Policy in Plainer English

Policy in Plainer English
Author: Helen Labun
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© 2023 Policy in Plainer English
A project of the Bi-State Primary Care Association and the Vermont Food Access & Health Care Consortium. These are informational podcasts intended to be shared & used in accordance with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. Background music "Too Fly" by
73 Episodes
Dr. Ana Poblacion and Richard Sheward discuss recent research related to measuring food insecurity, and how ongoing research supports better strategies to reduce food insecurity & its associated health risks. This episode features development & validation of a scale measuring changing levels of food security in households with young children. The work was funded with a small USDA research grant and presented as part of marking 25 years of household food security measurement.&nb...
Find all supporting materials at the Hunger Vital Sign explainer series website. This episode features an interview with Katherine Verlander, Deputy Division Director at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Part One of this series featured Children's HealthWatch - find their Hunger Vital Sign materials and background research here. Part Two of this series featured Hunger Free Vermont and their work implementing Hunger Vital Sign in Vermont. Part Three of the series intro...
Find all supporting materials at the Hunger Vital Sign explainer series website. This episode features an interview with Katherine Verlander, Deputy Division Director at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Part One of this series featured Children's HealthWatch - find their Hunger Vital Sign materials and background research here. Part Two of this series featured Hunger Free Vermont and their work implementing Hunger Vital Sign in Vermont. Part Three of the series intro...
Find all supporting materials at the Hunger Vital Sign explainer series website. This episode features an interview with Katherine Verlander, Deputy Division Director at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Part One of this series featured Children's HealthWatch - find their Hunger Vital Sign materials and background research here. Part Two of this series featured Hunger Free Vermont and their work implementing Hunger Vital Sign in Vermont. Part Three of the series intro...
The Hunger Vital Sign explainer series continues with an introduction to the Accountable Health Communities (AHC) Model at the CMS Innovation Center. This model is testing the results of screening for health-related social needs and offering referral and navigation services to community resources in a health care setting. The Hunger Vital Sign questions make up the food security portion of the AHC screening tool, and food insecurity has been the most common identified need. The guest expert...
Find all supporting materials at the Hunger Vital Sign explainer series website.This episode features an interview with Katy Davis, Community Health Initiatives Director at Hunger Free Vermont.Part One of this series featured Children's HealthWatch - find their Hunger Vital Sign materials and background research here.Audio Editing and Post-Production Provided By Evergreen Audio
Find all supporting materials at the Hunger Vital Sign explainer series website.This episode features an interview with Katy Davis, Community Health Initiatives Director at Hunger Free Vermont.Part One of this series featured Children's HealthWatch - find their Hunger Vital Sign materials and background research here.Audio Editing and Post-Production Provided By Evergreen Audio
Find all supporting materials at the Hunger Vital Sign explainer series website. This episode features an interview with Katy Davis, Community Health Initiatives Director at Hunger Free Vermont. Part One of this series featured Children's HealthWatch - find their Hunger Vital Sign materials and background research here. Audio Editing and Post-Production Provided By Evergreen Audio
Find all supporting materials at the Hunger Vital Sign explainer series website. This episode features an interview with Richard Sheward, Director of Innovative Partnerships at Children's HealthWatch. Citation for the Hunger Vital Sign tool and link to the original research: Hager, E. R., Quigg, A. M., Black, M. M., Coleman, S. M., Heeren, T., Rose-Jacobs, R., Cook, J. T., Ettinger de Cuba, S. E., Casey, P. H., Chilton, M., Cutts, D. B., Meyers A. F., Frank, D. A. (2010). Developme...
Find all supporting materials at the Hunger Vital Sign explainer series website. This episode features an interview with Richard Sheward, Director of Innovative Partnerships at Children's HealthWatch. Citation for the Hunger Vital Sign tool and link to the original research: Hager, E. R., Quigg, A. M., Black, M. M., Coleman, S. M., Heeren, T., Rose-Jacobs, R., Cook, J. T., Ettinger de Cuba, S. E., Casey, P. H., Chilton, M., Cutts, D. B., Meyers A. F., Frank, D. A. (2010). Developme...
Find all supporting materials at the Hunger Vital Sign explainer series website. This episode features an interview with Richard Sheward, Director of Innovative Partnerships at Children's HealthWatch. Citation for the Hunger Vital Sign tool and link to the original research: Hager, E. R., Quigg, A. M., Black, M. M., Coleman, S. M., Heeren, T., Rose-Jacobs, R., Cook, J. T., Ettinger de Cuba, S. E., Casey, P. H., Chilton, M., Cutts, D. B., Meyers A. F., Frank, D. A. (2010). Developme...
Find all supporting materials at the Hunger Vital Sign explainer series website. This episode features an interview with Richard Sheward, Director of Innovative Partnerships at Children's HealthWatch. Citation for the Hunger Vital Sign tool and link to the original research: Hager, E. R., Quigg, A. M., Black, M. M., Coleman, S. M., Heeren, T., Rose-Jacobs, R., Cook, J. T., Ettinger de Cuba, S. E., Casey, P. H., Chilton, M., Cutts, D. B., Meyers A. F., Frank, D. A. (2010). Developme...
Find all supporting materials at the Hunger Vital Sign explainer series website. This episode features an interview with Richard Sheward, Director of Innovative Partnerships at Children's HealthWatch. Citation for the Hunger Vital Sign tool and link to the original research: Hager, E. R., Quigg, A. M., Black, M. M., Coleman, S. M., Heeren, T., Rose-Jacobs, R., Cook, J. T., Ettinger de Cuba, S. E., Casey, P. H., Chilton, M., Cutts, D. B., Meyers A. F., Frank, D. A. (2010). Developme...
Find all supporting materials at the Hunger Vital Sign explainer series website. This episode features an interview with Richard Sheward, Director of Innovative Partnerships at Children's HealthWatch. Citation for the Hunger Vital Sign tool and link to the original research: Hager, E. R., Quigg, A. M., Black, M. M., Coleman, S. M., Heeren, T., Rose-Jacobs, R., Cook, J. T., Ettinger de Cuba, S. E., Casey, P. H., Chilton, M., Cutts, D. B., Meyers A. F., Frank, D. A. (2010)...
We're doing something a little different - this series of podcast episodes are a set of conversations explaining the Hunger Vital Sign risk screening tool. They're designed as part of a larger resource with reference materials, key point summaries, and implementation toolkits: If you aren't interested in Hunger Vital Sign, we promised playlists for other entertainment. Here are two: Season Four Extended Playlist - Food & HealthSta...
A season finale. . . with special guests! Edward Phillips, MD, and Juna Gjata, creators of the podcast Food, We Need to Talk, join us to comment on common themes between the two series, and suggest what should be next in your food & health podcast listening line up. The first season of Food, We Need to Talk is available online. Two episodes cited specifically in this conversation were: This Is Your Brain on Cheesecake and Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders. We also talked abou...
This episode brings back previous guests and features a new interview with Christine Hamann, Director of the Teaching Kitchen Collaborative, to talk about cross training and collaboration. It continues our series of episodes that consider how to effectively introduce the food knowledge outlined in the first half of the season into a health care context. Christine references two conferences in this episode: Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives (next event is in February 2023)Teaching Kitchen...
We talk with Chris Moldovan, RD, CD, FAND, and Director of Nutrition and Wellness at Age Well, an Area Agency on Aging in northwestern Vermont. Chris is also part of the Older Vermonters Nutrition Coalition. She provides examples of how our relationship with food and diet shifts with age, and explains how organizations like hers help people navigate changing requirements for nutrition. Some of the resources referenced in this episode: Medically Tailored Meals (episode from Season 3)National ...
Professor Amy Trubek, and instructors John Corliss and Emily Barbour, join us to talk about core principles of the courses they are developing in the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Vermont. Their curriculum combines sensory analysis with basic cooking skills to increase food agency. Some resources referenced in this episode: Food Agency Website - including a course in Culinary Nutrition that is offered to interested health professionals through UVM Conti...
Writer Alexandra Johnson helps us get the new year off to a strong start. Among the things she writes about is the practice of journaling to support creativity. You know what we'll all need to put into practice food appreciation as a tool to become adaptable in our diets? Creativity. It's time to redefine how we think about food journals - these aren't the standard food logs of calories and serving sizes, Alex is helping us define a different tool entirely. No surprise, we refer...
In a special year-end episode, we reverse directions. This season is about bringing skills from food professionals to bear on how we shape our individual diet, but what about moving the other way - from individuals to commercial scale production? The main lesson from this episode is to listen to the Mission ImPASTAble podcast series (thank you to the Sporkful for permission to use the clips we play). You can find the series online. We also reference several previous Policy in Plainer...
We interview two chefs, Dale Conoscenti and Leah Pryor, about how to take all the food appreciation skills we've covered in the last episodes, and apply them to shaping what goes on our dinner plates. This episode mentions the 'sounds of water pouring' experiment, which NPR reported on in 2014, and then sound engineers got geeky about deconstructing. A more famous experiment is the effect of sound on how we perceive chips as stale or fresh. . . less interesting audio for a podcast sin...
Today it's all you need to know about flavor appreciation . . . or at least it's all you need to know to follow along the rest of this season. Nonetheless. We're bringing it all together in an interview with David Keck, Master Sommelier and wine maker at Stella14, who promises us that there's nothing to be intimidated by in the world of elite wine tasting. (Show Notes Update: Stella14 is now open to the public). This episode highlights key take aways from the previous two interviews. If you ...
Sensory professional Roy Desrochers explains how food producers can use flavor profiling methods to understand why consumers respond the way they do to products and how to make their food more appealing. Roy has had a long career in food, flavor, and smell – he is currently running a grass fed milk project with University of Vermont Extension. We also get a few truffle reminders from last episode’s guest, Rowan Jacobsen. If you haven’t heard that episode yet, it’s best to start there.&n...
Author Rowan Jacobsen is the guest on this introduction to how we experience flavor, and the implications when something changes that experience - for example, if we lose our sense of smell. Rowan's most recent book is Truffle Hound. If you want a primer in describing flavors, try his Apples of Uncommon Character as a study guide - it would be a nice companion to the apple chapter of Michael Pollan's Botany of Desire, which provided the passage on sweetness read during this episode. ...
With some commentator's license, this episode uses a presentation by Dr. Shantanu Nundy to set the stage for a new season of discussing food and health care. It reviews key concepts from previous podcast seasons and considers changes to the systems for primary care that we might see in the near future. Thank you to the Northeast Telehealth Resource Center and Dr. Nundy for permission to use this audio, which is taken from the closing presentation at the 7th Annual NETRC conferen...
The Policy in Plainer English podcast is returning this fall! And it's going deeper on the food access and health care topic. Want to catch up ahead of the next season? Here are some concepts from Season Three that will be important:Lifestyle Medicine Part 1Lifestyle Medicine Part 2Children and Healthy EatingMedically Tailored MealsAnd you can find many more resources (in written format) at the site
We're wrapping up our series on food and health care with a conversation with Georgia Maheras of Bi-State Primary Care Association. If you'd like to browse all the episodes in this series, we've linked them below in order. This season the episodes built on each other more than in our previous series, so we recommend taking it from the top and working your way through: Food & Health - An IntroductionHunger Screening - Part 1Hunger Screening - Part 2Predicting Food Insecu...
In our final example of a food in health care project, we welcome guests Chelsey Canavan and Natalie Romano from Dartmouth-Hitchcock and Jennifer Fontaine from the Upper Valley Haven to discuss a new Food Prescription pilot. You may have also heard of Produce Prescriptions, which are a way for health care practices to help patients increase their fruit and vegetable consumption. Produce Prescriptions have a variety of sources for support, including from the USDA, and you can read examples of...
This episode we talk with two people leading programs that engage with children around topics in healthy eating: Koi Boynton, from Healthy Roots Collaborative, and Emmy Wollenburg, from RiseVT speaking about Dinner Together. If you're interested in programs designed to help children access healthy food, our earlier episode on Help Me Grow also touched on this topic. In this episode, Koi mentions that Farm-to-School is a long-established approach in Vermont - which is true, we are one of t...
You will find important context and links at the first half of this 2-part episode on Lifestyle Medicine, so if you haven't checked that out, there's no time like the present. This episode features a conversation with the Lifestyle Medicine team at Springfield Medical Care Systems - Laura Jensen, Adam Ameele, Scott Durgin. It also mentions RiseVT, which funds part of Laura's position and helped with some elements of starting the SMCS program (which began with a HRSA supplemental grant for...
In the first of two episodes on Lifestyle Medicine, we interview Dr. Elisabeth Fontaine and Dr. Scott Durgin. They provide background on the Lifestyle Medicine framework, which will set us up to talk to more members of the Lifestyle Medicine team at Springfield Medical Care Systems about how they're implementing support of a plant-based, whole food centered diet with their patients. That's Part 2 and it will be great, so be prepared by listening to this one first. Links mentioned in this epi...
This episode we welcome David Waters, CEO of Community Servings, to our show. Community Servings is a Massachusetts-based Medically Tailored Meals (MTM) program that is also a leader in the national Food is Medicine Coalition. Community Servings was founded in 1990 to serve local Dorchester and Roxbury residents struggling with HIV / AIDS. It is now a regional organization serving 15 different meal plans to 2,300 patients at a time. You may have heard them mentioned in previous discussions ...
Not to be confused with our episode on Telehealth and Transportation, this episode is on Food and Transportation. . . perhaps we're adding up to a season on transportation. In this episode Faye Mack, of Hunger Free Vermont, and Maureen Boardman, of Little Rivers Health Care, join us to talk about how to tackle the related problems of barriers to transportation and barriers to food access. We mention a few additional tools and examples in the episode: Farm-to-Plate: Local Planning for F...
On November 19th, Bi-State Primary Care Association hosted a discussion with a large panel of organizations that help health care practices and their patients (and others, but we're health care focused) connect with food resources. They discussed how they have adjusted their programs in response to COVID-19. Much as the amount of audio to be edited for this episode exceeded my patience, so too did the amount of text for linking resources exceed the word limit on this podcast post...
This episode features Janet Kilburn and Elizabeth Gilman discussing Help Me Grow, and the role this program's coordinative services play in helping families with young children connect to food resources. As noted in the podcast, connecting for food access is just one piece of what Help Me Grow does and if you want to learn more about all their programs please visit their website: You may also want to explore a bit at Vermont 2-1-1, which is mentioned in the episode. This ...
We continue our discussion of care coordination with Jodi Frei, of OneCare Vermont, and Patrick Clark, of Gifford Medical Center, and take a deep dive on a particular platform: Care Navigator. Care Navigator is part of a larger approach to Care Coordination at OneCare, and there's a lot of information if you want to learn more about it. The patient programs section of the OneCare website provides an overview of their care coordination work, including a chart showing what constitutes high ...
The last several episodes went over the process of screening for food insecurity among patients at a health care practice. This episode gets into what happens next - and what happens next usually involves a care coordinator (or similar position). We have Kaylana Blindow (Bi-State Primary Care Association) and Laurie Somers (Northern Counties Health Care) guiding us through this episode.
Before moving on to Care Coordination as part of our series on accessing food resources, we're pausing for a quick look at using predictive analytics to assess which patients might be at risk of food insecurity and how to best reach them with resources they can use. This episode references several resources on this topic for learning more, so go check these out: The Weitzman Institute webinar series on using technology to address social determinants of health. The entire series ...
The second half our of episode on screening for hunger and food insecurity. . . and you can probably guess what these show notes are going to say: start with the first half! In this episode, our original guests (Kristen Bigelow-Talbert and Katy Davis) are joined by Christina Quinlan from Islands Community Medical Services, Inc. in Maine. The subtitle of this episode may be "in which Helen learns that three guest interviews is one guest too many for amateur podcasting." On the plus s...
Kristen Bigelow-Talbert, from Bi-State Primary Care Association, and Katy Davis, from Hunger Free Vermont, discuss screening for hunger and food insecurity. If poor diet leads to poor health, and health care providers want their patients to stay well, then it makes sense that we would screen for poor diet just like we screen for high blood pressure, cholesterol, BMI, etc. - simple, right? Clearly not simple or we wouldn't be podcasting about it. This episode provides background on the inter...
This episode gives a short introduction to our topic for Season Three. If you want more background information on food access in general here are some good starting places: Feeding America - includes Hunger and Health exploring health connections and the Map the Gap site for statisticsFood Research and Action Center USDA Food Security - includes definitions of commonly used terms like "food insecurity"Food is Medicine Coalition - this is for a very specific area of food work, but it's us...
We're wrapping up our special series on telehealth with a conversation with Georgia Maheras of Bi-State Primary Care Association, where we hit on some of the highlights of what we discussed over the season. A few items referenced in this conversation that we have not previously linked are: VPQHC Twice-Weekly Telehealth Office Hours, I reference some early data which we discussed in a 2-part webinar series with VPQHC that will be posted here (June 11 & June 18), and we refer to the Milban...
This episode starts where we probably would have started a telehealth series in normal, non-COVID-19 times . . . looking at telehealth as one of the tools available to help overcome transportation-based barriers to accessing health care. Chris Towne, of Northern Counties Health Care*, and Dr. Brian Bates, of Mountain Health Center, join us to discuss this issue. If you want to read more about options for public transit, including the state's plan for connecting patients to medical appointmen...
Here we check back in on a topic from Season One - global budgets. You may remember this as the final phase of our journey into value-based payment reform. But if this is the first time you've heard that phrase, never fear - we give a quick recap at the beginning. And an even shorter one here: A global budget means that instead of getting a fee for every service performed, health care providers or a network of health care providers (aka an Accountable Care Organization or ACO) get an a...
In this episode we're joined by Katie Marvin, MD, from Community Health Services of Lamoille Valley (CHSLV) and Jennifer Fenn, NP, from Northern Tier Center for Health (NOTCH) to talk about provider-to-provider connections through telehealth. One thing this episode doesn't touch on is what is reimbursable in these systems, which use specialist input to keep treatment in primary care. There's a mixture of reimbursable and non-reimbursable items in this conversation. eConsults are one form of...
At the end of last week, Governor Scott and the Vermont Department of Health authorized dental practices to start accepting non-emergency patients for the first time since the COVID-19 emergency began. Because of its aerosol generating procedures and the creation of droplets when performing work in mouths, dentistry has been particularly hard hit by this pandemic. Here we discuss some of the options available for remote work. This episode features Dr. Rachel Rivard, Dental Director at Commun...
Our second episode on Telehealth Reimbursement during COVID-19 looks at the systems used to set payment for telemedicine services. If you want more details on evolving Medicare telehealth billing guidance in response to COVID-19, see this video from CMS, updated on May 8th If you want lots of details on Medicare billing as it relates to FQHCs, visit the Bi-State Medicare Guidance page, which is regularly updated and contains links to key CMS documents. If you want to fact check the clai...
This episode tackles broadband deployment in Vermont and telehealth in approximately ten minutes. . . obviously, we don't include everything. Below are some links to help you learn more. We thank Clay Purvis and Rob Fish of the Vermont Department of Public Service for being generous with their time on this topic, and Northern Counties Health Care for sponsoring this special series on telehealth during COVID-19. Overview of what we mean by "high speed" (or any speed) InternetDept of Pu...
This episode of Policy in Plainer English tackles Telehealth and the Telephone, with Dr. Audrey Von Lepel (NOTCH) and Dr. Adam Greenlee (Community Health Centers of Burlington). We thank Northern Counties Health Care for supporting this series. For all the details you could ever want on telehealth during COVID-19, visit this provider resource page from Bi-State Primary Care Association. Update (4/30): Since this episode was first recorded, Medicare has adjusted audio-only telephone opti...
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