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《語妙天下》(Language Academy) 推出新一輯英語篇,選取了歷史性的演講詞,學習如何透過語言說服和打動人;另外還有Miss Maggie的實用筆記,為公開試考生加油!
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173 Episodes
Summary of the Speech: - Nixon concluded that he no longer had "a strong enough political base in the Congress" to make it possible for him to complete his term of office. - He had never been a quitter, and to leave office before the end of his term ...
Summary of the Speech: - It was a thought-provoking commencement speech that urges us to be more aware of the world around us and choose how we perceive and respond to everyday challenges. - Discussed the importance of liberal arts education in “teac...
Summary of the Speech: - Meaning of “city hall”: the administrative building of a municipal市政的 government. - The City Hall in Hong Kong, however, is a social and cultural center for the whole city. This intention was reflected in the speech of Sir R...
Summary of the Speech: - Mandela saw the trial as a transformative opportunity that offered him visibility and a hearing, a space from which to spread stories of such significance and consequence - He admitted the truth of some of the charges mad...
Summary of the Speech: - He first openly shared the status in France. - It was evident that the military situation was near catastrophic 糟蹋透頂的,災難性的. - The speech is also known as Be Ye Men of Valour. He mentioned “Arm yourselves, and be ye men of va...
Summary of the Speech: This started the Quit India movement, a mass attempt at civil disobedience which demanded an end to the British rule in India. His tone was very determined and stern - “Let me explain my position clearly.” Some Important Par...
Summary of the speech: - It was a short speech to remind people why the Civil War was fought. It also honored the sacrifice of the many men who had died fighting it. - Lincoln reminded his audience that the United States was founded based on liberty ...
Summary of the speech: - She emphasized the importance of recognizing the value and dignity of every human being, particularly those who are marginalised被忽視的/邊緣化的 and forgotten by society. She spoke about the fundamental基本的 right to life and the need ...
Summary of the Speech: Talked about racial inequality and injustice不公義. King's dream of a future where people would be judged by the content of their character 品格 rather than the color of their skin. It called for an end to racial discrimination歧視 ...
每一屆世界杯都吸引大量球迷欣賞,而每一屆的主題曲亦非常動聽,成為世界杯的另一特色。2010年世界盃由南非主辦,哥倫比亞歌手Shakira創作並參與制作的歌曲“Waka Waka” 就被選為當年的主題曲。Waka Waka是斯瓦希里語的文字,有火焰,熱烈燃燒,閃耀等意思。 而副歌部分,大家亦會聽到一段非洲語演唱的歌詞。這一段取材自1986年喀麥隆樂團Golden Sounds所演唱的歌曲。這首樂曲歌頌為二次大戰作出貢獻的非洲士兵,時隔多年,仍然有人會唱這首歌。
動畫《獅子王》相信是很多人的童年回憶,當中一首由狐獴丁滿和疣豬彭彭唱出的Hakuna Matata憑動聽的旋律,以及輕快的節奏,吸引到不少觀眾。 這句歌詞也使用了非洲其中一種最普遍的語言︰斯瓦希里語所寫。Hakuna的意思是不存在,而Matata是好多問題或麻煩的意思。成句歌詞直接翻譯就是無問題﹑無煩惱的意思,亦衍生成不要去擔心你無法控制的事情。
Beyond 著名歌曲Amani,當中的一句歌詞Amani, Nakupenda wewe深入民心。這句歌詞所使用的語言來自非洲的斯瓦希里語,這種語言隸屬於尼日-剛果語系中的班圖語支 (Bantu),是非洲最普遍使用的語言之一。 Amani是「和平」的意思,naku意思是「我」,penda是「愛」,wewe意指「你」,所以這句歌詞可以翻譯成「和平,我愛你」。
囉惹 Rojak (這個字在馬拉語是「混合」的意思,亦是水果和蔬菜混合的沙拉盤的名稱) 烏達 Otak-otak (這種食品是將魚肉泥與香料混合後,放進香蕉葉包裹,再拿去炊蒸或烘烤) 慢煎糕 Apam balik ABC冰 Air Batu Campur (一種類似刨冰的食品) 水 Air 冰 Air Batu 珍多冰 Cendol 斑蘭 Pandan 拉茶 Teh Tarik 咖啡 Kopi 好好食呀! Sedapnya! 少甜 Kurang manis 少冰 Kura...
手指 Jari 拇指 Ibu jari 食指 Jari telunjuk 中指 Jari tengah 無名指 Jari manis 尾子 Jari anak 母親 Ibu 命令 Telunjuk 中間 Tengah 甜 Manis 孩子 Anak 手 Tangan kanan 左手 Tangan kiri 腳 Kaki 腳指 Jari kaki 頭 Kepala 手信 Buah tangan 豬 Babi 狗 Anjing 貓 Kucing
牛角屋(米南加保族傳統建築) Rumah Gadang 高腳屋 Rumah Kampung 大廳 Ruang Tamu 走地雞 Ayam kampung 洋蔥 Bawang 娘惹建築 接待大廳 Thia Besar 廚房 Dapur 祠堂 Thia Abu
傳統風箏 Wau 月亮風箏 Wau bulan 播棋 Congkak 播棋棋子 Guli 好難玩呀 Susahnya 好好玩呀 Seronok 哩個風箏好靚呀! Cantiknya wau ini. 隻風箏飛得好高呀! Wau ini terbang tinggi. 隻風箏飛得好遠呀! Wau ini terbang jauh. 可以教我放風箏嗎? Bolehkah anda ajar saya main wau? / Boleh ajar saya main wau? ...
煩請 Xin mời 請坐 Xin mời ngồi/Mời ngồi 請問 Xin hỏi 請給我 Xin cho tôi 請用茶 Mời anh uống trà. 團年飯 Tiệc tất niên 放煙花 Bắn pháo hoa 南部用語 北部用語 中部用語 爸爸 Ba Bố Thầy 媽媽 Má Mẹ Mế 中文 越南語 喃字 (Chữ Nôm) 新年快樂 Chúc mừng năm mới 祝
翁地 (類似舞獅表演中的大頭佛) Ông địa 舞獅獅頭 Đầu lân 舞獅鼓 Trống múa lân 新曆新年 Năm mới 燈籠舞 Múa đèn lồng 中秋節 Tết trung thu 農曆新年 Tết nguyên đán 月餅 Bánh trung thu 中秋節快樂 Trung thu vui vẻ 祝你萬事如意 Tôi chúc mọi điều tốt lành đến với bạn 斗笠舞 Múa nón lá 越南長衫(奥黛) Áo...
電單車 Xe máy 巴士 Xe buýt 火車 Xe lửa 電單車的士 Xe ôm 越南三輪車 Cyclos 喂,的士! Eh, xe ôm! 請載我去… Chở tôi đến... 去…是多少錢呢? Đi đến...bao nhiêu tiền? 這程車收費是多少呢? Đi tới chỗ đó bao nhiêu tiền ? 太貴了。 Nó mắc quá. 可以便宜些嗎? Bạn có thể bớt chút được không ? 這樣的話我不坐了。 ...
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