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Fresh Catch 2.0

Author: David Dean & Dr. Dave Rahn

Subscribed: 6Played: 189


Professional funny guy David Dean and ancient youth ministry thought leader Dr. Dave Rahn giggle-chat about anything & everything, mindful to include Jesus (it's the best joy upgrade we can offer). Casual eavesdroppers are welcome. Our fantasy is for loyal Freshies to rival the Deadheads. Jump in with us for ~30 minutes weekly!

223 Episodes
The Cancer Giggle

The Cancer Giggle


Raise your hand if you've got a really good friend who's a comedian. If you know, you know. Most of the world thinks of entertainers as their own personal vending machines. "I paid money for this treat, so you'd better come through!" But for those of us, say, who share podcast time weekly talking about anything and everything, we realize our funny and talented friends are also human beings. In this podcast, we scratched below the surface…of David's cancerous nose. It wasn't pretty.
To our most loyal listeners…will you PLEASE let us know if you think we're trending towards being crotchety old men too much for your taste? Today's podcast started slipping that direction, where complaints get the headlines. That's what led one of us (no sense rubbing in the shame, right DD?) to utter the phrase that is this episode's title. And if you think that's bad, wait until you hear his last words. FCC alert…
"It's All Good."

"It's All Good."


"Whatever." "If you say so." There are more of these poor inauthentic ways we avoid transparency. Lots of them are favorite weapons of those skilled in passive-aggressive relational warfare. But we chose to camp on something that presents another sort of problem: it so happens that "it's all good" can be understood as one of the deepest, most portable biblical truths available to those who confess Jesus is Lord. Credit for the origin of this line of appreciation goes to Larry David, one more ...
Dementiated & Demeaned

Dementiated & Demeaned


Therapy is intended to help you get in touch with your feelings and act in a way that respects their power without letting them carry you where you'd prefer not to go.Dr Dave experienced this episode like a therapy session done for the entertainment of others. When the microphone is turned off, he realized he just survived being ravaged. Wondering "what just happened?" he appreciates that his emotional resiliency is thin.Enjoy, if you must.
Productive Stink

Productive Stink


We don't actually do our podcast in the same room, so if one of us has been working out and smells like it…or more likely, has been eating garlic-soaked braunschweiger, we simply don't have the benefit of enjoying a distinctively pungent olfactory connection. But our imaginations carried us there during this episode. We also remembered one of the best movies of our lifetime, one that is hauntingly marked by an epic BANJO tune. Please forgive us if you need delivered from the weird, stinky riv...
As is more common than not for a free-wheeling Fresh Catch frolic, we bounced around with butterfly nets trying to catch the giggles this morning. Dr Dave's brash on-air snacking led us to explore eating etiquette. We then meandered down the winding Wabash River, giving David the chance to boldly insert himself as our Huntington tour guide. He dropped pearls of dubious, colorful local knowledge into the mix, hoping to lure vacationers to consider visiting his hometown. Just don't Google...
Whiiiiite Castle!

Whiiiiite Castle!


Too many Yelp food reviews don't address our basic eating patterns - not ours. David opened the door for today's Glutton Support Group with his confession about the lingering effects of yesterday's White Castle drive through. And since confession is good for the soul (not "sole"…which is an absolutely delicious fish to feast on), Dr Dave hopped on, fighting the immediate temptation to munch a bunch of chips while turning into a human pod. BONUS: We celebrated how words, like waistlines, can b...
Though 90 minutes apart we shared a moment with each other (and much of the nation) when Mother Earth's one true moon moved to block Father Sun's warm, full light. Our peace and harmony experience of wonder was short-lived. Our hearts – like the moon – tend to hoard the spotlight. "How dare the moon interfere with the tanning practice I'm entitled to?" And, "How dare Brian Regan claim some of Dr Dave's laughter devotion?" We did our best to keep the jealousy solar flare in David from becoming...
It became apparent during the course of this unrehearsed episode that David deserved recognition for his unusually advanced empathy. It revealed itself in the time he made available on Easter Sunday evening to his trans neighbor. And though he's not one to toot his own horn (he'll happily toot yours!), the level of care he's offered St Betsy while she recovers from surgery has been so imaginative it's hard to categorize. Nonetheless, Dr Dave sought to commend the unusual gift he is to those a...
Sorry about the clickbait title. In this episode Dr Dave's blood pressure rose in recalling how Donald Trump hawked Bibles that he "personally" endorses during Holy Week. It's probably hypocritical for us to decry the cynical mockery of someone who will make $$ from the loyal church region of MAGA Nation and then turn around and name drop to entice new listeners. But we're a conflicted duo – sometimes we embrace grace but most often we keep adding up our quid pro quo scores. Don't blame...
Ring Your Bell

Ring Your Bell


It's tourney time - have you placed your bets? Entered your office pool? Filled out your brackets? As countless men recover from their planned vasectomies so they can watch non-stop NCAA tourney action, David will be entertaining in the Great Northwest. Not sure if his bitterness is in anticipation of this misaligned schedule planning or a result of the tax counsel he receives from Mr Flat Voice. But as we wound down our episode we may have stumbled on a way to properly make our needs more im...
"X" marks the spot. In today's episode, it led to an ego-bruising delay of our scheduled recording. One feature of FC2.0 is that we Davids process our conflicts in real time, hoping we might bring benefit to listeners regardless of the personal pain. Or the giggles. We're ambidextrous that way…though David fancies himself a joy-eater. Maybe that's why he felt free to drag Dr Dave into yet another defense of his soon-to-be-recycled "Hungry Eyes" birthday picture.
The Unsettling Wave

The Unsettling Wave


Many of us live in privacy and no space is more sacred than our bedrooms. It may not surprise loyal FC2.0 pod-heads to learn that David not only saw his neighbor through his 2nd story bedroom window, he responded to a beckoning wave. His cross-the-street encounter offers an apt and weighty metaphor for today's confusing social landscape; the unsettling wave came from a hulking, hairy human wearing a skirt and a smile. The old rules just don't work anymore…
Our Own Spectrum

Our Own Spectrum


Unfortunately for loyal Florida listener, Paul Coy, we confounded his well-deserved shout out (a 3 hour drive to hear David entertain!) by loving the sound of our own voices. Dr Dave had trouble NOT impersonating Steve from "Love on the Spectrum" and David was trapped in his Fargo dialect. At least we didn't drop the F-bomb. Yet.
We're hoping our loyal FC2.0 listeners appreciate the therapeutic breakthrough that took place on this episode. It's possible that our growth is a less entertaining podcast than we can usually deliver. If so, we apologize and pledge to do better next time. But somewhere in the middle of our haughty critique of elites and their snooty ways we realized that we are they. Our saving grace is that we exist here to simply talk (not live) a good game. Elitism is kind of icky.
Sorry!! (Not Sorry)

Sorry!! (Not Sorry)


On this episode David was kind enough to articulate the difference between apologies that are sincere and those that are perfunctory. (To reassure listeners, that particular word - "perfunctory" - was never uttered during our podcast. But since Dr. Dave confessed his love for wordiness it seems fair to illustrate such verbosity in this description.) And even though our 30 minute chat-fest included referencing God's directive that Jeremiah is to avoid using "worthless words" we're not sure we ...
If we were submitting an episode of FC2.0 for Grammy consideration (is that possible?), this might be the one. The giggles threaded their way through guffaws and groans as we talked about how surveilling Pappy might lead to disturbing discoveries about his cozy relationship with a wooden spoon. David's Saturday laughter gig in a Catholic church left enough residue to celebrate how ALL THINGS are a gift from God. We're claiming the joy while we search for our own utensils of comfort.
For our many podheads who count on our 30 minute conversations to time your workout or ease you into sleepy-town, we apologize. Today's episode was first delayed (yesterday) and then cut short (today) due to yet another encounter with David's sewage repair team. They're a riot!! Though we resolved to NOT dwell on (or in) the muck we described last week, we stepped in it when we psychoanalyzed those who wear uniforms…but maybe shouldn't. BTW, what happened to the USPS dress code?
Some delays are due to natural causes. Planes don't fly on time when storms and fog are everywhere. In a similar way, your FC2.0 podcast is 24 hours late because David had "one of those days" …the kind we've all experienced. Please feel his pain as you listen in. And please hide your fantasy-inducing garden rakes. Most of all, don't use Dude Wipes.



Some people have a glow about them. After connecting with them, you can FEEL the warmth of life being transferred your way. That's glow. And if you're married long enough, you accumulate stories about conflict. So, the FC2.0 question we explored is: "How can we glow when we argue?" Lots of name dropping as we hunted for answers. Meanwhile, we truly hope our wives don't listen to this episode.
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