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The Roaring Heads Podcast

Author: Grant Giles

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Grant Giles is a clinical hypnotherapist and strategic psychotherapist, he is also a level 3 high performance triathlon coach with 23 years experience, a former professional triathlete with a passion for all things sport, mind and life. Grant takes you on a journey to a place far beyond our minds reach to discover the master key to all doors both in life and in sport. Grant loves to unpick the locks that appear to keep us limited through the patterns of thinking and belief. Grant moves us from contraction to expansion, from limitation to the unlimited via the natural and original source of human potential called conscious awareness, which the mind, thinking and belief appear in.Tune in for Grant's musings and interviews with athletes, coaches and psychology professionals each week.
40 Episodes
Ive been punching away at blogs for many years. In many ways that writing has become my own teacher. Raw curiosity has dragged me headlong into a personal investigation of my own state, and the writing it spawned has held a mirror up to the world of performance. The curiosity brings the questions, how do we live our best life? How do we bring ourselves to the zenith of performance? The answer is we don't! We bring the performance to us. The simple answer I have learned and...
We are full of patterns. Habitual, unconscious ways of being in the world built mostly around safety. Programmed patterns are running all the time in our training, many of them separating us from our own internal power. The past drags us around by our bootlaces unless we are very consci to itAll the metal, subconscious scripts that we run under pressure play at the forefront of our minds eye drowning out the potential in us. If you are going to interrupt any physical or...
Sport and indeed life, demand our attention, our presence and our focus. That focus is about retaining our personal integrity. It is to not speak against ourselves, or descend into self blame, self judgment or the self defeatist talk which can often lead to a fracture in an athletes focus. It's about remaining self possessed and free from the internal agitation that deregulates our nervous systems and send us into a stress response when we need the full force of our own power. ...
Don’t define yourself as an athlete, embody it!What does that mean? It means bringing it home. The measurement of the process is useless without the awareness it takes to integrate it. The integration is about the intelligence and the self awareness that you apply to the suck and the embodiment of the physical unfolding that is taking place right here and now. This is how physical consistency, adaption and development work. Cognition and consciousness are not just functions of ...
This week we had a chat with Mark Jansen about the challenges an athlete faces being an elite level age group triathlete and cyclist while working full-time in the corporate world. Mark is a super strong willed athlete, racing successfully in 70.3 and Ironman. A twice top 5 finisher in Hawaii and a multiple sub-9 hour Ironman, he is well positioned to speak about the balance of work, life and sport. We talk about the gift and the curse of the type A personality and the management it...
Want the best of yourself?It's not about how you react; it's about how you respond. Critically, it's about your state of mind as you respond that governs the quality of the action you take in that response. You're programming around what you think you can and can't do radically affects your capacity to respond from a place of power rather than from a place of defense. If you are responding from defense, you are out of your power and trapped in your head. All that you see in fro...
I suspect that a warrior hides in the DNA of all athletes. Many of us are disempowered in these times though. We are so busy trying to be an athlete on an outer level and not quite coming to terms with what that means.So, in this podcast Im covering a few specific questions:When does the warrior become the worrier? Where do we leak power in our sessions? What are the implications of that for our racing and performances? How do we lose connection to purpose, enthusiasm and motiv...
In life we have times where we meet a crossroads where we have to make a choice. Profound life change can be a portal to a deeper existential shift in our perception of ourselves as human beings. This week we had a chat with professional triathlete Laura Dennis who is being faced with that challenge right now. Laura sustained a serious head injury after being hit by a car in training, and today we chat to her about the significance and the meaning of presence, intention, gratit...
People have ideas about mental strength which are not entirely true, often thinking they need to be ruthless with themselves.They tend to think they need to have an Ironclad will that shows no vulnerability, no mercy, no leniency. But that which does not bend, often breaks.The problem is, it is weak as it is projected outwards towards the world, and strong as it’s projected inwards towards ourselves. Like a tracker on a scent or footprints in sand , he has to use an element of intuition or th...
In this podcast I am discussing the three pillars of progress through process. Namely -Thrive Automaticity Discomfort I discuss the subsets of each pillar. The idea here is to provide you a short cut in your own athletic endeavours through the experience of my own and the observation of those I have coached over the last 25 years.Gilesy. the Show.Grants Website
Most of our problems as athletes are bound up not in the way we physically train but in the way we think and react to the stimulus. No point in training like a champion and thinking like you have already lost. To make any real change we first have to understand what it is we are thinking. Importantly we can change the way we think, feel and react, creating a positive, supporting mindset for performance at the very same time. In this podcast Grant gives you an overview of a winning menta...
The chase for the dream, the outcome, or the result is the motivating factor that encourages many people to get after their aspirations. In this podcast we explore what is important in terms of the energy that fuels our chase and our relationship to the chase, do your motivations and actions move you towards your goals? Or do they move you away and indeed block the path you have chosen. In this podcast you will lean how to unpick your own locks so your intention and attention ...
When we get what we want, we want what we don’t have!! It’s a slippery slope, sometimes getting what we want is the worst thing that can happen to us. If it comes easy, it comes greasy, slips through our fingers and then the more we have the less we feel like we’ve got. This concept we are sold of fame and fortune is an empty promise, a void with no real substance, people who arrive there quickly learn that it is not made of what they thought it would be made of. The void comes...
This week we are speaking with Karl Page, the founder of WOSUP (War On Single Use Plastics). Karl is somewhat of a journey man. We speak about the fantastic inspiration behind WOSUP, the idea behind the experience that sparked a movement of sustainable materials. Established in 2018, WOSUP is a social impact enterprise dedicated to making a difference in our environment by providing sustainable alternatives to single use plastics. This podcast moved into the journey of the self, the role of a...
There is nothing like race day pain and suffering to test our mettle. The deals we make with ourselves in the smoky backrooms of our minds, the tenuous connections that we make to our own internal strength, often frayed at the edges by the experiences of the past and the doubts of the future. That incredible day before a big event where the mental pain at times often feels overwhelming, only an athlete or anyone who risks much knows that feeling, that low drawn feeling of ambiguity to a ...
Doubtful, fearful, reactive, defensive, divisive, alienating, isolating, estranging, inharmonious, disingenuous, manipulative, repetitive, cynical, victimising, dishonest, deceitful, underhanded, duplicitous, insincere, calculating, scheming, devious and unscrupulous. A bunch of words to describe the tip of the iceberg that we have all been witness too in Australia and around the world in the last few months. What do they all have in common? They are words, mutations in truth and reality, sta...
The advent of Instagram and the body image sales pitch that has created influencers and so called successful movers and shakers, pushing us to look a certain way by targeting our unconscious need to fit and consume, can at times be a very destructive force which separates us from the deeper truth of our potential if we are not using a high degree of self awareness. The dangers are obvious. Disordered eating, body dysmorphia, unrealistic body shape goals, self judgment, anxiety and depression ...
Doubt is the ultimate cynic. Are you sick of manifesting the opposite of what you want? Repeating the same outcomes regardless of the preparation? Feel like a victim, not a victor? Fatigued from trying? Do you know what trying would look like if doubt were not present and you were? If we could only see the athletic process without the filter of judgment, tags, labels, doubts and fears and into the power of pure seeing. We can, it is available, and it is a choice that we have to choose t...
What we often don't talk about is our journey as ex-athletes. It is a subject that we need to bring out into the open.Ex-athletes often feel like they have been swept under the carpet or put out to pasture in some way, but this projection lacks a basic truth, in that most of the discomfort in retiring from sport, or anything else for that matter, is in fact self driven in the way that the individual has defined who they were in sport and the way they define themselves now in the return journe...
Fear and doubt rely on two critical aspects of mind that feed them their meals, those two mind based aspects are known as memory and imagination. They wreak havoc on our sense of peace, they take away our presence, limit our awareness and separate us from our true sense of self. You could call these mind based aspects "the separate self" as one great teacher Rupert Spira refers to them as. This resonates because they are literally a form of separate self, they disconnect and divorce us from o...
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