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Physician on a Mission

Author: Dr. James Veltmeyer

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Hello, this is Dr. James Veltmeyer and welcome to my podcast show: “Physician on a Mission.” I am a family physician and past Congressional candidate in San Diego, CA. I am on a mission to find smart, common sense solutions to many of our most challenging problems as a society. I am a proud legal immigrant to the United States, arriving here when I was just eleven years old.
116 Episodes
In today's episode, Dr. Veltmeyer discusses the widespread abuse of the so-called presidential Executive Order which left-wing Presidents like Obama and Biden use to bypass Congress and enact laws by decree. The Executive Order appears nowhere in the Constitution and was originally designed only as an administrative device for federal departments and agencies to help them implement laws enacted by Congress. The EO is a dangerous blending of executive and legislative powers and a tool for tyranny and an imperial presidency, regardless of political party.Support the show
In this episode, Dr. Veltmeyer discusses Joe Biden's little-known Executive Order 14019 which empowers a variety of federal agencies and departments -- in violation of the Hatch Act -- to engage in various vote registration and turnout schemes to benefit Democrats in this November's midterm elections.  He analyzes the sordid history of the Democrat Party dominating the crooked and corrupt political machines in this country which engaged in ballot-stuffing, voter roll manipulation, and other chicanery.Support the show
Republic or Democracy?

Republic or Democracy?


Today, Dr. Veltmeyer exposes the profound differences between republics and democracies and why the Framers detested the idea of pure democracy as a pathway to mob rule and eventually to tyranny. He indicates that the so-called "Democratic Party" worships "democracy" because their version of "democracy" represents group rights only and disrespects the opinions of the minority. Under the Democrats' version of "democracy," only opinions and views aligned with the "principles" of that party would be legal or tolerated, just as in a communist state.Support the show
Gun Control Again?

Gun Control Again?


In this episode, Dr. Veltmeyer cites recent academic studies that indicate that more gun laws do not curb the occurrences of gun violence and that mass shootings tend to happen in states with the strictest gun laws. He asserts that our nation really needs a cultural counter-revolution which would restore traditional moral and religious values and gender roles in order to end the confusion and desperation that seems to be afflicting America's young people -- especially young males --already weighed down by years of lockdowns, school closures, and forced masking.Support the show
Is Peace Passe?

Is Peace Passe?


In this episode, Dr. Veltmeyer discusses how the United States has moved drastically away from its previous role as a peacemaker in world conflicts to a nation that actively aids and abets such conflicts, such as shipping billions of dollars in military equipment to Ukraine and previous "regime change" interventions in Haiti, Iraq, Syria, Serbia, and Libya, as well as in Ukraine in 2014. No longer do American Presidents employ diplomats and convene peace talks or seek cease-fires. Now, neo-con controlled puppets like Joe Biden seek war as a first resort to overthrow any government not in agreement with the aims of the Global Reset and the New World Order. Donald Trump was the first recent President NOT to get us in any new wars and to disengage from ongoing wars. That made him the enemy of the military-industrial complex President Eisenhower warned us of in his 1961 Farewell Address.Support the show
In today's episode, Dr. Veltmeyer takes on the woke left's attack on Florida's new parental rights law which prohibits the indoctrination of small schoolchildren in transgenderism and sexual deviancy. He traces the history of radical sex education to Lenin in the Soviet Union and George Lukacs, the communist who served as Bela Kun's Deputy Minister of Culture in the barbaric, but short-lived, Hungarian Soviet Republic after World War I.  It is Dr. Veltmeyer's view that efforts to sexualize young schoolchildren are part and parcel of the Left's nonstop attack on our society's cultural, Christian, and moral foundations and that we should be applauding Governor DeSantis of Florida for fighting back.Support the show
In this episode, Dr. Veltmeyer discusses the controversial and sinister Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum whose globalist agenda seems to be driving world politics in 2022. Schwab's "Great Reset" is a chilling conglomeration of Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World in which individual rights, freedoms, and initiative are subordinated to a corporate fascist tyranny on a worldwide scale. This is an episode you won't want to miss!Support the show
In today's broadcast, Dr. Veltmeyer accuses Fake President Joe Biden of meeting the Constitutional definition of treason. He points to the Biden Crime Family's financial entanglements and high-dollar payoffs from foreign governments such as Ukraine and Communist China, including $31 million from entities tied to Chinese intelligence. By embracing policies that have weakened America at every level, he has enriched and strengthened the Chinese Communists and other foreign adversaries who have underwritten his family's illicit global business ventures. If these actions do not constitute a betrayal of his country and his oath of office, thereby treason, nothing does.Support the show
In this disturbing podcast, Dr. Veltmeyer exposes how the federal government has incentivized the medical profession -- especially hospitals -- to endanger the lives and well-being of COVID-19 patients. Throughout America, COVID patients are being forced into ICUs, placed on dangerous ventilators, and denied inexpensive therapeutics like HCQ, ivermectin, zinc and Vitamin D. Hospitals are being financially rewarded if patients are diagnosed or die of COVID or placed on ventilators or given remdesivir, which can lead to organ failure. Patients are denied the right to see their families, attorneys, or other advocates or to even leave the hospital of their free will. It is a black mark on the federal government and the reputation of medical providers who are shamelessly participating in this deadly arrangement.Support the show
In this episode, Dr. Veltmeyer discusses the stranglehold Big Pharma and its campaign contributions have over Congress as well as their control over federal agencies like the FDA, CDC, and National Institutes of Health. He believes COVID-19 could have been stamped out early in 2020 through the use of inexpensive therapeutics had it not been for Big Pharma's influence in Washington, D.C. which demanded super-expensive and massively profitable vaccines instead. Dr. Veltmeyer believes Big Pharma and its puppets throughout the federal government are largely responsible for the inexcusable and failed approach to managing the pandemic that has occurred over the last two years.Support the show
Hope on the Horizon

Hope on the Horizon


Amid the shambles of the fake Biden Presidency, Dr. Veltmeyer outlines twenty important recent developments which offer reasons for hope in the New Year, hope which can translate into a remarkable American Rebirth and the end of the nation's current passion of despair and dysfunction under the Biden regime and its radical Left overlords.Support the show
In this episode of "Physician on a Mission," Dr. Veltmeyer discusses his recent encounter with Cancel Culture where a small independent bookstore in Orange County abruptly cancelled a scheduled book signing for his new book. The bookstore claimed there was a "backlash" from the community but never explained what that was exactly. Dr. Veltmeyer goes on to cite the importance of freedom of speech to America's Founders and greatest judicial thinkers and laments the progressive loss of this fundamental First Amendment freedom throughout much of American society today.Support the show
The Great Replacement

The Great Replacement


In today's episode, Dr. Veltmeyer accuses America's ruling elites of purposely fomenting the chaos at the Mexican border in order to change the demographic composition of the nation's population, for the political benefit of the Democrat Party. He points to the results of the 1965 Immigration Reform Act and the fact that no Democrat has won a majority of the white vote in over half a century. Democrats are determined to recalibrate America's demographics in order to ensure a permanent Democrat voting majority for decades to come. That is why they are welcoming 2 million illegal migrants into our country this year alone and strategically distributing these unfortunate individuals to the so-called "swing" states. It's not about race, it's about power and the Democrat Party and its ruling class is determined to hold on to that power at all costs, even if it means spreading crime, drugs, and COVID within our borders and destroying the standard of living of working class Americans of all races.Support the show
Can America now avoid a "hot" Civil War between clashing visions of the nation, one vision embedded in traditional values and Constitutional principles and the other a radical, neo-Marxist and culturally-nihilistic world view? Is a split between Red America and Blue America now almost inevitable? In today's powerful podcast, Dr. Veltmeyer explores whether two peoples who are hopelessly splintered along political, cultural, and religious lines can remain within one nation or must eventually part company and go their own way.  Can an America now divided against itself still stand?Support the show
In this episode, Dr. Veltmeyer discusses the devolution of the American Medical Association ( AMA ) from an organization that once battled socialized medicine to nothing more than a left-wing lobbying group that embraces the woke agenda of AOC and the Squad. In recent years, the AMA has endorsed Obamacare, gun control, the legalization of marijuana, and the LGBTQ agenda of the Biden Regime. The AMA has embraced Critical Race Theory and so-called "gender fluidity," endorsing the insane concept of removing the gender of newborns from their birth certificates. At the same time, the American Medical Association has failed to promote health care choice and the direct primary care model of health care or to support physicians fighting government and insurance company control over medical decisionsSupport the show
In this episode, Dr. Veltmeyer addresses the virtual collapse of the Fake Presidency of Joe Biden, amid the surrender to the Taliban in Afghanistan and the abandonment of thousands of Americans to terrorism as well as raging inflation, the dismantling of our energy industry, the erasure of our southern border, trillions in proposed pork-barrel spending, Critical Race Theory and the "woke" agenda, and tyrannical vaccine and mask mandates. He traces Joe's legacy of incompetence to his history of lies, corruption, plagiarism, personal aggrandizement, and screw-ups and questions whether America -- which lacks any process for removal of a President other than impeachment or the 25th Amendment -- can survive the governance of a feeble-minded twit in the Oval Office.Support the show
In today's episode, Dr. Veltmeyer discusses the recent successes of Therapeutic Solutions International in the area of adult stem cell research, leading to potential treatments for COVID-19 and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy ( CTE ). TSOI's patented universal donor adult stem cell product known as JadiCell has shown significant reduction of lung injury based on preservation of lung function, reduction of inflammatory cells entering the lung, and suppression of specific proteins such as C5a which are associated with poor prognosis in COVID-19 patients. In an FDA double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial, the JadiCell was successful at substantially improving survival in end-stage patients with COVID-19 associated acute lung failure. Specifically, treatment was associated with significantly improved patient survival ( 91% versus 42% ) of individuals over the age of 85. JadiCell was actually shown to be 100% effective in saving the lives of COVID patients under the age of 85.In addition, TSOI’s research is indicating the superior ability of JadiCell in stimulating production of new brain cells. This process is called “neurogenesis” and has great potential in the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and various forms of dementia. Support the show
In this special edition of "Physician on a Mission," Dr. James Veltmeyer interviews the prominent San Diego-based interventional cardiologist Dr. Nassir Azimi about the crisis in Afghanistan and the long-term implications of the Biden Bugout. As an Afghan native who came to America during the Soviet occupation of his homeland in the early 1980s, Dr. Azimi offers his unique and important perspective on what is happening now in the nation of his birth.Support the show
In this broadcast, Dr. Veltmeyer describes how conservatives and constitutionalists are beginning to turn the tables on the Radical Left by fighting back in the courtroom. The courts have been the Left's playground for decades with conservatives simply accepting a series of wrongly-decided decisions made by liberal judicial activists on issues like abortion, homosexual "marriage," racial busing and the role of religion in society. Now, conservatives led by Stephen Miller at America First Legal are joining the battle to beat the left-wing cultural revolutionaries at their own game, by initiating or joining lawsuits challenging the Biden regime's anti-American policies across-the-board, from illegal immigration to racial preferences and critical race theory edicts. With three new Trump-appointed Supreme Court justices and hundreds more appointed to the appellate courts, we now stand a real chance of stopping the Radical Left through the judicial process.Support the show
Covid Forever?

Covid Forever?


In this episode, Dr. Veltmeyer reveals -- from the standpoint of a working physician -- the many lies that were told about COVID-19 from the very beginning of the pandemic, from overrun hospitals to the many treatments and therapeutics that were immediately available to the uselessness of masks and the over-reporting of actual deaths caused by the virus. He now exposes how the global ruling class which seized so much power during the pandemic is determined to keep the panic going endlessly with new so-called "variants" in order to maintain the world's population in a permanent state of fear and in a permanent COVID state where our rights and liberties are severely curtailed. Support the show
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