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The Real Raw You Podcast

Author: Katie Duda

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Welcome to The Real Raw You Podcast! I'm your host Katie Duda, a Certified Nutrition and Digestive Health Coach sharing how to navigate the noisy wellness world that exists today by cutting through it with an anti-diet science-backed approach. I use my experience of overcoming a long battle with anorexia to now educate + empower you to step into your full potential. I share approachable tips both on and off the plate for how to fuel your body, mind, and spirit with nourishing choices. So that you can finally have the energy clarity and confidence YOU desire but have been unable to successfully achieve it and sustain it in this ever confusing and ever-changing a diet-focused culture.How to connect with me:IG: @ditchthescale Website:
97 Episodes
Today, we're joined by Kim Shapira, a celebrity dietitian, nutritional therapist and author, to explore practical strategies for lasting weight loss and emotional eating management.Key Points Discussed:- The Kim Shapira Method: Introduction to Kim’s six simple rules for a healthy relationship with food, focusing on intuitive eating and managing emotional triggers.- Overcoming Emotional Eating: Techniques to separate emotional needs from physical hunger, featuring practical tips for mindful ea...
Unlock the Power of Your Mind: Discover How to Go From from Busy Woman Syndrome to Therapeutic FreedomIn this transformative episode, Brooke Ansley, a leading hypnotherapist for female entrepreneurs and women in tech, shares her personal journey from living under the weight of anxiety and high blood pressure to finding liberation through hypnotherapy. Learn how she went from being a contestant in the Miss America competition and working in high-stress event planning to embracing and teaching ...
Discover how to regain and optimize your menstrual health in this episode. From dealing with irregular periods my entire life, I share my own journey of frustration, hopelessness, and how I came out the other side. This episode was created for women facing challenges with irregular periods, those recovering postpartum, or anyone looking to conceive in the near future. If you’ve recently stopped hormonal contraceptives and are seeking natural ways to balance your hormones, this discussion will...
Join host Katie Duda as she challenges the reliance on scales for health measurement, advocating for a holistic view of well-being. This episode is a must-listen for anyone ready to break free from weight-centric health metrics and embrace a comprehensive approach to wellness.Highlights:- Katie’s Journey: From battling an eating disorder to discovering holistic health, learn why Katie advocates looking beyond the scale.- The Myth of the Scale: Discover why weight doesn't accurately reflect he...
Dive into the world of cortisol, where I break down what it means when this crucial hormone gets out of whack. Whether you're dealing with stress overload or feeling constantly drained, I've got you covered with simple tips and insights to get those levels just right. This episode is perfect for anyone looking to feel better, sleep deeper, and tackle their days with more energy. Key Insights:- Cortisol 101: Learn the importance of cortisol, what this hormone is responsible for, and how it pla...
Today’s episode speaks to my personal story of navigating a major life change. After juggling growing my health business alongside a FT job in FinTech for the last 5 years, I finally made the decision to pivot out of the FinTech industry and leave behind a comfortable corporate job in pursuit of finding greater purpose and fulfillment within the health industry. Main Themes Discussed:Journey Through Life Changes: I share the ups and downs of my recent life changes, from working in finan...
Do you struggle with constipation? Most of my clients do not even realize they are struggling with constipation, but when we get into their bowel movements, we find out that they are indeed constipated due to frequency, texture, shape & contents. In this episode, you will learn: What classifies as constipationWhat causes constipationWho is more prone to constipation What type of exercise is best for constipationNatural remedies to improve constipation How to identify t...
If you have been dealing with low energy, weight gain around the midsection, or brain fog, this episode is for you. Weight loss has been packaged up by mainstream media and many healthcare providers as a “simple solution”: eat less, move your body, and you will be healed... but, it's unfortunately not that simple.In this episode, we're diving deep into the role of cortisol in weight management, specifically tailored to women who are go-go-go. No fluff, just practical insights you can imp...
If you constantly feel exhausted, anxious, or struggle with irregular periods, a hormonal imbalance is likely to blame. The most common hormonal imbalance is low levels of progesterone. Tune into this episode to learn all things progesterone: why it matters, how to recognize the signs of a hormone imbalance, and most importantly, what steps you can take to regain healthy hormone levels. Whether you are seeking to optimize your overall health, or achieve specific goals (such as conce...
We all know of the obvious signs you have an imbalanced gut -- bloating, gas, cramps, belching, and diarrhea. But what about the not so obvious signs such as fatigue, skin problems, or memory loss? The gut microbiome plays a role in nearly every single function of the human body- from weight loss, skin, immunity, energy levels, teeth, and more. This episode uncovers 5 sneaky signs that may not commonly be correlated to an unhealthy gut, but should be. Episode Highlights:An overview of th...
In this episode of the Real Raw You podcast, Katie Duda dives into a crucial and often misunderstood phase of life that brings about significant hormonal changes and shifts in our well-being: post-partum, peri-menopause & menopause. Join in on this must-listen-to conversation as we explore what happens during this stage of life, how hormones like estrogen and progesterone play a pivotal role and the changes you should be making in diet, exercise, and lifestyle in order to optimize your we...
In this episode, we delve into a rarely discussed, but vital topic in the health space: balancing your emotional wellness otherwise known as emotional balance. Emotional balance refers to how toxic emotions (shame, guilt, bitterness, anger) lead to our physical reality. We cannot separate the mind and the body, as most conventional-based practices do today -- which is why we are experiencing a health epidemic. 66% of the population is overweight, and over 25% of the population has an aut...
Although surprising, stress is more than just a mental game. It also can have detrimental implications to the body and our physical wellbeing. Rather than accomplish the impossible and avoid stress all together, we can adapt and better equip our nervous system to respond and become more resilient to stress and anxiety. Episode Highlights: How you can feel anxiety manifesting in the physical bodyMy top tools that shut down anxiety in its tracks that you can access at any given time t...
Believe it or not, experiencing debilitating PMS before/during your menstrual cycle is NOT normal.While it may be incredibly common and normalized today, painful heavy periods, cramps, migraines, and moodiness and all symptoms of a hormonal imbalance. Luckily, there is a way of living. called Cycle Syncing, that can completely change your life, balance your hormones, and have you feeling like your most vibrant, radiant + healthiest self!The concept of cycle syncing is essentially a...
How familiar are you with your overall metabolic health? Metabolic health is essentially your body's ability to make energy from the food that you eat and support optimal organ function. It starts with your metabolism, which is responsible for breaking down your foods and creating energy, rather than storing it as fat. But, you don't have to have diabetes or be overweight to have poor metabolic health (as I discovered). You could be in your mid 30's and be a normal weight, and...
Buckle up! This episode I retell the story of my beautiful water birth of my second child, Charlie. I hope you can learn from my story and it helps you feel empowered as you prepare for your own birth.Episode Highlights:•How to mentally and physically prepare for having a natural labor •What things can get in the way of labor progressing promptly •How to advocate for yourself throughout the entire birthing experience•What was in my birth center bag•Why I switched care teams at 29 we...
With 1 in 8 women experiencing a thyroid issue today, it is imperative that we provide more robust education around the topic and address the question, Why are Thyroid Imbalances so prevalent today? In this episode we take a deeper look into thyroid problems, signs to look out for and how to heal your thyroid holistically. Episode Highlights: What causes the thyroid gland to be thrown off?A protocol for healing your thyroid holistically Hacks for supporting your thyroid before ...
If I were only allowed to rebalance 2 areas of the body, it would be the gut & nervous system. The reason being is that without a healthy functioning gut and balanced nervous system that feels safe, nothing else that you do to try and achieve optimal health will matter. In this episode we will cover what your nervous system is, its importance and secrets to healingOur bodies main goal is to protect us – so use your symptoms as feedback from your body signaling to you if somethi...
Do you struggle with GI discomfort? With nearly 75% of Americans having a GI imbalance, chances are you do. Our gut microbiome is interconnected to all other systems in our body -- from immunity, to reproductive health, hormones, to mental health and everything in between. Our gut can be thrown off by many things from the food we eat, certain medications, how we are eating our food, emotional and physical stressors. and so much more. In this episode, I share with you the exact steps I a...
Have you heard of the NeuroEndoImmunology loop?NeuroEndoImmunology is a fascinating field that explores the intricate connections between the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. Essentially, both your endocrine (hormone) and immune systems are impacted upstream by your nervous system which starts in your brain. Wild, right? Because we are constantly getting feedback from our thoughts, feelings, emotions and environment, it is critical that you are aware of how this feedback loop happens s...
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