o...
Time preference could be the key to unlocking health, wealth, and fulfilment. Explore the power of delayed gratification and how it influences every aspect of your life. Learn about the profound consequences of making choices with a low or high time preference and uncover the illusion of sacrifice when delaying gratification. Unravel the transformative power of compounding and how understanding time preference can lead to better decision-making and ultimately help you tap into ...
Welcome to the first discussion in the UnSit Your Back series. This discussion aims to give you the information you need to start with the UnSit Your Back movement protocol as soon as possible. We will uncover that the movement protocol is part of a larger whole.Sign up for the UnSit Your Back course that follows this crash course at therapy has a necessary partner in crime, and this discussion aims to give you that partner. To be comprehensive and concis...
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