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Guy Hard - Action Movies With A Vengeance
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Guy Hard - Action Movies With A Vengeance

Author: Jeff Klein, Jake Olsen, Nick Warner

Subscribed: 8Played: 53


Do musicals piss you off? Can't stand another teenage drama or Rom-Com? Well join Jake, Warner and Klein as they recap some of the manliest, testosterone filled “Guy” movies ever made and breakdown what exactly it takes to be a classic bro flick.
23 Episodes
The Fast and the Furious

The Fast and the Furious


Jeff, Jake and Nick watch the greatest point break rip off of all time.... The Fast and the Furious. We discuss how the movie basically shaped our adolescent brains and helped us become who we are today. Which should tell you a lot about us. You can have any beer you want... as long as it's a Corona.
Miami Connection

Miami Connection


Nick, Jake and Jeff watch possibly one of the best shitty movies of all time.... Miami Connection. Starring: People you've never heard of. Find out what happens when a Karate instructor has too much free cash and wants to bring about world peace. This movie is free on Youtube if you want to see this steaming pile.
Surviving the Game

Surviving the Game


Jake, Nick and Jeff watch the 1994 thriller(?) Surviving the Game. A movie where Rutger Hauer, Gary Busey, and Dr. Cox from Scrubs try to hunt down and kill Ice-T because they are rich.



When you can say that this is one of Nicolas Cage's crazier roles, you know you have yourself pure gold. Find out who is who in this 1997 John Woo classic, Face/Off.
Cradle 2 The Grave

Cradle 2 The Grave


The Guy Hard team gets together to discuss the best movie starring DMX, Cradle 2 the Grave. We talk about Tom Arnolds acting range, DMX's wall running abilities, and many other things involved with this Martial Arts (?) gem.



The guys break down one of the most iconic action movies of all time, Speed. We also wonder how the hell Jeff Daniels didn't get another police roll immediately after this film.
To Live and Die in LA

To Live and Die in LA


Jake, Nick and Jeff give Dick a Chance. Wait, what? Join us as we shit all over the William Friedkin movie To Live and Die in LA.
They Live

They Live


Jake, Nick and Jeff discover that the world is under the control of Aliens who want to dominate us. At least that's what happens in this movie. Join us as we discuss the John Carpenter film THEY LIVE...... We sleep.
Gone in 60 Seconds

Gone in 60 Seconds


Join Jake, Jeff and Nick as their childhood memories are destroyed while they discuss the Nicolas Coppola masterpiece, Gone in 60 Seconds. They should have let Eleanor die.
Showdown in Little Tokyo

Showdown in Little Tokyo


Nick, Jake and Jeff watch the 1991 "buddy cop" film Showdown in Little Tokyo starring Dolph Lundgren and Brandon Lee. Somehow, the white guy plays the asian lead, and the asian guy plays the white lead. Go figure.
Batman and Robin

Batman and Robin


Join Nick, Jake and Jeff as they discuss George Clooneys biggest failure. No, not Leatherheads. Batman and Robin. A Joel Schumacher joint from 1997. If you thought Batman v Superman was bad, wait until you get a load of this.
The Running Man

The Running Man


Ever wondered what it would be like if someone gave the host of Family Feud a shit ton of money and a few henchmen? Join the crew as we crap all over the 1987 movie The Running Man starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.



Wesley Snipes battles an evil underground syndicate of vampires while making funny faces. Join the crew as they discuss the 1998 groundbreaking (seriously) film, Blade.



Quite Possibly the biggest Grand Theft Auto rip off of all time. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. Join us as we get juiced out of our mind with Jason Statham on CRANK.



The guys get together to watch one of the great achievements in American cinema. Torque, starring Martin Henderson, Adam Scott and Ice Cube. We ask the hard hitting questions like "Why is there so much Torque in this movie?" and "My bike has one million dollars worth of crystal meth, now what?".



Bad action movies are a disease. We're the cure. Join us as we talk about the 1986 Stallone gem COBRA.
From Paris with Love

From Paris with Love


Join the guys as we talk about one of the greatest action heroes of all time, Charlie Wax. International spy? Or international terrorist that should be #1 on the FBI's most wanted list? We are feeling it should be the latter.
The Thing

The Thing


The Guy Hard crew gets together to watch the John Carpenter classic, The Thing. Which one of us is infected? My money is on Nick. Grab your flamethrower and a beer for one of the greatest sci-fi horror films of all time.



A small Nevada town is invaded by worms. Not the kind of worms you're thinking of. Just the giant man eating kind of worms.
Top Gun

Top Gun


Top Gun was one of the most iconic movies of the 80's.... HOW?
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