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Fuel Your Fandom

Author: Kevin Saint

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Everything is Fandom, and Fandom is Everything! Find your passion and share it with the world!
195 Episodes
Fandom is a powerful thing. Hey, this entire podcast is built around it. Even so, we've all experienced moments where we stopped fueling certain fandoms, and they out of gas. Sometimes that's a decision. Whether it's a dip in quality, a creator who disappoints you or a shift in priorities, we all walk away from things about which we were fromerly passionate over the course of our lives. But it's not always a conscious thing. Occasionally, we just lose interest in stuff, or get side...
There's no denying that the last couple of years have proven cape cinema to be not quite as bulletproof as the heroes on the screen. DC has been struggling with quality consistency, and even the once-foolproof Marvel has had some stumbles as of late. But can this be chalked up to (as critics have termed it) "superhero fatigue"? Or are there larger issues at play? On this edition of FYF, Saint and Jim try to crack open the underlying causes behind why tights-n'-flights flicks could be running ...
Some weeks are just heavier than others when it comes to all the goings-on that are good to geek out over, and this was definitely one of those. So hereabouts, Saint and Jim do a rundown of what's up in niche nerd news — albeit with a specialized focus on whatever fresh hell seems to be plaguing the video game world as of late. Layoffs, studio closings and canceled titles seem to be the norm these days, despite the fact that digital entertainment as an industry still out-earns Hollywood, and ...
The range of human motivations is complex and layered — as is the spectrum of human emotion. Still, for years, our entertainment focused on some pretty binary archetypes. Specifically: mustache-twirling black-hatted villains, and square-jawed white-hatted heroes. But at some point, the creators of our entertainment decided to give fictional characters more realistic ranges of feelings and agendas, thereby changing the storytelling game forever. In this episode of FYF, Saint and Jim break out ...
Right up top: both content and trigger warnings are in full effect for this edition. Regular listeners of Fuel Your Fandom know that Saint and Jim first met while working as activists — fighting online child predation for the watchdog org as well as Dateline NBC's "To Catch a Predator." So when the Max limited series "Quiet On Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV" dropped, it was more or less required viewing...even if it was undeniably uncomfortable. In this episode, your host...
Iconic vehicles in entertainment is a uniquely western phenomenon, fueled by American "car culture" and a certain sense of gas-fueled adventure. Almost everyone who has ever seen a TV show or movie almost certainly has a favorite legendary ride that made them sit up and take notice, and maybe even wish they could borrow the keys for a joyride. Whether it was Doc Brown's "Back to the Future" DeLorean, The Gran Torino of "Starsky & Hutch" or even the Ghostbusters' ECTO-1, these cars were of...
There are just so many amazing avenues of entertainment to be into these days, it can be hard to keep up. So admittedly, Saint and Jim have the odd blind spot when it comes to certain areas of fandom. One area in which they share somewhat of a collective question mark? Horror movies. So on today's episode of Fuel Your Fandom, the boys welcome Milwaukee's Maven of the Macabre, Katie Kadaver. She's not just a fan of horror films, she walks the walk 24/7. From performing in horror-themed burlesq...
Memory is a funny thing. Sometimes you'll hear a song, and it takes you right back to where you were the last time you heard it. Or maybe it's a scent — like baked goods, or a spring flower bloom — that makes your brain light up. But food-based nostalgia? That's a different animal entirely. If you eat something you haven't had in awhile, that can really set off the cranial fireworks. On this episode, Saint and Jim take a look at the discontinued snacks and beverages from years past that aren'...
Saint and Jim usually like to keep things light around the ol' Fuel Your Fandom...dom. Still, there's no arguing that a lot of people are dealing with a lot lately. When a cute Muppet asks an innocuous "How is everybody?" on social media, only to be deluged with people in genuine pain? It's apparent we're all just ambulatory bundles of raw nerves just looking for anyone to support and listen to us. So for Episode #180, the FYF boys DO a bit of a 180°, and talk through some mental health stuff...
If there's any one thing that unites us all, it's that sooner or later we're gonna shuffle off this mortal coil. And as long as we all have to check out of Hotel Earth at some point, why not do what we can to make our final moments in this realm as notable as possible? Granted, not everyone is in line for the luxury of knowing when the Reaper is gonna tap us on the shoulder and tell us it's time to go, but some of history's most notable people did have caregivers and loved ones hanging on the...
Kids' entertainment has always leaned pretty heavily toward the fantastic. Not only do young people have the sort of imaginations required to really appreciate the impossible, but since so much of kids' TV and movies tends to be (either literally or figuratively) animated, it's a good medium to explore some out-there concepts. That said, there's a pretty big difference between fanciful and farcical. Because while it's entirely plausible to accept, say...a prince who turns into a superhero whe...
Saint and Jim still aren't sports fans, but they can't give up on the March Madness runoff just yet. Reason being, there's another friendly neighborhood superhero — one with a baddie bracket so big, it takes a whole separate universe just to hold them all. Of course, we're referring to Spider-Man. The web-slinger. The wall-crawler. Peter Parker himself. With a fiend folio just as Robust as the Dark Knight's, it was necessary to break this out into a second edition to match up these miscreants...
Look, Saint and Jim aren't sports fans. They're just not. BUT. That doesn't mean they're not totally into elimination-style matchups! So in honor of March Madness, the FYF boys are running their own brackets to determine a much-contested set of win/lose outcomes. BUT. Because this is nerd territory, the combatants aren't athletes. They're antagonists. And since geeks have argued since time out of mind over who has the better rogues' gallery — Batman or Spider-Man — this episode seeks to answe...
Fuel Your Fandom touched on sitting in front of a full schedule of favorite Saturday-morning animation awhile back, and noted that the shows themselves were only part of the experience. After all, what's sitting criss-cross applesauce in front of a cartoon without some Apple JACKS and a cartoon on the front of the box? That's because somewhere along the line, Post, General Mills and Kellogg's figured out that if there was a cute character on their containers of cocoa-frosted sugar bombs, kids...
Of all the things that it should be impossible to hurt yourself on, kids' toys should be the #1 item on the list. And yet, there have been COUNTLESS playthings that were created, marketed and sold to kids that have had the potential —and sometimes even the sad result — of causing harm to children who were just trying to amuse themselves. And we're not just talking about toys with sharp edges, projectiles, or parts that were choking hazards. We're referring to molten lead smelters. Model ovens...
Not every technology has what it takes to survive. As the inevitable progress of tech has unwaveringly marched on, we've seen countless types of storage media come and go. Punch cards gave way to refrigerator-sized disc drives, which in turn gave way to floppies, then smaller floppies, then magnetic drives, optical drives, solid state and now cloud and streaming data. It's all efficient, convenient, and cheap. That said, the slow death of physical media hasn't been without its share of proble...
Are you guys ready for Season 6? Saint and Jim have a whole bunch of fun surprises in store for their favorite Fuelers this time around, including awesome special guests, all-new takes on timeless topics, and even some stuff they can't really announce yet. And it all kicks off with this opener, where your intrepid hosts dive face-first into VR. But not in the hilariously physical way you see those people in the "fail" videos do it, where they destroy their televisions. Plus, the usual tangent...
It's the final episode of the season, and it's time to get meta. Surprising though it may sound, Saint and Jim have never before had occasion to actually talk about...podcasts. and although it may seem a little bit recursive to do so, they also couldn't think of a better way to put a cap on the year, or the season. Because they not only do a podcast (obviously), they also listen to plenty of them. All the better to continue immersing themselves in the most self-indulgent of "art" forms, right...
For every thousand fans of anything, there are always one or two people who go the opposite route. Not apathy — but rather, active opposition. Literally nothing that exists in pop culture is so innocuous that some busybody moron can't clutch their pearls and raise a high-heavens-level stink about it. Enter: the hater freakout. Sometimes it's the fact that a video game has a character of ambiguous gender. Other times, someone tilts their heads, squints, and decides something is about drugs or ...
Fans are often conditioned to see layers of subtext within their favorite entertainment properties. That's because sometimes the creators are intentionally building in sneaky plot hints for sharp-eyed devotées to discover. Or, putting in subtle references or background events that point to larger symbolic meanings. But most of the time, the human tendency to indulge gestalt musings leads us to assume things that may or may not actually be there. Three years ago, Jim's first episode as a co-ho...
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