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Author: Sumo & Smokestack

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MYSTICAL AMERICAN PATRIOTS SOCIETY: Sumo & Smokestack's worldview repair and support service. We discuss the blood n' guts of the dystopic modernist technocracy from a Christian perspective, and equip listeners in stripping away putrid layers of decades-old baloney draped over us all by government, academia, and big-tech. We're doing our part to restore the patrimony of medieval European culture, specifically a coherent and satisfying worldview which seamlessly unites the physical and metaphysical, and encourages the flourishing of the human person. THINGS WE MIGHT COVER: Bigfoot. The Church Fathers. Enlightenment dialectical philosophy and its woes. Ghosts. How to build physics equipment. Phantom limb syndrome. Cloning. City planning. How to grow your own food. And much more! ABOUT THE HOSTS: Sumo is a hermit who lives deep in the black forest building enchanted particle accelerators and composing poetry. Smokestack is a podcast producing clone who lives in a hermetically sealed bunker because he has no immune system.
190 Episodes
S3E048: Myths and Meteors

S3E048: Myths and Meteors


Welcome to the new theater podcast, Sumo recites the play “An Iliad.”Discussing the Iliad, the Odyssey, poetry, and literature. Sumo thinks he’s like Achilles in many ways.The masses just can’t seem to handle waking up. Two excellent examples, Terrance Howard on the Joe Rogan Experience and Jonathan Pageau’s meteorite.You can’t tell people things but maybe you can show them.The heresy of the didactic.Sumo’s movie ideas for if we ever get money.Going to war and maybe genocide is ok now.LinksAn...
Boning up on racism, spiritual blackness and how do we fix Africa?Anti-Semitism. The Bible is now illegal! Everyone panic!Politics is just professional wrestling, gay hammer fights, everyone remember how laws are made? How politics actually work.The online Trad community.Sumo is an intellectual creative on the front lines of several different idea fields (feel free to steal this phrase and put it in your resume).Conspiracy culture sucks now, nothing ever changes and mass movements never work....
Complaining about the Internet, Disney is the reason why children’s sports suck, the American scam.Sumo explains additional dimensions, physics, and String Theory. No one knows what time is.Dolores Cannon and past life regression, measuring time which doesn’t exist, Star Seeds and Einstein was an idiot.Adam Apollo is Sumo’s favorite guy on the Internet.World War 3 continues to almost start but not quite.Things are expensive in America now because there’s less illegal immigration.The Emperor’s...
Why doesn’t God answer prayers?The eclipse still doesn’t make sense and there’s way too many statistically impossible things about the moon.Is the moon a portal to “The Other Side?”The Cavendish Experiment revisited.Why things are the way the are and why our audience is enlightened.LinksWatch Gravity Pull to Metal Balls TogetherMore Linkswww.MAPSOC.orgFollow Sumo on TwitterAlternate Current RadioSupport the Show!Subscribe to the Podcast on GumroadSubscribe to the Podcast on PatreonBuy Us a Ti...
S3E044: Legalism Gone Wild

S3E044: Legalism Gone Wild


The eclipse is impossible, and no one uses the heliocentric model to predict anything.Eclipses are predicted using an ancient method called the Saros Cycle.Don’t be afraid about all the weird stuff happening during the eclipse.Red heifers, the shoe thing, Sumo’s anti-Semitic tirade.Earthquakes, as above so below as a cosmic principle, gambling on the eclipse, gambling on gambling, scams within ponzi schemes.Looking for numerology in eclipse news articles.If you look at anything too hard it’ll...
You only want things because other people want them, scapegoating, the coming pole shift, the Early Life section, giving up your authority and agency.Vaccination as a religious sacrifice, religious rituals, 2020-2022 was an apocalypse.René Girard, memetic desire, levels of conspiracy.Society has to be built on a lie, breaking the illusion.They always have to tell you. You have to know it’s a lie and choose to forget it.Favorite conspiracy theories.LinksFollow MyFitnessFeelings on TwitterThe S...
Big tech companies are not profitable, how it actually works, lots of money from the CIA, NSA and government.Censorship on the Internet isn’t as bad as you think.Leftists and Right-Wingers both have persecution complexes.Gab’s charging money and people are freaking out.Ads on the Internet don’t pay for anything.State-enforced homosexuality.Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter is not the system losing control. The secret Jew tunnels were allowed to be shown everywhere. The screen is a theatre, ever...
Rebranding the show.Spiritual swingers, living in unprecedented times and discussing the Owen Cyclops interview from the previous episode.Leaving the consensus reality, what’s our new operating system? Trying to find all the answers.Christianity in today’s day and age with the Internet.Trying on ideas like you’d try on clothes.Politics, the left is just another orthodoxy, another level of distraction.Elon Musk is not your friend, fake wars, A.I., the power of laughter, real heresy.They always...
Religion, Philosophy, Metaphysics, Cryptids and more!LinksOwen Cyclops’ Link TreeOwn Cyclops on Twitter/Xwww.owencyclops.comwww.owencomics.comChannel One: The First Collection of ComicsBabyology: Volume OneMore Linkswww.MAPSOC.orgFollow Sumo on TwitterAlternate Current RadioSupport the Show!Subscribe to the Podcast on GumroadSubscribe to the Podcast on PatreonBuy Us a Tibetan Herbal TeaSumo's SubstacksHoly is He Who WrestlesModern Pulp
About Gary Wayne’s book The Genesis 6 Conspiracy and it’s upcoming sequel.Two Genesis creation stories and pre-Adamic humans? Was Adam created after Day 7?Giants, Goliath, King Og, Gilgamesh, how big were they? Two different lines of humans and how does that affect us today? The Nachash, a serpentine race, Seraphim are dragons and angels don’t tend to get their hands dirty.Noah had pure human DNA.The Angelic Rebellion and why were the giants created? There are giants and monsters in ever...
This episode is about a week late because Kavi didn’t know Sumo sent this to him.Right vs Left, switching the poles and charging the battery. The Davos crowd changing sides? Trump getting re-elected.Everything is based on consent. Don’t get fooled.More Linkswww.MAPSOC.orgFollow Sumo on TwitterAlternate Current RadioSupport the Show!Subscribe to the Podcast on GumroadSubscribe to the Podcast on PatreonBuy Us a Tibetan Herbal TeaSumo's SubstacksHoly is He Who WrestlesModern Pulp
The importance of cosmology. Defending and respecting Santa Claus.Crrow777 Interview The Lunar Wave and Crrow777’s Shoot the Moon documentary.Technology, AI, filming the sky and seeing strange anomalies, especially in chemtrails. Crrow777’s Law of High Definition. Shadows, infinite light, eclipses and sungazing. Citizenship and identities. Cathedrals. All the world is a stage. Fake space stuff, equinoxes, Day Light Savings (Saving?) time, the Sky Clock and astrology. Most constellations were ...
The history of Thanksgiving and Squanto.The Irish riots and why protests don’t work. Protests are fake violence and they’re stupid. The Irish protests are only going to result in the government passing more hate speech laws.Democracy is mostly fake.No one ever learns anything. There’s nothing to do and Klaus Schwab was right. WasKlaus Schwab the original Alex Jones?Potatoes are the easiest thing to grow. How did the Irish Potato Famine ever happen?The magic spell of the victim mindset. Being ...
Recycling is fake, Sumo’s female environmentalist friend and sometimes there is justice in the world.Washington and Oregon are mostly deserts.Sumo talks about how crazy submarines are for a while.This is a “Meta Conspiracy” podcast for a more advanced audience.Meta Conspiracy axioms: they always have to tell you, reality is consent-based, loosh harvesting or consent farming, how narratives are created, debt-based power and spell crafting.The new Meta Conspiracy proposal, “The Weavers”.It appe...
You can’t choose your audience and Godward, it’s time to pay for the podcast.Mother Angelica and why can’t you listeners help us finance a body drawer?How to hide an empire.Did you know that the United States used to own the Philippines? The Pearl Harbor Retcon and the Great American Ethos.The amazing technology of controlling the world and not knowing about any of it.Jorge Mesa interviewWorld War You book, Jorge’s journey, choosing a side, left vs right, binary concepts and trying to turn pe...
S3E033: The Current Thing

S3E033: The Current Thing


What’s a little ethnic cleansing among friends?If the U.S. is ever accused of a war crime they’ll invade the Netherlands.Sumo has his empty seat ready for Elijah.Greater Israel, False flags (a tried and true tactic throughout history), sacred sperm, U.S. politicians walking around in foreign military uniforms and Israel did sort of create Hamas.George Bush was right.Conservatives are horrible people who love war and hating Muslims is back on the menu.Gun culture in America is retarded.The Jew...
Emergency broadcasts and gatekeeping.Tuning Fork Therapy, frequencies, and healings. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge was destroyed by frequencies. Indian head test patterns.Witch trials, psychedelics, werewolves, demonic possession and Pharmakia.Witchcraft is the European version of shamanism. All the shamanistic things people are interested in now European witches were doing already.Mushrooms, garden gnomes and Santa Claus.The Israel and Hamas situation.Interview with special guest Chance Garton.S...
Music talk.Everything bad started to happen in 1971 when the U.S. got off the gold standard and money became debt. The only way we can continue the economy is to increase the debt. Sumo appreciates the scam and there’s no way to fix the system.If you use a graph you always win your argument.The Canadian government embarrasses itself in front of the whole world by giving a standing ovation to a literal Nazi soldier.No one understands history. Everyone thinks everything was always exactly like ...
Autumn, racist Halloween costumes, Sumo talks about how he used to be part of a cult in the woods that’s definitely not the KKK.Nothing happened on September 23rd, 2023.Everything is Star Magic, astrology is a real thing but most pop astrology is nonsense.Freedom Fry and Stomp Clap Hey music.The missing fighter jet.Kavi’s new get rich quick scheme.Tom Barnett InterviewNatural law and where do our rights come from. Sovereign Citizens is psy-op to get people disillusioned and fighting the wrong...
How do we address members of the MAPS cult?Introduction to Jasun Horsley and the interview in the second half of the show.Alien disclosure in MexicoSumo and Kavi both have no problem with grave robbing.The beauty of grifting is that it doesn’t even matter if you tell people what you’re doing.Sumo’s going to create a fake Bigfoot grift.The new Fetterman just dropped.Aaron Rodgers gets injured playing football after it’s predicted on Twitter 2.5 hours earlier.The transition of America from a Re...
Comments (3)

Brad Burkley

This show has become torture to try and listen to. A year ago it was actually pretty interesting. I'm not sure what the actual heck happened to "Smokestack." This new guy sounds sedated and Sumo is all over the place with no co-host to bring him back down into something listenable.

Apr 26th

Brad Burkley

i know people are lazy when they reference WEF. It's complete B.S. The UN actually does what WEF pretends to. Most of the people on their list were added without consent or involvement. it's completely made up.

Mar 20th

Brad Burkley

quickly: it's secular anti-humanism vs. sacred humanism. never use human in any pejorative context. it is a purely anti human agenda that we battle, at the core so, that said, I am loving this show and going into back episodes. no up-talking, or over use of "like," or degenerate mumbo jumbo. outstanding.

Feb 28th
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