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Author: Danét & Lar Palmer

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THE YUMMY WAY — Wouldn't you like to feel yummy all the time? The Yummy Way is simply saying Yes to what’s happening, here & now and feeling good, or yummy about it. Each week we serve a delectable menu of what makes life truly scrumptious and how you can enjoy all of it. You can look forward to powerful insights, inspiring stories and actionable tips on living consciously mindful and Yummy, so you enjoy the delicious banquet of your life — the simple things as well as the challenges with grace and joy! As connoisseurs in practical spirituality, Danét and Parker or Lar share funny antidotes & satisfying ways you can love yourself, lighten up your life and make equanimity the foundation for living a yummy and fulfilling life. Learn what your personal Yummy-Stat is and how to use it to navigate that crazy mind-field in your head. Discover how to neutralize external triggers and overcome internal glitches that highjack your happiness, so you are free to be you. If you’re sick of the heavy, unhealthy menu of negative self-talk & self-sabotage— if you’re ready to kick fear-based thinking to the curb, take a seat. You're in the right place. We'll share how we do it and you can too! With insights and practices you can take on the go, we invite you to have a yummy mindset meal with us each week.
70 Episodes
In today’s episode we talking about how we find and live from each of our own integrity to true self verses out of obligation or deferring to some perceived authority. It’s amazing how quickly we can defer to a so-called authority, when a seeming crisis happens and loose touch with your genuine personal experience. So often, at times like this, we give authority figures the power to tell us how we should feel. It’s almost like ‘shit man, I’ve been going along doing fine, and now I’ve got this...
We’re always living with uncertainty. We just think we have control. None of us really know what’s going to happen next. We only have now and we have the ability to be fully present and actively alive and awake to what is happening right now. Am I resisting and spinning a story of future catastrophe, or am I accepting what’s happening now, with Love and Joy?Living with cancer constantly brings this point home. We have a tendency to predict and plan, imagining we can mitigate our personal, fea...
In today’s podcast episode we’re talking about how we’re constantly getting derailed from presence in the moment we’re in, by jumping into reacting to the stimuli in front of us as if we’re actually part of it. We leave our presence in favor of judgement about what should or shouldn’t be happening — or what so-and-so shouldn’t or should be saying. But it’s not even our reality. The moment in front of you is reality. What’s happening right here and now. For example, what’s actually happen...
In today’s episode we’re talking the emotional journey we’re experiencing living with cancer and about staying in the conversation as emotions shift and change. Low grade depression, grief, moments of elation and the constant acceptance of life as it’s showing up at this moment. Lar talks about some specifics in his physical health and his responses: confusion, resistance, surrender and ultimately acceptance. He talks about how the docs immediately offered antidepressants to manage his moods....
Lyn Gregory — my experience of reading the book —the comprehensive and cohesive elegant way you strung together the moments of your life created something that is really just such an exquisite memoir … You toss off nuggets that are so profound that happen, and while I’m reeling from the truth of that moment and the truth of what you’ve realized, and you’re already onto the next sentence — and I’m like, I’ve got to stop and really absorb this. So, even though this was such a compel...
Keri Maughan — the overarching theme of redemption, underpinnings of reconciliation and redemption with the other characters; mother, father, children. Each character has their own redemption story. The tapestry of life is being rewoven. You systematically show us how to recognized truth. The truth within ourself — how you feel inside speaks to you about your truth.More than a one-time read —It’s a formula for personal integrity. “Pure Love leans us toward integrity.” Show up for yourse...
Today we thought we’d talk about miracles. We’ve heard that word thrown around a lot since we started living with cancer in our lives. Especially since we decided to discontinue treatment and let cancer take its natural course. There is this idea that we should fighting cancer to the bitter end, waiting for the BIG ultimate miracle — being cancer free. Like life without cancer is somehow superior or valid or more favorable, than life with cancer. It has been interesting to note people’s...
062_Living with Cancer

062_Living with Cancer


The crux of the yummy way philosophy is accepting life just exactly as it is, however it is showing up in each present moment — no matter what arises. And loving every aspect of it — because that’s what you’ve got! It is really recognizing that it is the only way to live in equanimity with life — in the pulse of life itself. Acceptance is only way to live in peace and joy. Regardless of any particular circumstance. Even cancer. What is, is what is. Resistance to accepting it is ultimate...
In today’s podcast we’re discussing the importance of cultivating self-reflection to increase both self-awareness and dismantle old patterns of reaction that no longer serve us. You’re going along feeling perfectly fine, peaceful, being in the moment, seemingly flowing with life, then BAM! All of the sudden something happen and you feel like you’ve go to take a stand, you got to make your point, defend yourself or your position — be right…Is it really because what you’re taking a stand o...
In today’s podcast we’re talking about vulnerability. How often do we enter encounters with others from a preconceived idea of what we think the situation requires of us and then play the role we believe we need to play to get approval or acceptance? Do you filter your authentic self based on the mental constructs you’ve built from past perceptions which make you feel less vulnerable? Do you hide your most authentic self?Why?Perhaps you’ve been vulnerably honestly yourself in the pa...
Life happens. It is the ever flowing energy of creation appearing as everything happening. It’s not personal. But we make it personal by bothering ourselves — by deciding we don’t like what’s happening.If we like what’s happening we flow with it. The experience comes in and the energy flows through us and we experience the event, emotions and thoughts that come and go moment to moment. This is the purpose of our lives — to experience our lives.But what about when we don’t like what’s ha...
058_What is success?

058_What is success?


In today’s episode we’re talking about what our criteria for success is, and how that effects our present moment happiness. When we compare how we see our lives to how we see the lives of the icons we revere, we are bound to come up short. The truth is, we only have our perception of what their life is like. And perception is a fickle thing, depending on our own personal filters and mental programming. This is why it is so important to question what we believe and why we set th...
What keeps us from staying present in the actuality of what’s happening, moment to moment? In today’s episode we’re talking about shame and recognizing it for what it is — a program in our mind which discounts the actuality of our current experience, because of beliefs we’ve adopted that tell us what make us worthy of love, acceptance and the right to be who we are right here and now. Shame is always sponsored by a ‘should.’ Have you noticed? This should have gone like that our I sh...
Okay first off —get this out of the way … We experimented with using video this time around and uhm, the video didn’t take. Ultimately we decided that what feels yummy, for now, is to stay with our regular format for the podcast. In today’s podcast episode we’re talking about accepting life exactly as it is and what part we play in making legit choices while still accepting the inevitability that what life is bringing us as part of our particular life path. When faced with a ‘big sc...
In today’s episode we’re talking about giving and receiving. It’s really a matter of where we’re coming from, both in the giving and receiving. Are we coming from love, joy and the natural extension of sharing that comes from that? Or are we giving and receiving with the expectation of getting something in return?Like if you give someone something, you expect them to say thank you, yes? Why?So often, when we give, we have an agenda attached. We give and expect a response tha...
“Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” ~Winston ChurchillToday we’re talking about failure. When the topic of failure came into my email. I immediately noticed a resistance to the label, “failure.” Hummm…. There’s something here for me to look at…Failure. It’s just a freakin’ word! A label I’ve given meaning and attached value to. Failure is such a loaded word — I like ‘course correction’ better. Take a check for yourself. Noti...
Today we’re talking about what we value and why. What do we believe makes us happy? Do we have it attached to things like money and status?Money plays a huge role in the collective belief that more will make us happy. We spend so much of our lives living to an internal script dictating what we need to acquire or accomplish, the status or wealth that we believe that once acquired will bring us happiness. Right?What role does money play in your idea of happiness?In today’s episode we shar...
Lar and I recorded this on Father’s Day. Lar’s in New Mexico and I’m in Utah. So saying Happy Father’s Day, Lar, looks like me filling him in on the latest events happening with our kids and grandkids and the appreciation we have all been expressing with each other about what a powerful champion he has been (and continues to be) in their lives. It feels good to join in a conversation that celebrates our union and bring this podcast cast to life week after week.I was telling him that bein...
“Getting old is like climbing a mountain; you get a little out of breath, but the view is much better!" - Ingrid BergmanLar and I are just arriving at the ‘prime’ of our lives as far as I’m concerned. It’s funny how as we age that number of what prime changes. Especially the more we live in the present moment. I can honestly say, “This moment is the prime of my life!” Not only because I know that this moment is the only moment there is — so why cheat myself by thinking the past was the ...
Have you ever spent more time getting ready for something than you did actually doing the something? You have this great idea. You want to start or create something. You want to try something and you don’t much about it. We research, look at stuff, gathering information and we would hopefully at sometime, we feel comfortable enough to then do it. Right?It’s that “hoping to be comfortable enough to start” place we discussing in today’s podcast.Preparation is good. Having the knowled...