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The Good Energy Healing Show

Author: Hilary Crowley

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This podcast is your dose of good energy. No prescription needed. Insights and tips from a working energy medicine practitioner surrounded by doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals.
45 Episodes
Life is a work in progress every day and all day. Being in the flow is not about perfectionism. Enjoy more stories of stumbling and joyful insights realizing that confidence, kindness, and overall thriving are on the other side of relinquishing perfectionism.
Gifts hidden in plain sight can look as simple as a packet of wildflower seeds, or as spell-binding as getting a second chance after losing a friend. This episode inspires us to look up and marvel at the wonder of life. Our capacity to grow bigger hearts relies on our ability to acknowledge the gifts in our midst. We need reasonable curiosity and an eye for the existing miracles surrounding us.
Wrapping up this collection of episodes, the case of Murphy delves into how a healing journey is also the hero’s journey.  Respecting the power of the mono-myth as a key to the life work of Joseph Campbell, the goal is to understand that we are always living inside our own healer’s journey, and the greatest gift you can give yourself is to be conscious of your role as the hero. 
Be inspired by synchronicities that fuel our journey through uncertainty to seek the blessings that become our gifts to the community. Learn how the idea of “The Ultimate Boon” holds a profound place in our hearts. Finding our boon is always the point of the adventure; to find the essence of our wholeness and our connection to everything through love.
With a renewed understanding of how time allows us to heal, slowing down and resting is an overlooked part of the wheel of the mono-myth of the hero’s journey. This is part of a series of episodes exploring, with fresh eyes, the hero’s journey on the healing path. Based on the good energy and wisdom of Joseph Campbell, the author of The Power of Myth.
The word is simply “yes.” “Yes” to bring forth new creations. “Yes” is the opposite of refusing. “Yes” to the call to the hero’s adventure. Furthermore, “Yes and…” is the welcoming phrase of playfulness, joy, and wonder. Why embrace this path?… Because the hero’s journey is, in fact, a healing journey too. If you have an awareness of answering the call to adventure, you can see for yourself where you are in the mythology of your own life. 
This episode is about awakening to the possibility that you can choose your journey of discovery. You can even choose what you want to discover. And ultimately, you can be sure that the treasure you’re seeking has been with you all along…but now the time has come to unearth your gifts because you’ll need them on your new journey. It is time to begin again.
Because the experience of energy is beyond words, I loved the challenge to describe energy through vignettes and subtle metaphors created from real life case stories. Instead of having the answer in my hand now, the book simply invites the direct question: What Is Energy Healing? In this episode, this question is asked and the answers reveal themselves through more stories, and more imagery, and the great works of Monet.
Serendipity means when fortunate things happen that are not planned. Inside of the word Serendipity is the word “serene” — in this episode, the story of a Rottweiler dog, plus another story of a donkey, delves the topic deeper into the understanding of how this beautiful experience of life is weaving together day by day.
This episode shares the story of a remarkable coincidence: an ancient teaching story being shared back-to-back by two clients unknowingly. Impossible to ignore the message when synchronicities line up and the lessons are so very beautiful.
Maybe our best is to stop chasing, sizing, grading, and measuring ourselves against our neighbors. Exploring how to reach out a hand to help your opponent up instead of pushing others down.
Rome is a philosopher on healthy lifestyles, thinking differently, and respecting our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Follow Rome Rose on Instagram@ L_Rome_Rose. Update show note: Heavyweight Champion John Ruiz’s official nickname was The Quiet Man (rather than The Silent Man) reference:
An old notebook holds a clue to the importance of a great story about giving “the benefit to the doubt” (or in this one case, not giving it.) This act of giving holds a key to happiness and ease in life. This episode looks at the difference between cynicism and skepticism in order to unlock the door to human connection.
With humor, zest, and enthusiasm, Julie Humphreys sets the scenes to help us laugh, love, and better understand the interconnectedness of all life.
This episode includes stories within stories that add up to one big tribute to the healing power of writing. Let your good days include quality time with words.
In this episode, all the chakras flow together in this funnel of the 7th energy center. This upper chakra can carry us to authentic, peaceful, and hopeful health.
When you put your Sixth Chakra in charge of setting the agenda for itself, there is bound to be mystery, depth, and some playful “here goes nothing!” energy.
On this part of the chakra map, you can flow through the tunnel of the fifth chakra to express yourself and strengthen your ability to communicate inward and outward. Also, there’s an extra element to the fifth chakra wisdom that is not always emphasized as part of expressive energy - but remember that active listening is as important as speaking out too.
Recorded in one take, Hilary weaves through our culture of heart stories. Connecting to the heart’s wisdom itself, this episode gets raw and real exploring the roots of courage and change.
Connecting to the heart’s wisdom itself, this episode gets raw and real exploring the roots of courage and change.
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