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Navigating the Human Experience
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Navigating the Human Experience

Author: Michael and Nadine Brasunas

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In these interactive recordings, conversations, interviews, and monologues, we speak to the part within all of us that holds common sense, consciousness, a desire to heal the soul, to grow in awareness, and to empower ourselves, our communities, and our humanity. The intent is to support the process of re-attuning with nature, reconnecting as one universal humanity, navigating challenges and pressures from the world we inhabit, regaining our dignity, recovering our integrity, raising our children, relating to one another, and attempting to live with purpose and a sense of sacred direction in a culture that doesn't always understand or fully support the tremendous potential of the human being. We discuss ancient wisdom as well as new research and evidence, looking at what makes us truly fulfilled, what has gotten us here, who we are, and the importance of remembering both our uniqueness and common unity, while learning once again how to behave and operate harmoniously. To get there we have to work together, and labor through some challenges with a sincere focus, to face and navigate through some uncomfortable and inconvenient realities in our world, both current and historical. We invite your input, involvement, participation, questions, and suggestions for material to cover and discuss as well. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

8 Episodes
We arrive at a precipice, a time where there are no longer so many choices, no longer the option whether to remain in the old habitual framework of our past or to stand for the real purpose of living. The soul remembers itself, remembers its potential and its responsibility, as does our collective human spirit hold the remembrance of our origin and our commitment to live on Earth with great consciousness. The system we've relied upon has come to its completion, and we've been taken for too ...

Ep. 6 - You Are Alive


Woven within the experience of being human is the simple yet powerful capacity to breathe life into reality. The breath is not just a physical expression of oxygen entering our bodies, but also as the interfacing element between ourselves and the intelligence of lifeforce in our creation, between the material plane and that of the spirit. What a glorious reflection to see and witness that the real human beings we are are permeated with the presence of breath, and that all interactions, all re...
We are alive at this time for so much more than we are led to believe, and the capacity to fulfill a remarkable purpose is right at hand, yet distant from our common state of awareness. Now, the world situation is reflecting more than ever that humanity as a collective - as well as individually in ourselves - with honor and honesty, must renew the connection within to a level that we are capable to stand solid and united for what is of integrity, and respects the true value and dignity of the...
In this episode, we explore the importance of being with ourselves as we are, resolving the conflicts that take place both inwardly and outwardly by accessing the consciousness of perception that arises when we are aligned with the grace and power of the spirit. Using a section of quotations from Jiddhu Krishnamurti this episode weaves an honest look at where we are at, with guidance and assistance for navigating the journey of our current times.Support the show
A deep exploration into the profound times we are living in, the fulcral point in which the choices and actions we take now have a critical importance on our future as a human race, and how the current situation is perfectly reflecting to us the way through to the next level of consciousness, in which we see more clearly the reality of what's happening, returning to integrity and self-awareness, and recognizing what we must do inwardly to balance it all.Support the show
This episode is about noticing, observing, paying attention, and getting to business. Expressing the real self and seeing how we use energy, seeing how we have operated at a level that is no longer aligned, balanced, and sustainable. As we become more aware and perceptive we can intelligently discern what is right in order to participate at the greatest possible depth during and throughout these extraordinarily transformational times.Support the show
Furthering themes from Episode 1, we look here at how our mental conditioning keeps us from recognizing the power and grace in that which is fluid, natural, and cyclical. The shift in consciousness is coming, and there's a great potential to do what is needed within ourselves to prepare for the process.Support the show
In this initial episode I introduce the podcast and explore the experience of being present as a human in these remarkable times. Looking at spiritual resilience, fear, who we are, and how we can unite in communal intentionality to strengthen the network of empowerment, this episode will bring you both into your heart and also into a deeper inward space of connection with a rejuvenating outlook on life.Support the show
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