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Good Good Podcast

Author: Good Good Podcast

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Real and honest Bible conversations from three people who will never claim to know everything. We are just exploring the Scriptures, God, and theology in an open way. Thanks for joining us on this journey!

68 Episodes
Why: Jesus?

Why: Jesus?


This week we're continuing asking that big, big question: why? And today we're asking "why Jesus?" There are a lot of people out there asking to be followed, many perhaps worth following, some...maybe, worth why Jesus? What is it about Jesus that allows him to create a world-changing movement, and why would we personally choose Jesus?
Why: the Bible?

Why: the Bible?


We're continuing our "why" series and asking one of the other biggest questions regarding the Christian faith: why the Bible? Why should we read this super old book? What does it have to say about my life? Is it the truth? Wait...what about yoga, should Christians do that?
Why: Church?

Why: Church?


We're back and we're picking up a new series called "why?" We're going to dig into the why behind some of the most basic and assumed things about following Jesus, and the first question we'll ask why of is: the Church. Why do we have this thing called the church? Why does the church do some of the weird stuff it does? Should I care about the church?
This episode, Harry, Chris, and Hayden take a ship to a galaxy near and dear to our hearts in the Star Wars canon universe. We discuss a bit of how it ties to the Bible, but mostly just talk about what we like in Star Wars, how it could have gone, and who it's made us to be.
Harry, Chris, and Hayden close the scroll (how this exactly gets closed is explored in the final moments) on Isaiah and do it in a way that can only be described as sing-song. This final section of Isaiah is packed with hyperlinks and messianic language. A lifetime could be dedicated to this section, but we're dedicating an hour! Thanks for joining us!
In this episode Harry, Hayden, and Chris discuss some of the most popular and controversial texts in the entire Bible: Isaiah 40-55. Some call this the Third Gospel, some call it a forbidden chapter. Either way, you know that means it's important. So thanks for taking the time to talk it through with us, we'd love to hear your thoughts!
We keep running through Isaiah by picking up in a really interesting section that has a good narrative and seems really applicable to our modern context. Chapters 28-39 make up a very compelling story that shows two sides of a coin and where one King stands.
Chris, Harry, and Hayden get into the next section of Isaiah which is one of the tougher sections to work through as it can seem very harsh and destructive. What do we make of that and how do we work through it in a way that makes sense from a Christian perspective? These are important questions that we want to work through together.
We finally actually dig in to Isaiah with the opening section of chapters 1-12. There is so much going on in this book, so we hope that this little break down will give you some confidence to open it up yourself without too much fear of the unknown. Truly, we pull out just a tiny amount of the wisdom and gospel vibrations that echo through this section, but hopefully it inspires you to find your own!
Intro to Isaiah

Intro to Isaiah


We're kicking off a new adventure here at the Good Good Pod and it's taken us to Isaiah! But what is Isaiah, why would you ever spend your time reading this big ole thing, and what does it have for us today? Well, let's get a little bit acquainted, shall we?
That's right, it's a double-header to close it out! Titus and 1 Timothy 3 make essentially the same argument but use a couple different strategies. So as we exegete these passages we'll contrast them and get a big picture of Paul's argument that is gospel-centered and applies to us in amazing ways! Then we'll hear the conclusion of this project as well as a little note for further discussion. Thank you so much for walking with me in this project, it means so much to me!
We're almost done with these passages but this is a good one! Let's walk through 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 together and see how the gospel is being preached here and listen to the words as they really do impact our daily life.
On to the next, with Ephesians 5! This time we're doing something TOTALLY different. Actually we're just doing the same expositional work and then hearing the gospel from this passage and applying it to our lives. But I gotta say that I'm loving this time in the Word.
We continue our study of the complementarian proof texts with 1 Corinthians 14:34-36. We'll do the same thing where we exegete, see the gospel, and then preach it to ourselves. Are you having fun yet?
Now it's time for the moment you've all been waiting for: the "but what about these passages?!" section! This episode we will spend our time doing expositional exegesis of 1 Timothy 2:8-15 and see what it really says when we study it properly. We'll then hear the gospel from this section and apply it to our context today, at least a little bit!
DON'T SKIP THIS EPISODE! If there is nothing else that this project is good for, hopefully this episode is beneficial to you. In this episode we're going to walk through the expositional process of exegesis that is going to be used to study the 6 complementarian "proof texts." This is such a helpful tool for reading any passage of scripture, so I hope you find it useful not just in the context of this project but in all Bible study.
In this episode, we're going to highlight passages that make it clear that the Bible is actually talking about this curse and redemption for the sexes throughout. This is important because it ensures that we're not making our problem one that the Bible is forced to deal with even though it isn't. So grab your Bibles and let's start turning pages!
In the second episode of this project, we're going to spend a significant amount of time in Genesis to ensure we really know what its saying regarding men and women and the curse of sin. We'll then move from Genesis through to Jesus and see what Jesus has to say, and what His good news brings, for the sexes Biblically. Thanks for listening!
We're launching into a sort of off-shoot project from our normal dealings. Redeemed Humanity is a short mini-series project narrated by Hayden that is aiming to walk exegetically through the whole of the Bible to see what it really says about men and women and their roles in the Church. This first section will give some insight into Hayden's background and intent and lay out what the rest of the project will entail. We end this episode with a quick note about definitions and why having common...
Ruth is All You Need

Ruth is All You Need


We're back to unpack the most recent section of scripture that we have read over together, and that's the book of Ruth! We had a blast talking over this little nugget and hope you'll open up your Bibles with us as we go over it and see how Gospel much is packed into these 4 short chapters! Thanks for listening!
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