Discover"Abounding in the Good Works of God" Series
"Abounding in the Good Works of God" Series
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"Abounding in the Good Works of God" Series

Author: Josiah Sparks

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This will be a series of 12 episodes to assist you in the discovery of what God’s personal plan is for your life. So that, by getting a knowledge of the scriptures, along with establishing a personal relationship with God, you will be equipped to perform the good works that God has planned for you to do.
13 Episodes
To be a successful disciple requires self-discipline. Like physical athletes, we are being encouraged by God to put forth lots of effort into carrying out his plan for our life. It will not be easy. When difficulties come our way, we need to remember that Jesus Christ endured even greater hardships. And that he will be handing out eternal rewards to those who remain faithful in the carrying out of God’s will.
God has told us to expect to go through difficult times during our life here on earth. Hardships cannot be avoided because the Devil is doing his best to orchestrate negative circumstances around us. God is light and he is not responsible for the tribulations and calamities that we face. However, he is always greater than those circumstances and if we turn to him, he will bring us great victory over them. And we will grow spiritually in the process.
God is not mesmerized by titles or popularity. We learn from this session that he is looking for leaders who are humble and carry a heart of service, being willing to do whatever it takes to fill the need of others. We then look at what our service is to focus upon, which is in reaching out with his love to people both in our community and around the world. To tell people about Jesus Christ and make disciples of them.
In this session we take a close look at the birth of Jesus Christ from his mother’s perspective. We see that she was given this privilege by God’s grace and not because she deserved it. We learn that God gives great ministries to those who are humble and are willing to put their trust in him. When we do that, God follows through by making sure what he has called us to do comes to pass, according to his plan. This is a session from the "Examples of Faith" series.
In this session we discover that God has given us extremely valuable promises. When we got saved, our mind did not change. We must choose whether we will seek after earthly riches or to serve God. We cannot do both. If we choose to serve God, he will prosper our path so that we can reach many people for his Kingdom. Afterwards, he promises eternal rewards to those who are faithful in service to him. This is session # 09 from the "Abounding in the Good Works...
In this session we talk about the potential power that every believer receives within when they get saved. Called the gift of holy spirit, every Christian has the ability to manifest this power, using the authority of Jesus Christ, to perform miracles. When we realize the power we have and operate it, genuine outreach occurs that brings glory to God. We are ambassadors for Christ, representing him on Earth. This is session # 08 from the "Abounding in the Good Works of God" s...
In this session we take a close look at Jesus Christ as a human. We learn that he experienced the same ups and downs that all men and women experience. From the time he was a boy he disciplined himself to study the scriptures. During his ministry he was challenged to put aside his own will in order to do his Father’s will. That requirement was put to the ultimate test when he was asked to allow himself to get arrested and suffer great punishment and torcher prior to be...
This session points out that every person in the body of Christ has been blessed by God with unique talents and abilities. God encourages us to pursue the discovery of those gifts and then to put our trust in him to utilize those capabilities as a means of service to the body of Christ. We are not to compare ourselves to others but rather to recognize that every person’s contribution is important and necessary. This is session # 06 from the "Abounding in the Good Works of Go...
This session establishes God’s desire for all Christians in the body of Christ to work together in unity. To set aside our differences, acknowledging that we all serve the same Lord Jesus Christ. We want to establish a positive witness to those in the world by demonstrating love towards each other rather than fighting against each other. Working together as a team will give us the best opportunities to accomplish our goal of bringing the hope of Jesus Christ to those who nee...
This session begins by establishing that the scriptures in the Bible did not originate from man, but from God. As such, they give us a center of reference for learning outside of ourselves that we can trust. The Bible is full of promises that, when believed, will come to pass in our life. This makes the Bible more valuable than gold. The Bible also enables us to tell whether something being taught to us is truth or delusion. We can use the scriptures to combat te...
This session begins in John chapter 17 where Jesus Christ prayed that you and I would experience the same personal relationship with God the Father that he enjoyed. We are God's children and as such, he desires to have an intimate relationship with us. God does not just talk to Christian leaders, he can and will talk to each and every one of his children if we will but open our ears to hear his voice. In this teaching you will discover how to recognize the voice of God and s...
God's Nature of Love

God's Nature of Love


This session illustrates how crucial it is for us to understand God's unconditional love for us. Love is to be the foundation and motivation for everything we do for God. 1 Cor. 13:1-3 tells us that nothing we do will bring profit to us unless it is done with love. The instructor shares his heart about the struggles he had as a Christian until he finally chose to accept God's unrestricted love for him. It is also pointed out from 1 John that the only way we can truly d...
Abounding in the Good Works of God- Session 01.  Every person is extremely important to God, including you.  Dive into the first session to learn about God's unique plan for your life.
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