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Not-So-Millennial Podcast

Author: Brianna Shelko

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We're bridging the gap in the workplace between boomers, gen Xer's and millennials with our new podcast series, not-so-millennial podcast. Our podcast host, Brianna Shelko, is known as an "old soul", jet-setting around the world as a serial entrepreneur, setting her apart from the millennial norm. ​Tune in to hear how this not-so-millennial shares her success, failure, new learnings, and brutal honesty with interviewees and listeners around the world.
20 Episodes
Ever seen the show Skin Wars? Well, it's not just about body painting. It's about the passion that goes beyond the screen. Brianna sat down with judge, producer and world champ, Craig Tracy to get the REAL scoop behind the show. Support the show
Byron Balasco sits down with NSM host, Brianna Shelko, to talk all things Kingdom. She learns about where he came from, where he is now, the thoughts behind the show and what's next! Tune in now to hear this exclusive interview with one of the best writers alive. Support the show
Juliette Balasco plays in Netflix's show "Kingdom" as Shelby -- hear how she got her start in the industry and how her time on the show was! Did you know she was actually pregnant while filming? Wild. Tune in!Support the show
Have you seen Ozark? Have you see the character Sam on Ozark? That would be the amazing actor Kevin L. Johnson and believe me, you're going to want to hear the great advice he has for up and coming actors. Plus, we talk about Kingdom, generational differences and the industry as a whole. Tune in!Support the show
Dan Buffa is a dynamite writer and critic who shares a passion with the host of this podcast: Kingdom. Listen in while Dan shares his experience as a journalist getting to know the cast and how he navigated to where he is today. Support the show
Joanna plays Christina on the show Kingdom, a new new addition to Netflix's arsenal of amazing content. Listen in as we talk about Joanna's past, present and all things Kingdom. Support the show
Brianna sits down (virtually) with a star from Netflix's newest series, Mac Brandt. Tune in to hear about how his time on the set of Kingdom was, what he did to break into the industry and how quarantine has paved a new norm for actors all around the world.  Support the show
Have you heard of Mark Metry? If the answer is no, then go look him up. This 22 year old Linkedin Rockstar totally shatters the word "millennial". He is a TEDx Keynote Speaker, Amazon Prime's The Social Movement Docuseries Star, and host of the Global Top 100 Humans 2.0 Podcast - needless to say -- you don't want to miss this podcast. Listen in as Shelko asks Metry questions about his background, success, take on mental health and more!Support the show
Ever wonder what you would have to do if you had to start over? No brand to lean on, no funds to spend on marketing, and no team to lean on…just pandemic and economic strain? Brianna and Q talk all things personal branding and why it’s so important to focus on marketing yourself during these times. Support the show
Want to hear a millennial talk about the gap in communication there is between herself and other millennials? She states, "Yep. There is a big difference between older and younger millennials, indeed." Tune in to hear the very first episode of Season 2. Support the show
We talk all things challenges, growth, success and more! Brianna and Shawn Q tackle ways entrepreneurs and W2 peeps can overcome challenges and hack into substantial growth. Support the show (
Listen to the host, Brianna Shelko, get real about issues she faces with clients in the social media realm in this passionate and transparent episode. Support the show (
Tune in to hear the host, Brianna Shelko, dive deep with this generational guru to talk about millennial communication problems, HR solutions and dirty secrets. Support the show (
It's so easy to get wrapped up in recording podcast episodes and planning interviews, but is equally important to share what I'm learning along the way. Listen in.Support the show (
The not-so-millennial, Brianna Shelko, lasted 45 days in the agency world before building her own social media agency. She talks all things creative with Nick Gebhardt of Adrenaline Agency to get to the bottom of why Creatives face difficulties, no matter their generation. Support the show (
Internet attorney and influencer, Andrew L. Rossow talks about  the woes of being a young (and insanely talented) attorney and how he battles generational differences both inside and outside the courtroom.***Please excuse noise in background at beginning of podcast episode - my insanely cute dog, Weston, decided he didn't want to sit still. ***Support the show (
Have you ever wondered what the archetypes are for different generations? Learning about WHY generations tend to act the way they do can help mend broken communications in the workplace. That's why I interviewed Jessie Newburn of Generations Work to help answer all of my questions regarding workplace jealousies I've faced, how empathy plays a role and so much more. Support the show (
Join us on this episode of Not-So-Millennial to hear our host, Brianna Shelko, get inside the mind of a successful baby boomer on the topic of generational employment biases, Ira's experience in the work force and more. Support the show (
This episode, I want you to get to know your host. So, in the future episodes, you can better understand where I'm coming from. The mission of this podcast is to bridge the generational gap in the workplace so we can all learn what makes us tick, and how to create a more collaborative and successful work culture. After all, we all like being employed.Support the show (
Hey everyone! Welcome to the Not-So-Millennial Podcast hosted by Brianna Shelko, your 25 year old corporate refugee. Come join me in my first season as I discuss how we can bridge the gap between Millennials, Gen Xers, Boomers and Gen Zers both inside and outside of the workplace. Support the show (