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The Resting Pendulum

Author: PeterK

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When you tune in to The Resting Pendulum you will be exposed to fact-based commentary on issues of interest affecting all Americans. The pause in posting new episodes was prompted by a slight modification to our format due to the limitations on our ability to find all the facts within a reasonable time frame. We intend to add new episodes shortly with an emphasis on current events.If you would like to be added to our email list for notifications, please send your request to
66 Episodes
We presented episode 5 in two parts because of its length and the nature of the content. TRP believes in thoughtful reasoning to enhance the nature of the content, which is taken directly from an article written by Professor Alfred McCoy that was published in 2010 on
While addressing a broad variety of topics it came to me that there may be too many. Then again when you listen to the ending you will understand why. The topics are: Do you know? - ESG? – America Hater or Evil? - What does the word friend mean to you? –Where does God exist? – Climate Experts? - All Things EndThanks for listening to TRP Podcast and please I encourage you to browse the Episode list for one that may sound inviting.
There is a lot going on that many of us need to know. Some of it is downright frightening and has the potential to do great harm to our country. Your vote matters in November. It doesn't matter what your party registration is, what matters is whether you love America and want to leave it better or you are willing to stand by and watch it be slowly destroyed.
Is having connections in high places considered corrupt? The USPS and its wasteful habits. An IRS hires research request. Can you hear me now? Contemporary American Heroes. Monkeypox. Our National Parks and a couple of facts from Mexico.
A little of this and a little of that. Put together a collage of what we MAY expect for the future of the USA. If we, the people, are not careful, the potential for a bad outcome is greater than ever.
Self-reflection seems to be an excellent place to start when the dark clouds are darkest. Where does the responsibility lie when things appear to be headed in the wrong direction? TRP believes it is We, the People, that share the burden. How? By making a difference one person at a time. We will know how the country feels about the direction in November 2022.
From suspect intentions to outright lack of any accountability to once again a discussion on open borders policy, we find ourselves knee-deep in lies and deception.
There are so many areas where the MSM in the USA either distorts or hides the truth from the American people, it is often difficult to decide which area to cover. There is no doubt in the mind of TRP that we, the people, may have made a fatal mistake when we elected Joe Biden to be the president and for democrats to control the agenda of both houses of Congress. When Kamala Harris is the tie-breaker, even the densest among us should realize we made a big mistake. Then again, when one decides ...
In part two, we further explore the vision of Professor McCoy's prediction from his book "Is the end near? How America will Collapse by 2025". Keep in mind he published this in 2010.
WOW! That's a mouthful! As I mentioned in the opening to this episode, sometimes I find facts that so disturb me that I take a while to digest them before I can actually repeat them.As I often say, "It is what it is", and that in and of itself it is disturbing because we often feel powerless to change what we see. We CAN change the diaper though when it becomes full of you know what.
As I continue to read and hear about the policies and plans of President Biden, they seem to make less sense with each new perverted idea. Now we are being told that using tax dollars from every taxpayer to eliminate student debt is a good idea and the right thing to do. TRP disagrees. TRP believes that if you buy it or break it, you own it. A little tutorial on Cinco De Mayo, and a few issues that affect us all.
There comes a time when we must say, "enough is enough". In the mind of TRP, that time comes when we cast our ballot for our US Representatives, and US Senators every two years, and when on the ballot, the POTUS.The make-up of the 2021-2022 Congress has proven with every action that WE, THE PEOPLE, are not what they are representing. It is the radical left and anti-American forces that they bow down to. Allowing poor domestic and foreign policy to continue will only make us complicit in the a...
From energy to automobiles to respecting the work of police, we will touch on issues that may not make headlines, however, they all say something about the direction of our country.
In a rare twist, this episode starts with a forwarded email message I received from a long-time friend. A message that I am convinced as many Americans as possible should hear.Chapters 2 & 3 reverts to addressing the absence of doing the right thing by those elected to do precisely that. I suspect whoever is "in charge" will face many of the same issues from a strictly partisan view and that is a sad commentary on the state of the state.
At what point do we say, "just tell the truth"? Politicians have subjected the American people to lie after lie. We often forget that these individuals are our elected representatives! These are the people we sent to Washington to represent us, while most of them represent their own political and economic interests, or worse yet, the agenda or interests of someone or something else. In Episode 17, we look at the biggest lie yet. We pledge to continue exposing our listeners to facts...
The title says it all! In this episode, I share my feelings on the direction of the USA and a few reasons why we decided to share our time between the USA and Mexico. And yes, one of them IS the direction the USA is headed unabated. Perhaps listening will serve as a call to reasonable thought.
A look into the lies of the left as they continue to beat the White Supremacist nonsense drum to rial the "woke" crowd. There is narrative and there are FACTS. In Episode 12, TRP addresses the latter. We encourage you to suggest it to a friend or foe alike.
At what point do the American people willingly succumb to an assault on their freedom? Believing the lies that are fed to us by the Democrat administration and Congress, the MSM, and the censorship of the social media giants, we better wake up soon and pay attention to what is happening to our country.The bills that have been passed in the House of Representatives this session are an aberration. They do NOT do what the Democrats claim and the words they use to describe them are de...
Yes, another Covid update will expose a measure of fraud and lies that are being sold to the American people. We have to start paying attention to the "facts" and resist fear tactics. This virus is not a happenstance event in our life. It is a well-designed tool to foment harm and fear that may have unintentionally escaped a laboratory.Blessings examine why the USA IS the greatest country in the history of the world. A country that has from its earliest days has welco...
Is Afghanistan in your rearview mirror? I hope not because as life has it, history often repeats itself. In this episode, we explain why TRP believes we haven't seen the last of terror waged against the United States.We also address the irresponsible government spending and the inaction of our "elected" representatives to address issues of vital importance that are often simply cast aside because they are difficult. We at TRP thought that is one reason why they were selected...
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