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The Hope Club Podcast

Author: Dave Therrien

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Everyone is in need of hope. Without hope the heart is sick. The "Hope Club" podcast will help you to find the hope you need to keep on keeping on. You will find hope for today, hope from your past and hope for the future. If you become a faithful listener, you will definitely see a change in your life.Join the Club today and get others to join as well. You won't be disappointed.
692 Episodes
Where do babies go when they die? Can babies be saved? These are important questions because the loss of an infant is tragic enough and then to add to that, is to wonder about their eternal destiny.The Bible is not very clear on the subject but it does give us enough information, I believe, to answer these questions.May this message give you hope and comfort if you h ave had the experience of the loss of a child.
"What could take away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus."Man was lost, alienated from God and dead in his sins. There was only one payment that God would accept to atone for the sins of the world. And He had to sacrifice His Son to do it.Discover your true worth and the depth of God's love for you as you learn of the precious blood that was shed on your behalf.
Who are the demons and where did they come from? why do they seek bodies to indwell? Can they indwell anybody or just certain people? What is our protection against them?These are all important questions. Some can be answered and some answers can only be speculated. Nevertheless, it is a message that all people need to hear.
God has finished setting up house for the next part of His creation - man. The earth has been recreated, everything is in its place and the earth is ready to receive Him.God goes to work shaping and molding the clay from the ground and then with a kiss, He breathes his life into him. How extraordinary, how personal and intimate. But why did God create man? Many people have their own answers but I believe God had special purpose for this creature.You may agree or disagree but one thing i...
The earth was perfectly created. Lucifer rebelled against God. God cast him and his rebellious angels down to the earth with such power it destroyed the beautiful planet. The earth became Lucifer's frozen place of confinement until the Holy Spirit began to move over the surface of the waters.Then, God began to recreate the earth.It's a beautiful account of God's creative genius and compassion. Lt's get on the bus and continue to travel God's timeline.
There is not much dispute that an Ice Age at one time existed on the earth. The real question is, how did it happen? Science has varying theories and the Word of God gives us food for thought as well.could it be the result of an angelic warfare in heaven that took place in eternity past?Satan and his angels were kicked out of heaven in ultimate defeat and could they have come crashing down to earth with such force that it blocked out the atmosphere including the sun?Could he have ...
This message begins a series entitled "God's Timeline." It is a very important series as it answers many questions about life and the purpose of life. It also ascribes great value to you as a person and you will see why.You may need to put aside some of your pre-conceived notions about the creation, but if you can, a whole new understanding will open up for you.Was the world created perfect or a wasteland? Who really created the universe? Am I important in this majestic creation?Grab your Bib...
God's righteousness is actually the key factor that enables anyone to spend eternity with Him. Because God is righteous, we must also be righteous. Now that presents a problem because we are not righteous.But there is a way to attain that righteousness that God requires.This is something the whole world needs to understand because most people have the wrong idea of how to get to God.Listen carefully and please share this message with those you care about.
In order to appreciate one's salvation, you must have a deep understanding of it. How is it that God can forgive our sins, accept us as we are and gift us with eternal life? Soteriology is the study of the saving work of Christ and a basic Bible truth all Christians should know.Let's enhance our faith and come to really appreciate what Jesus did for us and giving of HImself for the sins of the world.
Who doesn't have a hurtful past? Everyone, if not most people have a scar or a wound from something they experienced in their past. Sometimes we carry that hurt for the rest of our lives. And that is perhaps because we don't know what to do with it.We were not made to bear those burdens so God has given us a way to find deliverance. Joseph is our teacher and he learned how to turn the curs of past pain into a beautiful blessing.Listen to his story. It can be done. If he can do it, then you ca...
Disappointment is real. No one escapes it. Joseph faced one disappointment after another but he knew how to overcome. You may be experiencing a disappointment right now but it does not have to be the end of you. Whether it is a sickness, job layoff or divorce, you can keep going.Let's watch Joseph as he overcomes and you will learn a valuable lesson for your own personal life.
Joseph's life teaches us that temptation is real but our testimony is more real. Temptation is stronger, but we our testimony can be stronger. Our testimony is how people see us and how they will remember us.This message gives some good insight on how to get victory over temptation and why. Let's follow Joseph and learn from him.
Let's face it. Sometimes we find ourselves in an uncomfortable situation or place we do not want to be. It could be a job, a marriage or any situation in life. but there is a way to make it better. Bloom where you are planted.This is what Joseph did. He found himself in a strange land, strange culture with a strange language but he made the most of it. And because of that he was promoted to a higher position.All that because, though he was far from his home, he stayed close to God. This can w...
Bitterness is a prison-house. When a person finds themselves becoming bitter, they go through three stages. They speak sarcastic words. Then they think evil thoughts. Finally, they act on those thoughts and commit evil deeds.Lets watch Joseph's brothers who were so filled with bitterness toward Joseph that they not only hurt Joseph, but their father as well. Because bitterness cares little for the feelings of others.Let's not let this happen to us.
God is working all over the world and this interview with Christoff is evidence of that. His testimony of a changed life from a cultural, tribal religion is truly a work of God.At the end you will hear the Lord's prayer in his native tongue, Kabye. Get ready for the goose bumps.
This message begins a series on the life of Joseph. He was a man God was going to promote to a very high office but Joseph certainly wasn't ready yet. God had to work in his life.Joseph will teach us three things from his own mistakes to help us to et to that place God wants us to be. Listen carefully so you too can learn from your mistakes. They are not for gaining guilt for for gaining wisdom.
How often have you considered that God goes to work with you every day? Oh yeah, He is right there with you and He is speaking to you. Yes, you can still concentrate on your work but learn to listen to Him because He has some important things to say.Listen carefully so you can learn to listen to God while you are at work.
God speaks to us all kinds of different ways. One way we may not consider is through our travels. It is amazing how God can speak to our hearts in so many ways and that is because He has so many wonderful things to say to us.Let this message enlighten you and show you that in your travels, you can hear the voice of God in your heart.
Who would have thought that those little crawly creatures, or those tiny one that fly in our face would carry a message from God? Don't be surprised at how God speaks because He is the Creator of all things so He can use all things for His purposes, including speaking through them.The next time you want to squash that ant, wait and see what God wants to say to you through that little creature.
God created nature so He can use it as He sees fit. Not only do animals have a message for us but the season do as well. Especially living in an area where one experiences all four seasons, this Message will have a greater impact.God speaks to us in these ways because He loves us and is not limited to only one way of conversation.Whatever season of life you may be in, listen to what God has to say to you.
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