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Church in the Peak

Author: Church in the Peak

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Preaches, talks and audio from Church in the Peak.
448 Episodes
Dave spoke from Acts 10 about Peter and Cornelius.
Graham, from Jubilee Church Derby, preached from the parable of the sower.
Slides (PDF)Postcard (JPEG)‭Phil. Ps 51. Clean heart.We need to allow God to give us a new heart, and change us.An encounter with Jesus is the only thing that will change things.He used Phil 1:6 But how does that work?What steps are needed to help that to happen?What is our part in that as fellow Christians?Discipling of one another.Early part of the letters, the introductions, helps us understand why it's written, the context, as well as often having some of the key nuggets of the lette...
The Clean Heart - Walking by the SpiritIntroMini series on the Clean Heart looking at David's response when he was found outPsalm 51:10-12Sometimes we only acknowledge our sin and failure when we have been found out Was David only sorry and repentant because of this or was it genuine repentance?When we do confess and are genuine asking for forgiveness and turning away from Sin God is faithful and Just and forgives and forgets.Story - Women who God said I don't rememberBecause he doesn't ...
Neal spoke from Acts 7 vs 54-60, Acts 8 vs 1-3, Acts 9 vs 1-22 about Saul's conversion.1. God's call is always personal2. One touch from Jesus changes everything3. Never underestimate God's saving powerFor a PDF version of Neal's full notes, click here.To view the video of Vani Marshall's testimony, click here.Questions for Groups:1. Do we underestimate God’s saving power – If we do what can we do to change that perspective?2. What about your prayer list ...
Gabi preached from Psalm 46 about how we can be still in God's strength.Click here to read Gabi's notes in PDF format.
Hannah spoke from Matthew 4 about Jesus being tempted in the wilderness.To read Hannah's notes, in PDF format, click here.
Phil continued his preaching on Grace, looking again at Psalm 51.
The catalyst of grace1 Peter 2 v 4 – 10 Living Stones for God’s House 4You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God’s temple. He was rejected by people, but he was chosen by God for great honour. 5And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests.[a] Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God. 6 As the Scriptures say, “I am placing a cornerstone in Jerusalem,[b] &nb...
Following on from two amazing baptisms, Steve explained the importance of the resurrection and the secret message contained in Jelly Babies.
Phil continued the theme of his preach from last week, reminding us that God wants our hearts. The Clean Heart When David turned to God in repentance he was certain of the outcome that he would be clean and be whiter than snow [7] Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Our practice speak louder than our words and our practice reflects your heartEven though David sinned he still had...
Phil outlines where God is leading us next.Clean Heart Stained Carpet - Our efforts not good enough the remove the stains Psalm 51 David's prayer of repentance There is a Back story to this Psalm - 2 Samuel 11What's your Backstory ? Psalm 32 - Another about David's response to his sin Verse 1 -5 QuestionsWhere do you see yourself in this story , does it apply to your life ?How do the 2 Psalms instruct and help us ? David's sin occurred because he lost Integrity a...
Click here to view Peter's slides (in PDF format).Mothering Sunday.Return to your mother church where you remember your salvation.Time to celebrate Character of GodHow do you picture God?Father. Austere. Loving, but protective.Commanding.Needs sacrificeGod is love. Love is......God’s good news is that he loves you on your good days as much as he loves you on your bad days. He loves you when you can feel his love, and he loves you when you can’t seem to feel his love. He loves you whether...
Sarah looks at those niggling areas that we need to give to God to resolve.
Vicki spoke about the lessons God had taught her when she was (physically) in a miry pit. Psalm 40:1-2
Sometimes in our lives we feel that God is distant and has forgotten about us and is far away from us, our prayers are bouncing off the ceiling and we are alone dealing with a situation. We can get frustrated and angry or disappointed with God and take things into our own hands to try and get them sorted out – most often with disastrous results! We only need to read the Psalms to remind ourselves how honest David was with GodPsalm 102Psalm 13We all feel like this from time to time in our live...
Steve spoke about worship and what it means to us.
Slides (PDF) As we start this new year of 2024 how you view 2023? We had a good year but both Ruth and I have struggled with infections etc. I got a bit depressed, the weight of the world on my shoulders. I accepted I needed help and sought prayer. I also spent time listening to Christian music. “I just speak the name of Jesus” stood out.We get a lot more discouragements than encouragements. How can we best deal with all the discouragements? Hebrews 10:22-25Thinking about encouragem...
Serving Jesus and serving the communityJeremiah 29:1- 14These are famous often quoted verses. Looking at the context will help us gain the full blessing of the verses and encourage us to serve wherever we are whether in church, home or work.ContextThe Jewish nation had split into two kingdoms and Jeremiah is speaking to the Judah nation. The Jews had built idols and turned away from God. They were taken away by Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon. In modern geography we would call Babylon part of Iraq....
Peter spoke at our special Dedication Service.
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