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The Bible Outlaw

Author: Rod "Goldielocks" Horncastle

Subscribed: 5Played: 17


Let’s look at the Bible through a non-apologetic lens of truth. Warning: Not for the faint-hearted. Rebel Christians and people looking for real answers - this is the place for you! This is God's incredible book! Let's explore from the inside and out: flaming swords, talking donkeys, Angelic armies, cults, culture and outlaws coming back to life! It's all in there, and totally worth the trip into Dodge! Real christianity. God's word - no fluff (unless you count all the dog hair in the house). Listen...if you dare.
70 Episodes
Well, there's lots of endtimes predictions being caste about. I better get in on the game and keep relevant at least. This episode discusses Solar Eclipses and Blood Moons and Hordes of locusts (or Cicadas?) and essential Hollywood movies on this topic. Or, will life just go on as usual? Let's see what the band R.E.M. has to say on this topic. Enjoy!
Here's every verse in the Bible that tells us about the Outlaw Joseph - enough to make him the official Christmas Outlaw. It was basically the Wild West of the middle east circa A.D. 01.. Just a Cowboy protecting his wife and son from surrounding evil.Enjoy! and Merry Christmas.
Few discuss it - but there was indeed a war in heaven. The Book of Revelation has a chapter about it... well, it mentions it briefly in chapter 12 anyway. So let's see what the rest of the bible has to say about this cosmic battlefied and the characters involved. What does this mean for us humans?
Well, I had to do a rapture podcast eventually. It's a rather enjoyable subject with more than a few Bible verses to keep it deeply theological. And of course I'll spill in some Pop-culture references and prophecies to boot. Hang on - the END might be near.
What should we do with that old (VERY OLD) commandment to rest/worship? on the Sabbath? Did the church somehow get confused over the centuries and make an error in switching worship from Saturday to Sunday? Or worse - will God still kill us for this (like he did to "stick collecting guy")? I did some research. A LOT of research. Enjoy.
So why would an outlaw become a Christian? Because even outlaws have a code and need something to make sense of their reality. A lawless existence would be meaningless and its universe wouldn't be worth living in. The Bible has a lot to say about this - and the Biblical God gave us the 10 commandments to deal with specifically this issue. Then the Thief on the Cross brought it all home. Enjoy!
Time to study John's 2nd letter to the Elect lady, or is that the church? Or perhaps a mistress? or just some special lady and her tots. We'll study this short letter and see what we can learn and figure out. God certainly thought it was special enough to be preserved through the ages. Enjoy.
The Book of life is mentioned more than a few times throughout the Old and New Testament. Can you be blotted out of it - or inked into it? Well, God has a few things to hint at about this strange collection and its contents. Let's explore every single passage that the Bible mentions about it - and see if it's as big and scary as the Harry Potter "Monster Book of Monsters".
It's 2023, time to achieve some new goals - like switching from Itunes to Amazon Music (small victories). But i'm also looking for a new church for my family, and the Apostle John made a list of church challenges in his Book of Revelation. So let's use it to see what I should look for while church shopping. Hint: Lukewarm churches are a bad idea.
Have you heard of that peculiar moment in the Gospel of Mark (during Jesus' arrest in the garden of Gethsemane) where a young man escapes from the angry mob and leaves all his clothes behind? Why is it in the bible? What can we possibly learn from this? Is this information useful? I say yes. Extremely useful - and fun. Enjoy!
Thomas "The Disciple" spent three years with Jesus, and he saw it all. There was no reason for him to doubt anything about Jesus - and yet he did. We haven't spent three years with Jesus - and yet we are called "blessed" for believing without seeing. God has given us faith and logic to overcome doubt. There's no reason to believe anything else.
Let's fully learn about the book/letter of James. It's all about having faith and acting on it. Unlike the demons, we are to tame that tongue and not act worldly. We've got better things to do - instructions sent directly from God. Here's some new testament wisdom for living like a 21st century Christian or Jew.
Let's look back at my book review of Avi Steinberg's The Lost Book Of Mormon. It’s a hilarious travelogue that deserves to be discussed - because anytime an author writes a religious/comedy offering, it's worthy of a Bible Outlaw critique. From this we can learn about Avi's time spent tracing the pilgrimage of historical Mormon characters from the middle east to north america - and we might just step in some stinky theology along the way. Be sure to wash your feet afterwords.
A few years ago, the Mars Hill Church in Seattle Washington imploded from within. The Christian world quickly blamed the pastor for being a bully. That was a huge part of it, but the entire church should have held him accountable for his actions - before it was too late. Let's have a quick look at what happened, and see if we can learn anything for ourselves. We'll also check in on some biblical wisdom from Moses, Jethro and Paul that should help guide our churches.
Welcome (again) to the Bible Outlaw podcast. In this first ever episode, we meet your trail guide, and explore outlaw characters in, out and around the Bible: from William Tyndale to Wyatt Earp!I re-recorded my first episode (it's almost 3 years old). So enjoy! Have a listen if you got the time. Then I'll start off a new season.
Every day I come across internet media that informs me of what specifically is wrong with my Christianity. But what's really wrong is that very few seem capable of properly defining this "Christianity" that they're evaluating. So let's see what exactly IT IS - and explore if it's really broken or faulty in any way. And we'll compare it to fast cars and sports, just to see if folks are being fair.
The world has gone insane over the right to murder infants in the womb. Does the Bible have much to say on this issue? Hell yes! And so does the toughest female missionary who ever lived: Amy Carmichael.
So what do we instantly recall about the minor prophet Joel and his short "3 chapter" book? Be honest... almost nothing. Some might know that the Apostle Peter quoted him and got charismatics all excited for 2,000 years. But Joel's point is really that a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, is about to come for the people God doesn't tolerate. There's lots to learn about this theme that runs through much of the Bible.
Once every few years a rather great Gospel album actually gets made. Do not miss this one - it really is that good. So here's my Bible Outlaw appreciation and review of Anne Wilson's MY JESUS. Probably won't be another one till Jesus comes back (or Anne hires me to play guitar and we make a live album at the Royal Albert Hall... let's not get ahead of ourselves). Just in case, "Anne, here's my phone number: it's 1-604...."
Remember back in March of 1997, when 39 hardcore religious/Star Trek fans did their darnedest to catch up with a spaceship travelling on the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet by killing themselves to get to the celestial heavenly kingdom? Well, incase you missed it - here's everything you need to know and even how the Bible was lightly involved in this mayhem.Hang on for a ride through the cosmos... ummmh, that never quite happened. As far as we know.
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